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Did Sri Caitanya tell one should chant 64 rounds? and Who else?

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**As my opponent saw that he was defeated, he went to direct personal attack.


**2. You repeat 64 rounds?


/images/graemlins/smile.gif) It is only queston. more - anadi be glad, he is wait this queston. /images/graemlins/smile.gif


****Of course this is was an unfair attempt to discredit the winner of the debate.


I am writhe another clause for raganuga. /images/graemlins/smile.gif) Anadi is innocent soul am debate not with him.


**Srila Jiva Gosvami, got also into a philosophical debate to defend bhakti and the reputation of his spiritual masters Rupa and Sanatana.




***He used very sharp logic based on shastric arguments.


wery well.


***Does it mean he is not meek and humble?


It is humble. It is true humble not self interests preachings.


***Some babaji parties (as I heard) say this behaviour was not meek and humble, it doesn t matter if the truth has won.


babaji repeat may be more than 64 rounds?


3. the opponent party goes further to personal attack

Work for Krisna it is humble, preach on streets is humble.

Go in strret. You meek? You go? You humble?


Yes, no needs deceived show tama guna like humble. It is tama guna it is not humble. preach on streets is humble. Or you in raganuga you go in preach, or you humble you go. Otherwise humble? Sit houme, work for maya it humble? Sit houme repeat rounds with TV? Sit home do dandavats demons? Some go for guru - "i am so nice, I am so humble"

guru - "wery well, sraddha in me, glory in me, I am god."


Do not worry, people go in hell, no you raganuga bhakta. "Prema". I am late write all clause. Now part clause only for raganuga.


***Being meek and humble, the brahmana Vasudeva worried that he would become proud after being cured by the grace of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.


Lord Caitanya have many devotees. They preach, Haridasa Thakura preach. Haridasa prema bhakta.


***To protect the brahmana, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu advised him to chant the Hare Krsna mantra INCESSANTLY. By doing so, he would never become unnecessarily proud.


SP speak the same. But mehanical chanting not so powerful. No needs preach mehanical chanting. No needs preach - "you repeat 16, it is no good." It is wery wery bad.


**4. And afterwards he asks

Where on your I make the insults?


yes. I am write in theme. THEY do insults, it is they buisnes.


***I am only a neophyte. And this is true.


You humble? /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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naham vande tava caranayor-dvandvam advanda hetoh

kumbhipakaµ gurum api hare narakaµ napanetum

ramya-rama-mridutanulata nandane nabhirastuµ

bhave bhave hridaya-bhavane bhavayeµ bhavantam



When sadhakas study and learn these verses, deeply meditating within themselves on their meanings while taking harinama, they will act as stimuli to fully experience the bhava described in the verse above.

Then ones mind will not wander here and there.

We should not just walk around

talking to others while chanting,

but taking the mala we should sit in a solitary place

and give it our mind and heart.

Our previous acaryas chanted all night long, meditating on one sloka after another.

For half an hour the waves of the bhava of one particular sloka would be coming to them: sometimes they would be fully submerged in those waves, sometimes they would rise to the surface and float on those waves, and then they would move on to the next sloka. As they did this more and more the whole night would pass, and where it went, they would not know.

This is the traditional method of bhajana.


(Text from Bhakti Rasayana)


I am only a neophyte. And this is true.

Madhavananda Prabhu can understand and testify it.



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***When sadhakas study and learn these verses, deeply meditating within themselves on their meanings while taking harinama, they will act as stimuli to fully experience the bhava described in the verse above.

Then ones mind will not wander here and there.

We should not just walk around

talking to others while chanting,

but taking the mala we should sit in a solitary place

and give it our mind and heart.

Our previous acaryas chanted all night long, meditating on one sloka after another.

For half an hour the waves of the bhava of one particular sloka would be coming to them: sometimes they would be fully submerged in those waves, sometimes they would rise to the surface and float on those waves, and then they would move on to the next sloka. As they did this more and more the whole night would pass, and where it went, they would not know.

This is the traditional method of bhajana.


If we feels rise abhout this it is wery well. But bhakti yoga have many stages. Bhakti it is active samadhi. After departure Lord Caitanya His preachings slowly fall in bhajananda. It is for influence materialism.



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There is a blend of so many different bhavas in Vrindavana,

but in the end, applying some polish to these sentiments,

Pariksit Maharaja emphasises gopi-bhava.

There are many verses here,

and they are all beneficial to the cultivation of bhajana.

To develop and strengthen this bhava within us,

we can study these verses in sequence,

and from this endeavour intense hankering for this bhava

will certainly arise within us.

dhanyeyam adya dharani trina virudhas tvat

. sprisho druma latah karajabhimrishtah

nadya drayah khaga mrigah sadayavalokair

gopyo natarena bhajayor api yat spriha shrih


Srimad-Bh.g. 10.15.8 and Brihad-bhag. 2.7.107


Krsna said to Balarama, Today this land, along with all its green grass, has become fortunate due to receiving the touch of Your lotus feet. And receiving the touch of the fingers of Your lotus hands, the trees, creepers, and bushes consider that they have attained the greatest treasure. Receiving Your affectionate glances, the rivers, mountains, birds, and animals are all feeling fully gratified.

