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Devotees at IIT Kharagpur

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From another devotee:


"An institute by the name IIT Kharagpur, not very far from Mayapur is a college with some of the best intellectuals of the country. But it is now in the limelight for a different reason. The IYF devotees from pune and some very dedicated devotees in IIT Kharagpur have taken up the task of shaping up the personality of each student the "Hare krishna" way. Now they have morning programs and regular visits to Mayapur dham. They form a strong congregation of students and even some professors. It is even more enlightening to hear that they are expanding the preaching program by regular book distribution.Apart from all this, they have a well organised morning program, a nice library and there are also regular visits from other temples. Three cheers to these young brahmachari's in IIT Kharagpur."


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I remember Kharagpur from when our train going from Chennai to Calcutta got stuck there on Gaura Purnima day (Holi). The train in front of us had derailed, blocking all tracks to and from Calcutta. We were supposed to get to Mayapur in the evening to attend the abhisheka ceremony on the birth celebrations of Lord Chaitanya but there appeared to be no transportation available in the city. After a few hours, we finally found someone with an ambassador car who was willing to go to Calcutta and put around 15 people into it. Somehow we managed to reach Mayapur in the evening just before the abhisheka. Now whenever I hear of Kharagpur, I only remember that.


The devotee who lectured at IIT Kharagpur was probably Rasaraja Das (a Tamil, based in Bombay at the time), who was working on a Phd. in Quantum Physics (around 10 years back). He is presently in Berkeley, California, and he heads the Bhaktivedanta Institute which conducts research on Consciousness studies.


His original name is Ravi Gaumatam.

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Are there any plans for building a real university at Mayapur? We often hear of the Vedic Planetarium. However, I think a lot of emphasis should go into building up the general infrastructure of Mayapur (roads, sanitation, schools, business etc….). A huge temple by itself is not enough to sustain a community. You can’t build a house larger than its foundation. So if you want to build a huge temple, you need the exterior community support systems. If they created the Harvard of India in Mayapur, and attracted the best and brightest throughout India, this would be a good foundation to build on I think.

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