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The perfection of life

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As we remember Sri Caitanya asked from Ramananda RAya about the goal of life.

First answer

Following The institution of the four varnas and asramas

was rejected

Second attempt

Following karma yoga in the mood of offering

was rejected

Third attempt

Renouncing occupational duties

was rejected

Fourth attempt

Surrender to the Lord

was rejected

Fifth attempt

Following Jnana miSra bhakti

was rejected

By the sixth attempt

Hearing the transcendental sound from sadhu

Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu replied,

"This is all right,

but still you can speak more on the subject.



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Sri Caitanya contiues to teach about the highest perfection of life.CC Madya lila 8.180


krsnake karaya syama-rasa-madhu pana

nirantara purna kare krsnera sarva-kama


Srimati Radharani induces Krsna to drink the honey of the syama-rasa. She is therefore engaged in satisfying all the (divine)-lusty desires of Krsna.



What is Syama rasa?

The mellows of love that are in the heart of Srimati Radhika for Syamasundara Sri Krishna.


Braja jana mana sukha kare Radhe

Syama Syama Syama Sri Radhe


Gaura vani for His nija jana

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Gaura vani for His nija jana (only).


krsnera visuddha-prema-ratnera akara

anupama-gunagana-purna kalevara


Srimati Radharani is exactly like a mine filled with valuable jewels of love for Krsna. Her transcendental body is complete with unparalleled spiritual qualities.


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Sri Caitanya contiues to teach about the highest perfection of life.


And Ramananda Raya speaks:


ka krsnasya pranaya-jani-bhuh srimati radhikaika

kasya preyasy anupama-guna radhikaika na canya

jaihmyam kese drsi taralata nisthuratvam kuce 'sya

vancha-purtyai prabhavati hare radhikaika na canya


If one asks about the origin of love of Krsna, the answer is that the origin is in Srimati Radharani alone. Who is the most dear friend of Krsna? The answer again is Srimati Radharani alone. No one else. Srimati Radharani's hair is very curly, Her two eyes are always moving to and fro, and Her breasts are firm. Since all transcendental qualities are manifest in Srimati Radharani, She alone is able to fulfill all the desires of Krsna. No one else.



This is a quotation from Sri Govinda-lilamrta (11.122) by Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami. It is a verse in the form of questions and answers describing the glories of Srimati Radharani.


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Raya Ramananda Samvanda


yanra saubhagya-guna vanche satyabhama

yanra thani kala-vilasa sikhe vraja-rama


yanra saundaryadi-guna vanche laksmi-parvati

yanra pativrata-dharma vanche arundhati


"Even Satyabhama, one of the queens of Sri Krsna, desires the fortunate position and excellent qualities of Srimati Radharani. All the gopis learn the art of dressing from Srimati Radharani, and even the goddess of fortune, Laksmi, and the wife of Lord Siva, Parvati, desire Her beauty and qualities. Indeed, Arundhati, the celebrated chaste wife of Vasistha, also wants to imitate the chastity and religious principles of Srimati Radharani.



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Raya Ramananda Samvanda


yanra sadguna-ganane krsna na paya para

tanra guna ganibe kemane jiva chara


"Even Lord Krsna Himself

cannot reach

the limit

of the transcendental qualities

of Srimati Radharani.



How, then, can an insignificant living entity count them?"


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Raya Ramananda replied, "Lord Krsna is dhira-lalita, for He can always keep His girlfriends in a subjugated state. Thus His only business is enjoying sense gratification.


" 'A person who is very cunning and always youthful, expert in joking and without anxiety, and who can keep his girlfriends always subjugated, is called dhira-lalita.'




We should always remember that Krsna's sense gratification is never to be compared to the sense gratification of the material world. As we have already explained, Krsna's sense gratification is just like gold. The perverted reflection of that sense gratification found in the material world is just like iron. The purport is that Krsna is not impersonal. He has all the desires that are manifest in the perverted reflection within this material world. However, the qualities are different--one is spiritual, and the other is material. Just as there is a difference between life and death, there is a difference between spiritual sense gratification and material sense gratification.


We will skip some verses which describe the intimacy of Radha and Krishna.


And than

Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "This is all right, but please continue." At that time Raya Ramananda replied, "I don't think my intelligence goes beyond this."