But most fortunate of all are the vraja-gopis who have been embraced to Your strong chest, a favour which even Lakshmi devi herself always desires.



According to the advice of the spiritual master one should be sure that he does not break the niyamagrahah principle,

abandoning the rules prescribed for

one' s eligibility and adopting those rules which are

meant for others.


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  • 2 weeks later...

dhanyeyam adya dharani trina virudhas tvat

sprisho druma latah karajabhimrishtah

nadya drayah khaga mrigah sadayavalokair

gopyo natarena bhajayor api yat spriha shrih


Srimad-Bh.g. 10.15.8 and Brihad-bhag. 2.7.107



This verse describes the time when Krsna is at the junction of His pauganda-(ages six to ten) and kishora(ages ten to sixteen). At this time His full beauty and charm are becoming more apparent, and His limbs are filling out. He would feel shy if He were to remain naked at this age. Now He enjoys taking the cows out to graze, and jumping about and creating mischief with His friends. At this age His form is like a bud which is beginning to open; it has not yet become a flower, but it is gradually opening and becoming more charming. Previously no fragrance came from the bud, and no bee would have been hovering around it. But as it opens more and more, the fragrance begins to come and there is nectar available to the bee. When it spreads out and becomes fully mature, it means that K¨rsna has reached the kishora age. Now that Krsna and Baladeva have become a little older, Their forms have become very charming.

Their feet have also become bigger; previously they were thin from heel to toe, but now like ripe bananas Their feet have become big and very soft, and whereas before the soles of Their feet had yellowish complexions, now they have begun to take on a reddish hue. Now Krsna has become a little clever in speaking; instead of always speaking directly, He has learned to speak in a roundabout way. These are all symptoms of this age.

His new found cleverness in speech is evident in His speaking of this verse.

To avoid praising Himself, He uses the presence of Baladeva Prabhu as a pretext

to express His feelings.

Because at this age He has become a little intelligent, He realizes that He should never praise Himself; praising oneself is like committing suicide.


Here He wants to describe how Vrindavana is more glorious than any place within the three worlds,

and even more glorious than Vaikuntha.


He begins by saying that the Earth is fortunate. Why is the Earth fortunate? Because of the presence of India. Why is India so glorious? Because of the presence of Vrindavana.

And why is Vrindavana so glorious?

Because of the presence of the gopas and gopis.

Why are the gopas and gopis glorious?

Because amongst them are Krsna and Radha.

And why are They glorious?

Because of the mutual prema between Them, and

that is our highest objective.


If not for the amorous prema of Radha and Krsna,

then all of our endeavours would be meaningless.


It is prayed for again and again by the topmost devotees,

and Radha’s prema is so glorious

that it overpowers Krsna Himself.

But He doesn’t describe all of this directly by saying, I am the supreme ornament which beautifies Vrindavana. Because He is now entering His kishora age, when speaking He knows how to keep this bhava hidden and how to skilfully reveal it.


From Bhakti rasayana


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mne kazhetsya, shto vi ochen' mnogo znaete o dukhovnosti, poetomu ya obrashchayus' imenno k vam. Mne ochen' xotelos' bi ezhednevno povtoryat' mantry Hare Krishna, no ya pochemu-to ne mogu. Na proshloi nedele ya nachala povtoryat' mantry 109 raz v den' 2 raza v den', no ya pochti srazy posle povtoreniya mantri chuvstovovala sebya ochen' nexorosho. U menya golova kruzhilas' i a nachala poteryat' vlast' nad svoim telom.

Ya govorila s odnim duxovnim chelovekom, i on mne skazal, shto mne naverno ne stoit povtoryat' mantru, tak kak ona pochemu-to osobenno sil'no vliyaet na menya.

No ya vse-taki xochu povtoryat' mantru. Ya stremlyus' k Bogu i xochu shto-to delat', shtobi priblizit'sya k nemu

A shto vi mne posovetuete?

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povtoraite odin krug kajdiy den naprimer. Glavnoe stabilnost. Est li u vas altar? Ya uveren cto mozno preodolet te ili inyye problemy. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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  • 4 weeks later...

Without past impresions and sadhu sanga, taste in chanting the holy name will not come

So the gaudiya vaisnavas come in shraddha, and then later in nistha and rucci..

But to come there depend on what? Srukriti, and sadhu sanga.

Lack of sadhu sanga. this is your position, lack of sukriti, this is your position.

Lack of sadhu sanga - no taste in hari nama

Lack of sukriti - no taste in hari nama

Lack of samskaras (impressions in the heart) -no taste in hari nama.

This is not our fault?

