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Catholics Consider Including Sanskrit in Prayers

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Jahnava Nitai Das

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Catholics Consider Including Sanskrit in Prayers


PATNA, INDIA, October 21, 2002: Leaders of the Roman Catholic Church said Monday they were considering adding a Sanskrit word to liturgical prayers to make Christianity more acceptable to Hindi speakers. A synod of archbishops and bishops from India and Philippines, which began Sunday in Patina, was studying a proposal to include the word "Sachidanand" in liturgical prayers. B.J. Osta, the archbishop of Patna, stated "The word 'Sachidanand,' meaning the Trinity of Gods, also conforms to the Christian precept of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit." In India, Christians generally say prayers in English or in literal translations into local languages. Osta said the church was also considering publishing a Hindi-language magazine and setting up a press to publish liturgical books in Hindi. The three-day meeting was called to find ways to make Christianity more amenable to Hindi-speakers in the wake of increasing criticism of Christian conversion activities in India. HPI adds: The word "sachidanand" or, more properly "Satchidananda" or "Sachchidananda," means literally "Existence-consciousness-bliss," a state which can be experienced in the deepest meditation. One definition is, "A synonym for Parashakti. Lord Siva's Divine Mind and simultaneously the pure superconscious mind of each individual soul. It is perfect love and omniscient, omnipotent consciousness, the fountainhead of all existence, yet containing and permeating all existence. It is also called pure consciousness, pure form, substratum of existence, and more." This Hindu concept has no relationship to the Catholic concept of the Trinity of God.


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Roman Catholic Church lost many followers by removing Classical Latin from Sunday Masses 1970-71.

Luckily PrabhupAd was there (just in time) to supply us with direct Vedik SanskRt quotes.

I first experienced "chayAnanda" while singing Beethoven's Messe C Dur onstage at Wheeloch College near Boston Dec1970.

ZrIman MahAprabhu's sankIrtan party maintained that ever since ever-increasingly.

Query: who wrote or filled in last line/sentence of above article?

Anyone who says "this thing has nothing to do with that thing" completely missed the entire 20th Century.

IOW, his or her age = 22 month old tops.

Send him or her some fresh diapers asap, please! We r all connected. Charity begins at home.

At the same time, we may connectively distinguish, id est, nondual substance described in 3 stages:

brahmeti paramAmeti bhagavAn iti zabdyate

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The catholicism prominent in India is of a different variety then what comes from the Pope and his retinue.


In India the jesuits are by far the prominent force of catholicism.


In Malachi Martins book 'The jesuits' he details the battles in catholicism between the forces behind Vatican 2

and the liberalism and atheistic forces in the church

versus the dogmatic conservative forces led by the Pope

and the establishment of the Vatican.


They are two opposing forces,on one side are the various catholic societies and orders led by the jesuits

and the maryknolls, they have as prophets the likes of people like Teilhard de chardin a jesuit preist/scientist

who preached a type of secular humanism,atheistic

with belief in evolution of not only the species

but of humanity and races,in fact the entire universe

is believed to be evolving to the "omega point"

where we will all achieve a state of universal


In this belief system all religions are evolving

along with everything else to our final perfected state,

belief in an actual God is replaced with a pantheistic

type of philosophy.

Their belief is in transforming human society to the state of evolutionary purpose, i.e. whatever that is,they will be the masters.


On the other side of the catholic spectrum is the pope and the traditionalists.

They of course insist on the hierarchy of the catholic church,and the tenents of traditional catholicism,

i.e. original sin,the crucifiction as being the

pivotal point in history,Jesus as God,the pope as the

representative of jesus,everyone not in line with the pope throught the bishops subservient to him, are going to hell.


In India the jesuits and the orders are the dominant force,their priests take sanyassa,and try to ingratiate themselves into indian society at the highest levels.

Some 50% of colleges in india are jesuit institutions,as

well as vast numbers of secondary schools.


They are independent from the pope and have a social agenda

based on secular humanism,with themselves as

the guiders of humanity towards their ultimate vision.




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Jagat said:


So now I have become a victim of JN censorship? What was wrong with what I said, other than disagreeing with you, Jahnava Nitai?



You are in the wrong thread. This posting on Sanskrit is in both the Sanskrit section (your reply) and the World Review Section (without your reply).

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as of 1987


In India


115 colleges run by catholic orders


1200 high schools


252 technical schools


and sixty percent of all students attending

secondary schools and colleges attend

catholic schools in India.


The stated goal of these orders is to catholicize

India,and gain control over it's political system.



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