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I cant believe this demagogue from the past is again here to meddle with the world.


We do have a problem in this world.


We have a world leader with weapons of mass destruction who wants to export his will upon all other nations. It is certain that if he be allowed to continue his rule, the world will soon be covered from all angles with all weaponry, nuke, chem, bio, and sonar. His name is not saddam, it is george, and if he is not soon gone from power, there will be no more power, period, lights out, catch my drift.


salute to the prez--oink oink.

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Bomb Saddam! Ki Jai!


I guess you missed the Greta Van Sustrean interview yesterday with a Doctor who escaped Iraq. He told of an incident he witnessed at a hospital in Iraq where he was working. Late one night trucks of prisnors arrived at the hospital while most were asleep. They were taken into the surgical area. There the Doctors were forced to amputate one of their ears. They were carry back onto the trucks afterwards on strechers back to prison. They did receive anethesia before hand. Saddam the merciful.


Their crime was draft evasion and deserting Saddams military.


In Iraq's latest declaration to the UN they admit to being only months away from a nuclear bomb before they went invaded Kuwait. The man in charge of Saddams nuke program even lamented their taking Kuwait too soon. That is before they had the bomb.

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You mean those innocent boys who were in the Park brutalizing others in the same night? The ones who all confessed to the crime?


Anyway I saw the interiew of the doctor just last night. Someone could say he is lying but I believe him. I also believe the escapee from Iraq's Republican guard who was on tonight. His job was to clean up after the chemical weapons massacre on the Kurds.


The story about the bomb and Kuwait has been on every news channel for the last week.


I'm no knee jerk flag waver and I don't trust any govt. but Bush is the best thing going at this time bar none. he is no Pariksit but who is.

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Haribol. Bush may be okay for a normal lad, but hes a patsy for the real powers that be.


If all is as presented via the media, and Iraq is the problem, and US is the solution, then the solution is just another kali yuga solution, and just amplifies original problems.


So we bomb, send ground troops, kill all the 50 year old soldiers for a week (like in 1990), and the terrorists just watch? No, the cells all release their stuff from singapore to brazil, from oslo to durban. Then we nuke Iraq. Then N. Korea joins in and nukes japan. See the picture. You may not be a knee jerker, but the Bushes surely are the most knee jerk politicians in the history of our government.


Just remember that in this world, even the good is just the other side of the evil coin, and this fact is forever proven. Saddam invaded kuwait at our permission, then we reacted against our former ally against the ayatollah. We burned our friend noriega, who sold drugs to finance our contras against the sandinisthas.


The us may be cool, but terrible partners on the world stage.


And kissinger is the architect of it all.


You explain yemen and the scuds to me, bro. Tell me that bush is not hedging his bets against the US people.



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I don't want to try and dissect every thing that is occuring on the world stage. Couldn't possibly do it.But I do know Iraq has to undergo some big changes and who is there to do it besides the US?


yesterday it came out there is a link between Al-Qeada and Iraq. APPARENTLY Iraq has provided them with VX nerve gas. That is what will show up in the cities of the West and India or Israel.


I know many things are happening behind the scenes. hey, I believe the US govt. has a pact of some kind with aliens from another planet/dimension. So I trust no one, not even myself for full info.


I'm in the take out a thorn with a thorn camp.


By the way did you catch Bush's speach yesterday? he signed the faith based initiative to stop discrimination against charitable groups that happen to be religious. never would have seen that from the left.


All this reminds me, RandOM where are you? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

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Haribol, dubya has many good points, many more than your average prez. But he, like his father, are simple vehicles for the will of others. There is no good and evil here on the world stage, they are all evil. Their god that they all pledge allegiance to is a tribal god, which is no god at all. US is no better with its jesus misrepresentation than the zionist perspective, where only jews have the promised land, and all else must go, or the ayatollah vision of sacking cities in mohammed's service. US just bathes in the blood of jesus thinking he accepts their bloody sins. Bush is spokesman for the fundamentalist christian, and they have a majority in US, always did, always will. So we are off to kill the philistines, thinking that if goliath (sadaam) is killed, all the rest will run in fear.


No, there are even cells of major players in fiji of all places, south america, philippeans, russia, france, but the biggest cells are in NY, LA, SF. The whole Iraqi scare (which i admit, is quite disconcertinng) is the politicians way of bringing their science for the third grade mentality they credit we the people with.


I be a ramblin, so I bug off for now.


I guess kissinger and mitchell give the ol bushwhacker a thumbs down.


Dont bother your controllers, dubya, you are working for them, remember that.


lubya, ys, mahaksadasa

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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

ur right lets all just sit and wait so more U.S. citizens can get killed but wakkos with wepons like Saddam. Why dont u do a little research on Oklahoma City bombing

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