Our fault is what?

durdaivam idrisham ihajani nanu ragah

I am so unfortunate <font color="red"> due to committing offences</font color> ,

that I have not attachment for Your holy name,

which is so accessible and bestow all good fortune,

says Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in Sri Shiksha ashtakam.

Oh, avoid offences, and slowly, slowly improve your chanting. How?

Biger quantity of better quality.

<font color="blue"> The secret is to go on and improve</font color> .

Why am I tell you this to you? Because if you only listen high level hari katha and not chant, no realization will come, because

<font color="blue"> only by chanting the holy names</font color> the realization will come.

Nama bhajan is called cit anu shilanam.


Spoken by Srila Bhaktivedanta Vana Maharaja


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  • 4 weeks later...

Nitya lila Pravista om Visnupada Srila Bhakti Pramoda Puri Maharaja writes in his book

Art of Sadhana in the Chapter Expertise in Bhajana,

'Our most worshipable spiritual master, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada,

commented on the verses


"First become a laksha pati (a millionaire).

I eat only at the house of laksa pati."


spoken by our Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu where He added,

"Do you know what I mean by a laksa pati? I mean someone who chants a hundred thousand names of the Lord every single day. I only take meals at the house of such a person and I never eat anywhere else."


(Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada, commented on the above verses)

Lord Gaurasundara says that the Supreme Lord (in His deity form) is truly served in a home where someone chants 100 000 Names every single day.

The Lord accepts the food offerings made to Him by such a devotee.

However, the Lord does not bless a disciple by accepting his offerings <font color="red"> if he does not chant a lakh of Names a day</font color> . Every single devotee must daily chant a lakh of Names; if he does not,

then he will soon become attached to various sense objects

and become incapable of serving the Lord.

For this reason, everyone who has taken up residence at the Chaitanya Math makes it a rule to chant a lakh of Holy Names every day.

If not, the deity of Gaurasundara will not accept the offerings made to Him.'

(Gaudiya bhasya 3.9.121)


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sri caitanya-bhagavate


(1) prabhu bale,-"jana, 'laksesvara' bali kare?

prati-dina laksa-nama ye grahana kare"


In the Caitanya-bhagavata Madhya Khanda 9.121-122, Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu instructed us on whose worship and service He will accept:


"Do you know who is a laksesvara? He is someone who chants one laksa, or one hundred thousand holy names (sixty-four rounds of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra) everyday."








sri gaurasundera balibena - "jini pratidina laksanama grahana

karibena, tanharai grhe bhagavan sevita hana."


Sri Gaurasundara spoke as follows - "The Supreme Personality of Godhead accepts service only in the home of those who chant one hundred thousand names daily.


bhagavan tanharai nikate bhoga-dravyadi grahana karena.


"The Lord accepts bhoga (foodstuffs) and other ingredients only from such personalities.




jini laksanama grahana karena na, tahara nikate haite bhagavan

naivedya svikara-dvara seva-saubhagya pradana karena na.


"Those who don't chant one hundred thousand names daily, are never awarded the great fortune of rendering service to the Lord by offering Him naivedya (bhoga). This is because never accepts (svikara) their offerings."




bhagavad-bhakta matrei pratyaha laksa-nama grahana karibena natuva

vividha visaye asakta haiya bhagavad-seva karite asamartha haibena.


The Lord continued - "Those who consider themselves devotees of the Lord must compulsorily chant 100,000 names everyday otherwise they will gradually but surely become attached to varieties of sense-objects and thus become incapable to rendering any kind of service to the Lord."




tajjanyai sri caitanyadevera asrita sakalai nyunkalpe laksanama grahana kariya thakena. natuva gaurasunderera udesya pradatta naivedya tini grahana karibena na.


(Srila Sarasvati Thakura continues) Therefore all the devotees who have taken shelter of Lord Caitanyadeva perform the chanting of 100,000 names of Krsna daily as their first and primary duty. Because they know that if they don't do so then Lord Gaurasundera will never accept the very bhoga (naivedya) which they will cook for Him daily.


(2) "se janera nama ami bali 'laksesvara' tatha bhiksa amara, na yai anya ghara"


"I call such a person a laksesvara. I only accept meals in that person's house. I never go anywhere else."






sri caitanya bhaktagana abhaktera sahita sambhasana karena na. jini bhaktivyatita karma, jnana o anyabhilasara kathaya pradatta tahara sahita bandhutva karibe na.


The devotees of Lord Sri Caitanya never talk with such non-devotees. They never do friendship with those who are engaged in the cultivation of karma,jnana or other desires which are devoid of bhakti.


[Note: Srila Sarasvati Thakura indicates that those who do not chant laksa-nama daily get engaged in karma,jnana, material desires and gradually become non-devotees. The next line is even more clear.]




pratyah laksa-nama grahana na karile patita vyaktiganera visaya-bhoga pravrtti vrddhi paya; takhana ara tahara sri gaurasunderarera seva karite pare na.


