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God and reincarnation in Hinduism

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As a westerner who is beginning a study of Hinduism I have a few questions and would appreciate any insight. The form of Hinduism I find attractive is the one that stresses a "God" and which posits that all humans, at the least, possess a part of this "divinity". My questions are as follows: 1. To what degree do we "co-operate" with "God" in choosing our next incarnation?. As a westerner coming from the Christian tradition of a "personalized" God who actively interacts with the world, I'm having difficulty understanding whether Karma earned just propels us into our next incarnation, or, in the period between incarnations, we engage in a sort of "celestial university" with our "advisor" (God)and actively, intelligently "map"out the broad outlines of our next incarnation with the goal of willfully entering into the particulars of that incarnation in order to learn particular spiritual lessons. So, is it random Karma or a personal God working with us to organize our next incarnation? My second question is: Does Hinduism recognize any efficacy concerning prayer, not meditation, and what I mean is does Hinduism believe that God engages with us in the course of our earthly existence in response to prayer, or does he remain "detached" and allow the outlines of Karma to interact with our free-will choices? Thanks in advance to any who try to help.

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Dear Guest:


I hope you are well.The doctrine of reincarnation as found in Hinduism is very scientifically and concisely explained in Bhagavad-gita which was spoken by Lord Sri Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead as revealed by the Vedic literatures, to His disciple Arjuna more then 5,000 years ago on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra in India.The Bhagavad-gita is the most popular scripture of India's spiritual tradition and it's entire contents with translations and comemntaries by His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktievdanta Swami Prabhupada (1896-1977) who is the Founder-Acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness can be found online at www.asitis.com


Actually the word "Hinduism" is a misnomer, as explained by His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktievdanta Swami Prabhupada (known affectionately to his followers as "Srila Prabhupada")


'Sometimes Indians both inside and outside of India think that we are preaching the Hindu religion, but actually we are not. One will not find the word "Hindu" in the Bhagavad-gita. Indeed, there is no such word as Hindu in the entire Vedic literature. This word has been introduced by the Muslims from provinces next to India, such as Afghanistan, Baluchistan, and Persia. There is a river called Sindhu bordering the north western provinces of India, and since the Muslims there could not pronounce Sindhu properly, they instead called the river Hindu, and the inhabitants of this tract of land they called Hindus. In India, according to the Vedic language, the Europeans are called mlecchas or yavanas. Similarly, Hindu is a name given by the Muslims.' (Science of Self Realization by His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktievdanta Swami Prabhupada:Krishna Consciousness--Hindu Cult or Divine Culture?, Chapter 3)


Here are my humble attempts to answer some of your questions based on my understanding of the principles of Bhagavad-gita:


To what degree do we "co-operate" with "God" in choosing our next incarnation?.


All living entities are endowed with minute independence, and God does not intefere with this independence. We may utilize it to engage in loving devotional service to God, or we may use it to enjoy seperately from Him. If we choose the latter option, we will continue to incarnate in this material world and be chained to gross, material bodies to suffer, but if we dovetail our independence to surrender to the Supreme Person then we will no longer take birth in this material world and go back home, back to Godhead.


"So, is it random Karma or a personal God working with us to organize our next incarnation?"


Karma is not random and neither is God. It is precise. Our next incarnation is simply organized by how we have led our lives in this incarnation. If we have led a life based on surrender to God, at the end of this life, we will return to Him, without a doubt. In Bhagavad-gita, Krsna says:


janma karma ca me divyam

evam yo vetti tattvatah

tyaktva deham punar janma

naiti mam eti so 'rjuna


"One who knows the transcendental nature of My appearance and activities does not, upon leaving the body, take his birth again in this material world, but attains My eternal abode, O Arjuna." (Bhagavad-gita 4.9)


Does Hinduism recognize any efficacy concerning prayer, not meditation, and what I mean is does Hinduism believe that God engages with us in the course of our earthly existence in response to prayer, or does he remain "detached" and allow the outlines of Karma to interact with our free-will choices?


In Bhagavad-gita 9.29, Krsna informs Arjuna that:"I envy no one, nor am I partial to anyone. I am equal to all. But whoever renders service unto Me in devotion is a friend, is in Me, and I am also a friend to him." In the above mentioned way, God is "detached". He is equally accessible for all, but for those who actually approach to render service to Him, He takes charge of their karma.