TEXT 192

Raya Ramananda then informed Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu that there was another topic, known as prema-vilasa-vivarta. "You may hear of this from me," Ramananda Raya said, "but I do not know whether You will be happy with it or not."




These statements are set forth for our understanding, according to Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura in his Amrta-pravaha-bhasya. In essence, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu told Ramananda Raya, "My dear Ramananda, the explanation you have given about the goal of life and the pastimes of Srimati Radharani and Krsna is certainly the truth. Although this is factual, you can continue telling Me more if there is anything more to say." In reply, Ramananda Raya said, "I do not think I have anything to say beyond this, but there is a topic known as prema-vilasa-vivarta, which I may explain to You. I do not know whether it will bring You happiness or not."

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  • 5 months later...

Praising the VaiSNavas, the Lord and His associates on their Appearance and disappearance day is most auspicious and enhance our bhakti. So today we celebrate The disappearance day of Sri RAMANANDA RAYA. There is a time when one should meditate on His Personality and His Teachings.


"The cowherd boy Arjuna who was a close friend of the Lord in Vrndavana, and the Pandava Arjuna, both joined to become Ramananda Raya, who was very dear to Lord Caitanya.


This exalted personality, Ramanda Raya, for many days described to Lord Caitanya the true nature of pure love for Sri Sri Radha-Krsna.


Some say that Ramananda Raya is the incarnation of Lalita-gopi, and others say that because Lord Caitanya directly told Ramananda Raya's father, Bhavananda Raya, that he was the incarnation of Maharaja Pandu, Arjuna's father, therefore Ramananda Raya must be the incarnation of Pandava Arjuna. The most learned devotees say that Ramananda Raya is the incarnation of both the Pandava Arjuna, and a gopi named Arjuniya. This explanation is also supported by the statements of the Padma Purana, Uttara-khanda. From all this we may conclude that Ramananda Raya is the incarnation of Lalita-gopi, Arjuniya-gopi, and Pandava Arjuna.

(Gaura gaNoddeSa dipikA 120-124)


One of the most important teachings of Sri Caitanya is spoken through the mouth of Ramananda Raya, which was partialy recorded in this thread (with some unpleasant interruptions)


Here would be the next sloka CC Madya 8.192


yebA 'prema-vilAsa-vivarta' eka haya

tAhA Suni' tomAra sukha haya, ki nA haya



RAya RAmAnanda then informed Sri Caitanya MahAprabhu that there was another topic, known as prema-vilAsa-vivarta. "You may hear of this from me," RAmAnanda RAya said, "but I do not know whether You will be happy with it or not."




These statements are set forth for our understanding, according to Srila Bhaktivinoda ThAkura in his AmrRta-pravAha-bhASya. In essence, Sri Caitanya MahAprabhu told RAmAnanda RAya, "My dear RAmAnanda the explanation you have given about the goal of life and the pastimes of Sri RAdhArANi and KRSNa is certainly the truth. Although this is factual, you can continue telling Me more if there is anything more to say." In reply, RAmAnanda RAya said, "I do not think I have anything to say beyond this, but there is a topic known as prema-vilAsa-vivarta, which I may explain to You. I do not know whether it will bring You happiness or not."



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  • 7 months later...

eta bali' apana-krta gita eka gahila

preme prabhu sva-haste tanra mukha acchadila



Saying this, Ramananda Raya began to sing a song he had composed, but Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, out of the ecstasy of love of Godhead, immediately covered Ramananda's mouth with His own hand.


"When we are unable to fulfill our material desires, there is certainly sorrow and confusion. This may be described as vivarta. But in spiritual life there is no sorrow, inebriety or imperfection. Srila Ramananda Raya was expert in realizing the spiritual activities of Srimati Radharani and Krsna, and Ramananda's spiritual experience was placed before Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu as he inquired whether the Lord approved his realization of spiritual truth.


There are three books prominent in this connection. One was written by Bhakta dasa Baula and is called Vivarta-vilasa. Another was compiled by Jagadananda Pandita and is called Prema-vivarta. Sri Ramananda Raya's book is called Prema-vilasa-vivarta. The Vivarta-vilasa by Bhakta dasa Baula is completely different from the other two books. Sometimes a university student or professor tries to study these transcendental literary works and attempts to put forth a critical analysis from the mundane view, with an end to receiving degrees like a Ph.D. Such realization is certainly different from that of Ramananda Raya."