Those who don't accept this vow of chanting 100,000 names daily, they fallen down even more although they were fallen in the first place (due to contamination of Kali-yuga). Thus their propensity for enjoying the senses and sense-objects increases and ultimately they are not able to render any kind of service to Lord Gaurasundera.


[Note: Srila Sarasvati has conclusively established here that those who don't chant laksa-nama daily are absolutely sure to fall down even from the service of the merciful Lord Gaurasundera in due course of time. Then what to speak of rendering service to Their Lordships Radha & Krishna]




laksesvara vyatita gaura-bhaktira adarsa gaudiyajana kehai svikara karena na.


That is the precise reason why the real Gaudiya-bhaktas do not accept any other ideal (adarsa) in Gaura-bhakti except the process of chanting 100,000 names daily.




adhapatita va adhapete gana eka-matra bhajana-sabda-vacya sri-nama-bhajane vimukhata-vasata laksa-nama grahana karibara parivarte anyabhajanera chalana korena, taddvara tahadera kona mangala haya na.


Those spiritual aspirants who are already fallen or will fall in the future are averse to this sole means of deliverance called nama-bhajana which is also the worship of the sound incarnation of God in the form of chanting 100,000 names daily. Coming under the sway of their averseness to chant laksa-nama daily, they duplicitously invent other means of devotional service to justify their not chanting laksa-nama but it is to be understood that by this action they will not achieve anything auspicious in their life.


[Note: This final statement is so crystal clear, straight and conclusive.]


(3) prabhu bole,-"kahilan ei mahamantra; iha japa giya sabe koriya nirbandha."


In Sri Caitanya-bhagavata Madhya Khanda 23.77, Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu instructed all the people of Navadvipa:


"Please hear this Hare Krishna maha-mantra. Everyone please chant this maha-mantra daily in 'nirbandha'* . Then one will surely achieve all perfection.


[*Thakura Bhaktivinoda explains in his book Hari-nama-cintamani that


caribara mala phirile eka grantha haya.


eka grantha niyama kariya kramasah vrddhi karite karite 16 granthe eka laksa nama nirbandha haibe.


One round (on mala, 108 beads) = 108 times the full Hare Krsna maha-mantra One grantha= 4 rounds (malas)

One nirbandha = 16 granthas

= 64 rounds of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra

= 100,000 total names of Hare, Krsna & Rama

Samasta purva mahajanagana prabhura ei adesa palana kariya

sarva-siddhi labha kariyachilena.


All the previous mahajanas (great devotees) without exception have achieved success only through this process of chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra in atleast one nirbandha (64 rounds) daily.


[Note: So according to Thakura Bhaktivinoda, Lord Caitanya is requesting everyone to chant atleast one nirbandha (64 rounds) of the Hare Krsna everyday to ensure the achievement of perfection in this harinama-sankirtana yajna in Kali-yuga.]




22. Bhagavan will not accept anything which is offered by a person who doesn't chant Harinama one-hundred thousand times daily and such a person is considered a 'patita'.


23. By sincerely endeavoring to chant Harinama without offences and remaining fixed in chanting constantly, one's offences will fade and pure Harinama will arise on the tongue.


Srila Bhakti Promod Puri Goswami Maharaja about his guru Om Visnupada Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada:


"Unfailingly as a daily vow, he used to chant one lakh Names of the Lord (64 rounds) and his instruction to all his disciples was to do likewise. Keeping this vow intact, he would allot his times incredibly to cover all his preaching schedules and literary work, being a source of inspiration to all who came in contact with him."


Those who have chanted laksa hari-nama for fifteen or twenty years should know such things (rasa-sastra). The beginners need not hear these topics or they will misunderstand.' (Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, From an article in The Gaudiya, 1934)




Sadhu-vrtti, Sajjana Tosani 11/12:


tinei sad-grhastha -- jini pratyah laksa-nama grahana karena, tanhara grhei suddha-vaisnavagana prasada grahana karibena


Only those devotees are sad-grhasthas who chant 100,000 names of Krsna daily. And the pure devotees should accept prasada only in the homes of these sad-grhasthas.


[Note: Since Lord Caitanya accepts the bhoga of only those grhasthas who chant 100,000 names daily, thus pure devotees should accept prasada only in the homes of such grhasthas.]


mane habe-aja laksa nama ye kariba

krame krame tina laksa nama ye smariba

mahagraha habe citta namera samkhyaya

acire yabe jadya sadhura krpaya


In the Hari-nama-cintamani it is said:


"When one's mind desires to chant and remember one hundred thousand holy names (64 rounds) daily and furthur desires to slowly increase it to three hundred thousand and when my mind becomes very attached and eager to complete the fixed number of rounds (sankhya) and pushes me to complete the sankhya everday, then it is understood that very soon the laziness or apathy in chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra will vanish by the mercy of the sadhus and my chanting will bring me the desired fruit of pure love for Krsna."