'Actually, Krsna will change destiny--but only for His devotee. He says, aham tvam sarva-papebhyo moksayisyami: "I shall give you all protection from all reactions of sinful activities." (Bhagavad-gita 18.66)

For instance, if one is condemned by the law court to be hanged, no one can check it. Even the same judge who has given this verdict cannot check it. But if the defendant begs for the mercy of the king, who is above all the laws, then the king can check it.' (Science of Self Realization by His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktievdanta Swami Prabhupada:Krishna Consciousness -- Human Society or Animal Society?, Chapter 6)


So the Supreme Person is equally accessible to all. If we wish not to utilize His help, He respects our wishes and does not intefere with our independence, but at the same time He also wants us to go back home, back to Godhead. So while we are rotting in this material world, He will perodically appear personally or He mights end His representatives to persuade us that it is in our best interest to surrender to Him, for our actual position is that we are meant to serve Him. And for those who accept this advice and actually try to surrender, the Lord will provide the means by which we can gradually return to Him.It is a two way process. The Lord and His representatives extends their mercy to us, and we reach out to accept the mercy and its effects on our lives.










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hi, no you do not stop at a way station between lives.


your destiny is planned for you according to your need .


prayer is a form of meditation, it focuses the mind on the transcendent for a while.

Although the asking for things in prayer is not advised,

do you think you know better then god what should be done ?

this is the attitude that is needed,do your best to become a better person according to the path laid down by Sri Krishna, the asking of things from God is like a person in a movie audience with no knowledge of movie making, staning up and giving advice to the director of the movie

while the movie is running, it is a waste of time .

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Our next life is based directly on the desires (karma) we have at the time of death. God kindly gives us a life in which we can best satisfy these desires.


We are all chewing the chewed; in that we have all been princes and Kings, paupers and villains many many times. Yet still we go round and round trying to enjoy again and again in a situation that can never truly satisfy our soul, our eternal true self.


If we can extract ourselves from this worldly 'enjoyment' and drama, we can address our relationship with God and at the time of death having only those desires that can be satisfied with God in the Kingdom of God, our karma necessarily takes us there. Engage the temporary body in the eternal pastimes of the soul. This is the secret.

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Prayer is formally part of Indian spiritual practice as specified in the following link from the Indian classic Srimad Bhagavatam Chapter 7.5 verses 23 and 24. Although it will be lengthly I have also included the original Sanskrit language of consciousness and Bengali versions of these pearls which describe all nine major processes of spiritual advancement, since they may well reawaken your spiritual quest from previous lifetimes. If time is a factor, I have bold highlighted the sections dealing strictly with prayer (vandanam). If you can read it all, then your riches are increased all the more, for indeed He appreciates your interest.


Prayer as described in the Srimad Bhagavatam 7.5.23-24

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We the mortals, engage in three different types of Karmic actions, 1) Kriyamana Karma: the fruit of this action is available immediately for us, example, to drink water after we feel thirsty (karma), the fruit of this action is, quenching of the thirst. 2) Sanchit Karma: the fruit of the action here comes after certain interval of time. example, writing an exam. today but getting the results a few months later etc. There are many such Sanchit Karmic reactions are such that, to get the fruit of the action requires an appropriate time, which may or may not be possible in this birth, thus, necessitating rebirth for us. 3) The accumulated Sanchit Karma forces us to take a suitable body in order to enjoy the this Karma which is now known as Prarabdha Karma. The health, body, beauty, intelligence, relatives, money everything comes as a result of Prarabdha Karma, including our life span. Since, this Karma is done only by us, none, not even God can interfere in this Prarabdha Karma, as it is our own doing. Our spiritual master (Sadguru) also cannot help in reducing the Karmic effect, but he/she can make our suffering little less by way of providing comfort and other help so that we can experience our Karmic reactions without breaking down. I personally feel, theory of Karma is a real answer to the problems in our lives.


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When you die do you go directly to the next body or is there a period of time where you are not embodied? I thought I read somewhere in Bhagavad Gita or Srimad Bhagavatam that if you don't reach the spiritual platform in the Kali-yuga that you will remain unmanifested (essentially in a deep sleep) until the next Kali-yuga.

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The unmanifested state you are referring to is known as nirodha, or the winding up of material existence. It doesn't occur at the end of the Kali yuga, but rather at the end of the universe's life. At that time everything is disolved within the body of Maha Vishnu and the souls remain dormant within Him till the next creation. Like you said, the living entities are in a state of deep sleep during this period.


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One thing to keep in mind,the english word "universe",

that is used to translate the vedic conception,

doesn't have the same meaning as the common use of universe today.


The common meaning of universe, is the totality of existence, while some physicists speculate about other universes existing in different dimensions, this is different then the meaning of the term when used in the vedic conception.


The sanskrit word for universe when describing the various

universes emanating from Vishnu, probably refer to galaxies,

galaxies are in fact born and die, each with a Power source that creates and maintains them .


See http://www.electric-cosmos.org/


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