From a translation and commentary by SBV Svami Maharaja





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Saying this, Ramananda Raya began to sing a song he had composed, but Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, out of the ecstasy of love of Godhead, immediately covered Ramananda's mouth with His own hand.



One should not think, that this would be an evidence, that one should not hear about the pastimes of the gopis with Krishna.

The prerequisite is that in the begining one should have faith that these are the transcendental plays of the Lord in His sweetest, original Form, with His beloved girls on the level of shuddha sattva vishesh atma.

That means that there is no such prerequisite like that one should first get rid of lust and other anarthas and than one can hear or read about that.

We can find evidence for the above said in SB 10.33.39


vikriditam vraja vadhubir idam ca visnoh

sraddhanvito 'nusrnuyad atha varnayed yah

bhakim param bhagavati pratilabhya kamam

hrd-rogam asv apahinoty acirena dhirah


Anyone who faithfully hears or describes the Lord's playful affairs with the young gopi's of Vrindavana will attain the Lord's pure devotional service. Thus he will quickly become sober and conquer lust, the disease of the heart.


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  • 1 year later...

Anadi ... since your old thread about this already exists, you can continue here.





Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who is known as Gauranga, is the ocean of all conclusive knowledge in devotional service.

He empowered Sri Ramananda Raya, who may be likened to a cloud of devotional service.


This cloud was filled with the water of all the conclusive purports of devotional service and was empowered by the ocean to spread this water over the ocean of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu Himself.


Thus the ocean of Caitanya Mahaprabhu became filled with the jewels of the knowledge of pure devotional service.




When Ramananda Raya saw the wonderful sannyasi, he was struck with wonder. He went to Him and immediately offered his respectful obeisances, falling down flat like a rod.


Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu then inquired whether he was Ramananda Raya, and he replied, "Yes, I am Your very low servant, and I belong to the sudra community."


Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu then embraced Sri Ramananda Raya very firmly. Indeed, both the master and the servant almost lost consciousness due to ecstatic love. Their natural love for each other was awakened in them both, and they embraced and fell down on the ground.


Srila Ramananda Raya was an incarnation of the gopi Visakha.


Since Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was Lord Krsna Himself, there was naturally an awakening of love between Visakha and Krsna. Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the combination of Srimati Radharani and Krsna. The gopi Visakha is a principal gopi assisting Srimati Radharani.


Ramananda Raya and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu embraced, since their natural love also was awakened


The nearby brahmanas began to think, "We can see that this sannyasi has a luster like the effulgence of Brahman, but how is it He is crying upon embracing a sudra, a member of the fourth caste in the social order?

They thought, "This Ramananda Raya is the Governor of Madras, a highly learned and grave person, a maha-pandita, but upon touching this sannyasi he has become restless like a madman.


Mahaprabhu smiled and began to speak as follows."Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya spoke of your good qualities, and he made a great endeavor to convince Me to meet you. Ramananda Raya replied, "Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya thinks of me as his servant.

Even in my absence he is very careful to do me good.

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Anadi ... since your old thread about this already exists, you can continue here.

oh, very nice of you, and Krishna, ... and Mahaprabhu

In this thread I got to the point where the discussion attained Radha's love.


Here they are some more insights on this level:


With His own hands Krishna completed a verse of Gita Govinda with the words

dehi pādapallavam udāram “Radhe give Me your generous lotusfeet!”

It is as if Krishna said to the poet Jayadeva:

“O Jayadeva! Why are you hesitating to write this down? My whole life is fulfilled when I attain these lotusfeet! Who elseknows how to love but She?

The whole world says: “Give, give”, only She says: “Take, take!”.


In Caitanya Caritamritta Adi-lila 4.87 it is said:

kṛṣṇa-vāñchā-pūrti-rūpa kare ārādhane

ataeva 'rādhikā' nāma purāṇe vākhāne


What Radha -'rādhikā does- kare is worship -ārādhane

in the perfect form pūrti-rūpa satisfying the desires of Krishna- kṛṣṇa-vāñchā

therefore - ataeva (She) is called -nāma (as such) in the Puranas - purāṇe.


She is the Queen of the Kunja-cottage, who makes eager Syama enjoy so much, as if He is a begger getting a meal in the royal palace.

Sri Rāghunātha dāsa says:


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