In Bhajana-pranali, Hari-nama-cintamani it is said:


Samkhya koriya tulasira malaya namasnarana ba kirtanai upasana. Sei upasana-kramai sakala labhera mula. Sutaranga prathame atyalpakala nirjjane ekagra haiya nama koribe. Krame namasamkhya vrddhi korite korite namanusilanera nairantarjya evam visaya-pratibaddhakera ksaya avasya haibe.


The upasana or the method of worship to achieve prema is to chant and remember the name of Krsna on tulasi beads. This worship gradually becomes the root cause for all auspicious achievements. That is why in the beginning one should sit down in a solitary place for a very short period and chant the name with concentration. Gradually one should increase the number of rounds (as given in the above verse). Then gradually the cultivation of the name will become continuous then all the obstacles and material desires will be destroyed.


[Note: As per the above statement by Thakura Bhaktivinoda it is clear that without gradually increasing the chanting upto the point of chanting continuously (atleast 64 rounds), the obstacles on our spiritual path will never be removed.]


In the Jaiva-dharma all the babajis chant 200,000 names daily. Then they read the scriptures and preach to whoever comes to meet them. Advaita das babaji experiences purification of heart and freedom from anarthas after chanting 200,000 names 3 to 4 years in Navadvipa-dhama in the association of pure devotees. Haridas babaji tells Nityananda das that he has just crossed the kanishtha platform and entered the madhyama paltform after he had chanted 64 rounds for many many years.




The main teaching of Srila Jagannatha dasa babaji:


"If you want to achieve perfection in Krsna consciousness, you must take a vow to chant a minimum of two hundred thousand or otherwise one hundred thousand of holy names every day, and you must execute that without fail.


Before you retire at night you must finish this specific number of rounds, then you can achieve perfection in Krsna consciousness."




Prema-vilasa: Chapter 11


(Note: Both Srila Prabhupada and Srila Sarasvati Thakura have accepted Prema-vilasa as bonafide in their commentaries to Cc Adi 13.60 purp.)


je vaisnava haibe laibe harinama

sankhya kari nama laile krpa karena gauradhama


"Those who are Vaisnavas must chant the names of Krsna in a particular number everyday. Then Lord Gaura, the supreme abode of love will be merciful to them.




purva abhipraye sabe laha harinama

keha laksa visesatah mukhe gana


"Everyone should specifically chant or sing the name loudly 1,00,000 times a day with the mood I have described earlier.




narottama laksa nama laya sankhya kari

nama laile gaurangera sarva sakti dhari


"O my disciple, Narottama! Please chant 1,00,000 names everyday while maintaining their count. If you chant in this way then you will become empowered by all the potencies of Lord Gauranga.




krsna . prapti laksa laile harinama

granthi purna haile eka karibe pranama.


"I again repeat that if you want to achieve the lotus feet of Lord Krishna, then you have to chant 1,00,000 names daily. After chanting four rounds (granthi) or one round, you should offer obeisances to the Name.


Prema-vilasa Chapter 17: Srila Narottama to Srila Kaviraja on the direct process to achieve love of Krsna


prabhura achaye sankhya tina laksa nama

eka laksa bhaktagane kaila krpa dana


"Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu used to Himself chant 300,000 names everyday. But He very mercifully awarded His devotees the process of chanting 100,000 names daily.


sri rupa kaila laksa granthera varnana

tathapiha karila laksa nama grahana


"Srila Rupa Goswami has explained and quoted from over 100,000 different scriptures. Even though he was such a great scholar and devotee he himself chanted 100,000 Names daily.


dasa goswamira ache laksa pramana

ei mata sarva bhakta kare harinama


"Srila Raghunatha Das Goswami also rigidly followed the instructions of the Lord by chanting 100,000 names daily. In this way (laksa-nama) all the devotees chanted the holy name of Krsna.


gauranga srimukhe rupe kahila vaisnave

laksa nama sankhya kari avasya karibe


"Lord Gauranga instructed the Vaisnavas and Srila Rupa Himself that please compulsorily chant 100,000 names of Krsna daily.




yakhana avasara takhana layena harinama

eimata laksa sankhya achaye pramana


Whenever they used to get an opportunity all of them used to chant Hare Krsna. In this way they used to complete the chanting of 100,000 names daily.


Chapter 18: Narottama instructs his disciples


adhanya manaye narottama apanake

suna sisya bandhugana kahiye tomake


Srila Thakura Narottama considering himself worthless in his natural humility, called all his disciples, followers and friends, and spoke to them in the following important instructions.




prathamei krsnapada prapti laksa jara

se laiba laksa-nama sankhya apanara


"Those whose top priority in life is to achieve the lotus feet of Krsna should voluntarily chant 100,000 names of Krsna daily."




Narottama Vilasa 10th Vilasa:


Rupamala, the queen of a distant country became so happy on getting initiation from Srila Narottama dasa Thakura that she sweared to take one hundred thousand Harinama (64 rounds of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra) in a day. Seeing her determination, everyone began to sing the glory of Srila Narottama dasa Thakura Mahasaya.




