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Haribol. I have considered the rtvik

position for five years, and am still unconvinced. While I accept

that 50% responsibility rests on the hearer of proposals, the other

half is the responsibility of the speaker, whose convictions and

ability to convince others comes to play. None of the Srila

Prabhupada citations from his books or gleaned from what I call

polluted (i.e. fragmented, edited, suppressed, etc.) documentation

has convinced this VC member that rtvikism is authorized outside the

purview of ISKCON and the GBC.


July 9 is a clear directive if not a forgery, but the conspiracy of

misrepresentation did not release the document for many years

following the production. July 9 does not address the possible

complete meltdown of the GBC and what a responsible disciple should

do in such a case.


Srila Prabhupada always directs His disciples to act responsibly. In

my case (which may not apply to everyone), He clearly stated that

ISKCON "may very well go to hell", but a responsible disciple has the

duty to "not follow them there". This indicates that DISCERNMENT is

very much built into His teachings, both individually and

collectively. Individual discernment is what sets the Vaisnava apart

from impersonal dry mayavada philosophies.


July 9 is not a call for rebellion, it demands the rank and file of

ISKCON to act in accordance with directives from the eleven rtviks

appointed, and subsequent documents dictate a process wherein the

GBC, through democratic process, removes or adds rtvik initiators.

In my opinion, the GBC and ISKCON is acting in accordance with His

wishes of July 9 in that the democratic process is continuing, and

the gurus have all been authorized by the Governing Body



Latter day movements defy the GBC, defy the democratic process that

the GBC was directed to continue. The 100 or so "gurus" of ISKCON

act with the authority of July 9.


When it comes down to a fundamental responsibility of disciple to

hear from "authority", rtvik idealism requires acceptance of other

sources than Srila Prabhupada. Not only are we required to accept

July 9, wills, and other documents that were suppressed for years

without anyone's knowledge except a choice few, we are required to

accept documents such as "The Final Order" written by Sriman Krsna

Kant das, a contemporary disciple. Krsna Kant is given authority

over our spiritual lives. The external positioning of this devotee

as our peer and contemporary is the same as our external positioning

with Srila Prabhupada disciple leaders of other schools (i.e. the

honorables Siddhaswarupananda, Tripurari, Paramadvaita, as well as

others of much less credential or honor deserved). So, our

requirement as disciple of Srila Prabhupada is no different now as it

was during His physical appearance. We must scrutinize all who we

hear from and put it to the litmus of guru-shastra-sadhu criteria.

If TFO is accepted as authoritive, this is fine with me, as long as

the "believers" understand that such a writing accepted as bonafide

simultaneously elevates the author as bonafide authority, infallible.


The fact that quotes by Srila Prabhupada are inserted into a thesis

does not magically make such a writing "authoritive". If that be the

case, we can package these writings of all vaisnava forums and discussion boards as tickets back to

Godhead. Quotes do not make or break any points trying to be made by

a writer, the overall result of such a writing is what must pass the

guru-shastra-sadhu criteria. If someone speaks above the level of

their actual realization, such words are never considered infallible

by the sane. However, one who avoids such pretence is an actual link

to Parampara regardless of the consensus of others, as was the case

of our own Guru Maharaja. He always speaks and writes from an

infallible position of realized TRUTH.


You see, this is why Srila Prabhupada showed serious displeasure for

even the slightest tampering with His publications. Even the

typeset, even the placement of the title "Founder Acarya" on the

jacket of His books was meticulously planned by one who is not prone

to error (and changed by those who thought they knew better.)


Speaking of the "Founder Acarya" title, this is sufficient to elevate

Srila Prabhupada above all successors. Such a title was created by

Srila Prabhupada Himself, and is free from mistakes. He does not

demand deification, and "Founder Acarya" is perpetual in itself.

Other acaryas ordered by Srila Prabhupada in the future do not

detract from such a title, nothing can be added to or deleted from

the "founder acarya" position, even inside the purview of the ISKCON



Our duties as disciples and followers of Srila Prabhupada is to be

the object of the sentence, to complete the thought, so to

speak. "Founder Acarya" of what? We are, individually and

collectively, the what. ISKCON is a branch of the Tree Of Spiritual

Life, and such a branch may have many sub-branches, thus indicating

health and connection to the Root of Krsnaloka. The sub-branches

must philosophically support the connective main branch. This

support is TO HIS UNTAMPERED WITH BOOKS. His masterpiece purports

and translations are where the pure and real ISKCON is located, and

anyone who cares to dive into the nectar of such revealed truth is

pleasing, accepted, and fully protected by the Founder Acarya, for he

has found us, His mission fully successful without debate or dialog

about limitations of such success needing something else.


Rtvik Fundamentalism may well be a sub-branch of ISKCON, but dynamic

prasadam (Harinam, books, foodstuffs, actual devotee association with

the newcomer, etc.) distribution according to time and place is there

as well. Change is seemingly authorized by J9 and other rtvik-

favored documentation, and this places Srila Prabhupada outside the

catagory of strict fundamentalism.


The choice is always ours. Someone asks for permission to carry out

what they perceive as rtvik orders. Permission granted with well

wishes, make your centers wonderful places where prasadam

distribution takes place. But documents that place GBC as the

governors of the rank and file lives of devotees must not be defied

by membership, especially if democratic process installed with GBC is

not adhered to. Rtvik societies must operate outside the sanction of

ISKCON and the GBC, and must be independent, just as schools led by

our peers who have taken diksa disciples of their own. Only the GBC

can create a rtvik system that complies with directives that are

presented to maintain such a system. Any defiance contraverts the

greater directive from Srila Prabhupada that we cooperate effectively

to spread this Krsna Consciousness Movement. The order to cooperate

is the greatest axiomatic truth that we can possibly have, and

tampering with this final order constitutes apostacy in itself.

Rebellion is never conducive to cooperative efforts.


In closing, I state that my views are offered as independent

observer. I have no affiliations with GBC, ISKCON, independent

schools of Gaudiya Math or our own advanced godbrothers (or sisters)

who are trying to spread this movement in any way possible. I have

no affiliation with any reform movement and consider the very

term "reform" as a term that means that it (ISKCON) was done

improperly to begin with. I have carefully studied the issues at

hand and give this report as an unbiased member of this council. Any

TRUTH gleaned from my writings are only because of Srila Prabhupada

and his bonafide disciples, the flaws are my possession only.


As with the defunct IVC (Independent Vaisnava Commission, dealing

with the poison issue) which I joined as outside observer as well, I

fully believe that such outside observances are a valuable tool in

getting anywhere. Counter proposals by opponants and cheerleading by

proponants may have their place in such councils, but the

observations from those who have no bones to pick, no sides to

support, no groups to destroy, must be seen as valuable. My

contributions are always as everyone's well-wisher, and I humbly

offer my continuing obiesancies to my friends here on this forum.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa



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