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This site has quite a bit of information with regards to Mudras.



I have started using them for weight loss, eye problems, and ear problems.


Apparently it isn't necessary to sit in meditation. The actual holding the position of the hands is all that is necessary, so you can do it as you are walking...sitting in the car or any other suitable time.


I must admit I do not have such an appetite since doing the weight loss mudra.


All the best



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In the 'pancaratra pradipa' - the iskcon deity worship book it is stated (page 82)

in elaborate worship, mudras may optionally be employed. Mudra refers to hand positions that give the Lord joy.For the worshiper they help fix his mind on the Lord.


Does anyone know whether using it in ways mentioned e.g. memory, etc is authorised & authentic


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I was just coming into this thread to post basically the same as you. I, too, went to my copy of this book to try and find the answer. I thought that mudras were only to be used in worship of the Lord. I have begun seeing books on the market encouraging people to use mudras for everything under the sun. I am also wondering whether or not there is any vedic authorization for their usage in these material gain matters! I am not convinced that this is the case.


Sounds like a concoction thought up by some new age "guru" /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif to prey on people's interest in eastern culture.


It seems that to use mudras which are intended to please the Lord in such a fashion is akin to using sacred vedic mantras in hopes of winning the lottery or something. Or continuing to knowingly and on purpose performing sinful actions and chanting thinking that counteracts the sins. Offensive.

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The mudra described as being for weight loss is actually the Madhuparka-mudra which of course is to be done with the right hand only. (source Supplement to the Pancaratra Pradipa pg. 162).


Madhuparka is a high class refreshment consisting of cow milk, yogurt, ghee, honey and sugar. Some sources say that madhuparka should be offered in a cup to the right hand of the Lord for Him to accept. (source pages 56 and 90 of Pancaratra Pradipa)

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Diana, I check the site out,thanks. India is just sooo cool. What a culture. We forage around just catching bits and pieces here and there, from a culture that was/is(in many ways) so far beyond what we see around us today.


The neurological aspect interests me. Health is an important thing even though it may not have been the primary one for which these were used. It's just easier to live in a body where disease is kept to a minimum. Thus easier to find and serve God perhaps.


In the Gita Krsna says one can mitigate all kinds of material pains by practicing the yoga system.Bg 6.17

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