Sri Rasika-mangala, Eastern part, 6th Wave:


When Sri Rasikananda was a child, he did not waste time playing games like other children. Rather, he would meditate on the maha-mantra. His daily practice was to chant a hundred thousand names of Krsna (64 rounds). He would refuse to accept his mother's foodstuffs until he completed his chanting.


We will end with some quotes of Srila Prabhupada which were not posted earlier:




The Nectar of Devotion -- Vrndavana, October 20, 1972


"Just like we have asked our students to finish sixteen rounds chanting minimum. Sixteen rounds is nothing. In Vrndavana there are many devotees, they chant 120 rounds. Like that. So sixteen rounds is the minimum. Because I know in the Western countries it is difficult job to finish sixty-four rounds or 120 rounds, like that. Minimum sixteen rounds. That must be finished."




Letter to: Purusottama, Bombay, 23 October, 1973


Because we have got many duties, [text missing] ...we minimized the amount to 16 rounds, otherwise [text missing] ...minimum is 64 rounds, but Western people cannot [text missing] ...this. So 16 rounds must be executed.




Nectar of Instruction, Verse 5:


The Krsna consciousness movement prescribes sixteen rounds daily because people in the Western countries cannot concentrate for long periods while chanting on beads. Therefore the minimum number of rounds is prescribed.


However, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura used to say that unless one chants at least sixty-four rounds of japa (one hundred thousand names), he is considered fallen (patita). According to his calculation, practically every one of us is fallen, but because we are trying to serve the Supreme Lord with all seriousness and without duplicity, we can expect the mercy of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who is famous as patita-pavana, the deliverer of the fallen.


Note: If devotees find any other quotes on the importance of chanting laksa-nama from the previous acaryas, please let me know.)


Daso'smi, Tridandi Bhikshu BR Sadhu.

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Morning Walk, May 14, 1975, Perth:


Devotee (1): Srila Prabhupada, how can the position be reconciled if in Krsna consciousness one of the two, the husband or the wife, wants to enjoy sense gratification, but the other does not? Should there be separation then?


Prabhupada: No... They should be trained up. Sense enjoyment means not advanced in Krsna consciousness. As soon as one is advancing in Krsna consciousness, his sense enjoyment spirit will be reduced. That is the test.


Bhaktih paresanubhavo viraktir anyatra ca [sB 11.2.42]. The test is, how you are advancing in Krsna consciousness is the proportionate diminishing of sense enjoyment. That is the test. Just like cure of the disease means diminishing the fever, temperature. This is the test.


Devotee (1): What if that fever is not being diminished?


Prabhupada: Then he should try to chant Hare Krsna mantra, instead of sixteen rounds, sixty-four rounds. That is the way. Sixteen round is the minimum. Otherwise Haridasa Thakura was 300,000. So you have to increase.


That is the only remedy. If one has got determination, he will make progress without any trouble. That determination is very difficult, that determination, "I must be Krsna conscious fully." That determination.








Letter to: Indira (Iris Mendoza), Ekayani (Esther Mendoza), San Francisco, 17 December, 1967


"I am very glad to learn you are chanting 48 rounds. Actually it is all right that one should chant 64 rounds, even 16 rounds, so if one is able to chant more than 16 rounds up to 64, it is very good. You fix up your rounds.


Try to increase it but never decrease it."


{Note: Indira is fairly new devotee at that time.)




Letter to: Hamsaduta, Hawaii, 23 March, 1969


"Yes, it is very good if you can chant 64 rounds; this is very nice if you can do it."




Letter to: Bhaktijana, Los Angeles, 12 February, 1968


"I shall advise you again to chant always, increasing the counting, namely, 16 rounds is generally prescribed, but for the time being you can stop all other activities and increase the chanting to 64 rounds."


That is the instruction given by Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu in His Siksastaka 3. Kirtaniyah sada harih: [Cc. adi 17.31] "The holy name of the Lord should be chanted twenty-four hours daily." Therefore in this Krsna consciousness movement we request the devotees to chant at least sixteen rounds on their beads daily. Actually one has to chant twenty-four hours daily, just like Thakura Haridasa, who was chanting the Hare Krsna mantra three hundred thousand times daily. Indeed, he had no other business. (Srimad-Bhagavatam 4.24.70 purport)




Surrender is the ultimate instruction of the Bhagavad-gita, but for one who cannot surrender to the lotus feet of Krsna, it is better to chant the Hare Krsna mantra constantly, under the instruction of Haridasa Thakura.


In our Krsna consciousness movement we are teaching our followers to chant the Hare Krsna mantra continuously on beads. Even those who are not accustomed to this practice are advised to chant at least sixteen rounds on their beads so that they may be trained.[.] Sada means "always." Haridasa Thakura says, nirantara nama lao: "Chant the Hare Krsna mantra without stopping."[.] One's real duty is to surrender to the lotus feet of Krsna, but if one is unable to do so, he should adopt this process, as introduced by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His most confidential servant, Namacarya Srila Haridasa Thakura. This is the way to achieve success in Krsna consciousness. (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta Antya-lila 3.137)


(Note: Apart from this there are innumerable quotes by Prabhupada throughout Bhagavatam & Cc on the necessity of constantly chanting the holy names. A daily discipline of chanting 64 rounds is a great boost to come up to the stage of constant chanting imho.)




The Hare Krishna Explosion, p. 63, by Hayagriva dasa, Palace Press 1985.


"Now that you have beads," Swamiji says the next morning, "you should chant sixty-four rounds every day.Sixty-four rounds?" To pronounce every word of the mantra distinctly, we require five minutes to chant a round. Sixty-four rounds would take over five hours. "Impossible!" we say. "We'll never have the time.All right," Swamiji says. "Thirty-two rounds.Impossible," we say. "We'll never be able to do it. It's way too much.All right," Swamiji says. "Sixteen rounds. No less."


TKG's Diary June 10


Many years ago (Srila Prabhupada), he was chanting sixty-four rounds, then gradually less, until a number of years ago it was sixteen.




CONCLUSION: What follows are my personal realizations and/or feelings about the process of chanting 64 rounds daily. I appeal to all the sara-grahi vaisnavas to kindly take the good points and please don't challenge me for some of them if they disagree.


If one can discharge his practical devotional services and manage to chant 64 rounds then it is the best. Chanting 64 rounds should not be an excuse to escape doing one's services or the daily program of sadhana-bhakti given by Prabhupada. If a devotee has genuine desire to chant 64 rounds then he will find out the way without disturbing anybody. As far as I know there is not a single written instruction or statement from Prabhupada discouraging devotees to chant 64 rounds if they could manage to do it alongwith their other services. Also chanting 64 rounds in the association of devotees while engaged in services related to preaching can never be considered nirjana-bhajana. Ofcourse the devotees who chant 64 rounds should not get puffed up and look down on other devotees who don't chant 64. They should feel themselves as so contaminated and fallen that chanting 64 rounds daily is the only hope for them to steadily remain in Krishna consciousness.


Also if one chants 64 rounds with attachment then it automatically brings a great upsurge of humility and ecstacy in one's heart. One becomes jubilant in deep rememberance of the Lord's pastimes and constantly aspires to become the servant of the servant. And one becomes totally enthusiastic to preach vigorously (jive doya). One's preaching becomes unlimitedly more effective and can convert sinful people into devotees even by preaching only a little. This is simply due to the potency of the holy name and anyone can experience it of one increases the chanting without compromising on the quality & distinct pronunciation of the chanting. One can achieve the stage of nishtha or real madhyama-adhikari platform crossing the stage of anartha-nivrtti very quickly (maybe maximum of 10 years) by chanting 64 rounds everyday while trying to avoid the ten offenses and if one is surrendered to one's guru.


One can beg from the guru his permission and blessings to chant 64 rounds. If one gets it then one will surely be successful very quickly (I can give furthur sastric references which state that the progress is very quick if one sincerely chants an increased no. of rounds without an ulterior motive and that without increasing the chanting there is no other way.) Just like the prostitute who became a pure devotee very quickly simply by chanting 3,00,000 names daily on the instruction of her guru Haridasa Thakura. According to Bhagavatam, Padma Purana, Hari-nama-cintamani, Prema-vivarta etc. chanting constantly is the only means to keep the namaparadhas from constantly attacking us. Side by side one has to deeply study the 10 offenses and conscientiously try to avoid each of them. Also one should have great attachment for Lord Gaura & Lord Nityananda's name, pastimes, dhama and associates which very quickly renders our chanting of Hare Krsna offenseless.


There is an even more quicker way. If one chants 64 rounds or more while residing in Navadvipa-dhama, then according to Nityananda Prabhu and Thakura Bhaktivinoda in Navadvipa-dhama-parikrama, one gets pure love of Radha-Krsna very very quickly even though one may be full of offenses in the very beginning. One has to chant in Navadvipa with sambandha-jnana with Lord Caitanya and in a humble state of mind. Ofcourse it may not be possible for all devotees.


Just one more point as food for thought. Many yogis and jnanis perform their sadhana for hours together daily. We have got the highest and most sublime process of self-realiztion which is chanting the Hare Krishna maha-mantra. The chanting is fully capable in and of itself to award us the greatest gift of love of God. There is nothing else required. And we give only 1 1/2 to 2 hours daily for chanting 16 rounds and feel we that we have done a lot of sadhana. Comparing to 24 hours everyday 2 hours is nothing. We have the greatest means of sadhana available, the Hare Krishna maha-mantra as given by Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu (the combined form of Radha and Krsna who comes only in once in one day of Brahma) and we do it for only 2 hrs everyday out of 24 hours. This may not be the most effective use of the human form of life. If someone gets the most valuable jewel in the world, then he will always keep it with him.


To chant 64 rounds daily it may take 5 1/2 6 or 7 or 8 hours. But what is that compared to the greatest gift which we are going to receive in return i.e. pure love for Radha & Krsna and eligibility to enter Goloka Vrindavan and put an end to all over miseries once and for all.




(A comprehensive collection of quotes)


Your aspiring servant, BR Sadhu Swami

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Now very almost no one repeats 64 circles. Even those who preach "only 64" themselves so many they do not repeat.


To increase circles this is good and this all is widely-known.


This sermon - "only 64" this is poor sermon. One matter when personality increases the circles on the inspiration

and entirely another matter this mechanical repetition.


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Dear "Vaisnava dasa" prabhu

thank you for your wonderful praman.

A little bit to much to digest in on shot.



"Without past impresions and sadhu sanga, taste in chanting the holy name will not come.

So the gaudiya vaisnavas come in shraddha, and then later in nistha and rucci..

But to come there depend on what? Srukriti, and sadhu sanga.

Lack of sadhu sanga. this is your position, lack of sukriti, this is your position.

Lack of sadhu sanga - no taste in hari nama

Lack of sukriti - no taste in hari nama

Lack of samskaras (impressions in the heart) -no taste in hari nama.

This is not our fault.(?)

Our fault is what?


durdaivam idrisham ihajani nanu ragah


I am so unfortunate due to committing offences ,

that I have not attachment for Your holy name,

which is so accessible and bestow all good fortune,


says Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in Sri Shiksha ashtakam.

Oh, avoid offences, and slowly, slowly improve your chanting. How?

(Biger quantity of better quality).

The secret is to go on and improve .

Why am I tell you this to you? Because if you only listen high level hari katha and not chant, no realization will come, because

only by chanting the holy names the realization will come.

Nama bhajan is called cit anu shilanam.


Spoken by Srila Bhaktivedanta Vana Maharaja


The secret is to go on and improve.



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  • 2 weeks later...
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CC 2.16.72

krsna-nama nirantara yanhara vadane

sei vaisnava-srestha, bhaja tanhara carane


"A person who is always chanting the holy name of the Lord is to be considered a first-class Vaisnava, and your duty is to serve his lotus feet."


From the Purport of Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhupada


Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura says that any Vaisnava who is constantly chanting the holy name of the Lord should be considered to have attained the second platform of Vaisnavism.


A neophyte devotee simply tries to chant the holy name, whereas the advanced devotee is accustomed to chanting and takes pleasure in it.


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It is very important that in the next Purport CC 2.16.74 Srila Prabhupada says:


"The neophyte and the intermediate devotees

can gradually rise to the platform of uttama adhikari

and become first class devotees."


Why do they remain on the stage of eternally enjoying

anartha nivriti?


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***"A person who is always chanting the holy name of the Lord is to be considered a first-class Vaisnava, and your duty is to serve his lotus feet."


With out ofences. If person take ofences this chanting low level. First ofense vaisnava aparadha.

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Lack of sadhu sanga. this is your position, lack of sukriti, this is your position.

Lack of sadhu sanga - no taste in hari nama

Lack of sukriti - no taste in hari nama

Lack of samskaras (impressions in the heart) -no taste in hari nama.


durdaivam idrisham ihajani nanu ragah


I am so unfortunate due to committing offences ,

that I have not attachment for Your holy name,

which is so accessible and bestow all good fortune,


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***Lack of sadhu sanga. this is your position, lack of sukriti, this is your position.

Lack of sadhu sanga - no taste in hari nama

Lack of sukriti - no taste in hari nama

Lack of samskaras (impressions in the heart) -no taste in hari nama.


It is yours arguments? You can only charge others, this your primary occupation.


***I am so unfortunate due to committing offences ,

that I have not attachment for Your holy name,

which is so accessible and bestow all good fortune,


Yes. You needs good visnava assotiation.




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  • 2 months later...


" This chanting should go on.

Instead of meetings, resolutions,

dissolutions, revolutions and then no solutions,

there should be chanting."


- His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada,


from Lilamrta Vol.6


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kailasa prabhu : "Read Bhagavad Gita, now all another simply imitation. Work for Krisna it is humble, preach on streets is humble. Go in strret. You meek? You go? You humble? Or I am follow rupanuga, Radha bhava... It is not Radha bhava.

Chant is preachings, chant is distribute prasada, chant is read books Srila Prabhupada ( most esoteriks books ), chant is go streets your town. With out preachings sadana (64 round) not work. Raganuga means preachings, distribute prasada, read books Srila Prabhupada, harinama in the streets. In level raganuga not anartha, not attachments, not fear, sooo match reason, followings instruction guru-Lord Caitanya"



i do not think that these glorifications of chanting 64 rounds by these devotees are a critic or an offence for people who, ordered by spiritual master, chant 16 rounds and preach...


let us see them as an instruction to chant more as possible..


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