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The sat guru and the transcendental sound

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**This is our line of bhagavat-gurus, or sad-gurus.

In Sri Guru-rupa Sakhi-pranama it is said:


radha-sanmukha-samsaktim sakhi-sanga-nivasinim

tam aham satatam vande guru-ruupam param sakhim

I forever worship my guru ,

Who in his form as an exalted sakhi is happily immersed

In the company of Srimati Radhika and the other sakhis.


Only these gurus can give diksa and sannyasa mantra, which is gopi mantra

and can give confidential bhajana shiksa.


In lils Sri Caitanya all rasas become mathurya rasa.

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**The atempt to minimize

the sannyasa guru **



Sri Caitanya take sannyas from ...?




Srila Rupa Gosvami says that a kanishta devotee,

which in himself is a very elevated personality,

has not so much knowledge on the revealed truth of the scriptures,

therefore he ask submissively questions

based on the dynamic logic of contradictory.


Externally Keshava Bharati, the sannyasa guru of

Sri-Caitanya jagat-guru gaura mahaprabhu

was a mayavada sannyasa but in truth He is a an eternal associate of

mahaprabhu sri-caitanya, radha-krsna nahe anya.


And the example for that relation is not appropriate for

the relation existing between

Srila Bhakti Prajnan Keshava Gosvami and

Jagat-guru maha-purusha Srila Bhaktivedanta Svami.


The relation between the two maha-bhagavatas is the reflection

of their spiritual relation of anu-gatya in apakrita Vrindavana.

Srila Bhaktivedanta Svami Maharaja who is always present with

the sakhis, planning the arrangements for the perfection of yugala-kisora's

amorous pastime, serves also under the guidance (anu-gatya) of a sakhi

who creates varieties of delightful fun (vinoda) for the divine Youthful Couple.

That Vinoda Manjari is Srila Bhakti Prajnan Keshava Gosvami.

More information in the Book




As Srila Bhakti Prajnan Keshava Gosvami was asked if His Gurudeva revealed

the internal identity (siddha-svarupa) of any of his own disciples,

he solemnly said:

Srila Bhaktisidhanta Thakura Prabhupada has given the identity of the siddha-deha and

Shiksa in bhajana-pranali to some of his qualified disciples; otherwise the Sri Rupanuga

Line would come to an end. He also mercifully gave this pranali to me.


By the mercy of Gurudeva, Savita didi and Vicitra didi I was disclosed the

real name of Srila Bhaktivedanta Svami Maharaja, which I am not entitled to

say it here.




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**Srila Bhaktivedanta Svami Maharaja who is always present with

the sakhis, planning the arrangements for the perfection of yugala-kisora's

amorous pastime, serves also under the guidance (anu-gatya) of a sakhi

who creates varieties of delightful fun (vinoda) for the divine Youthful Couple.


He is sakhya rasa in Krisna lila.

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**What is the speciality of our brahma-MADHVA-gaudya sampradaya?**



madhva means with out greetnes God discription lils it is discription illicit lovers ( NBS )


Gaudiya means me follow mood Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.




Srila Bhaktisidhanta Thakura Prabhupada

composed a Song that maybe should also be sung in that Institution you belong too.

I sing it every morning.

The name of the Song is

Sri Guru Parampara

The first sloka:


krsna hoite catur mukha, hoy krsna-sevonmukha

brahma hoite naradera mati

narada hoite vyasa, MADHVA kohe vyasa-dasa

purnaprajna padmanaba gati


"In the beginning of creation Sri Krsna spoke the science of devotional service

to four-faced Lord Brahma,

who in turn passed these teachings on to Narada Muni

who accepted Krsna Dvaipayana Vyasadeva as his disciple.

Vyasa transmitted this knowledge to MADHVA-Acaraya,

who is also known as Purnaprajna Tirtha and

who was the sole refuge for his disciple Padmanabha Tirtha."


This is to be shown that we belong to the line of Madhva-Acarya who

Himself belong to Brahma sampradaya.


To His time Sri Baladeva Vidyabhushana, who wrote

Vedanta Bashya, the commentary on the Vedanta Sutra, to give

a strong legitimacy to our sampradaya,

and was an intimate disciple of Srila Vishvanatha Cakravarti Thakura,

proved in his writings that we belong to the brahma-madva line.


To make speculation on this subject

shows once again that using only the logic ,words jugglery

and lacking proper guidance one is prone

to develop dangerous apasidhanta.


a kanishta devotee,

which himself is a very elevated personality,

has not so much knowledge on the revealed truth of the scriptures,

and he uses arguments

based on the material logic.


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This is our line of bhagavat-gurus, or sad-gurus.

In Sri Guru-rupa Sakhi-pranama it is said:


radha-sanmukha-samsaktim sakhi-sanga-nivasinim

tam aham satatam vande guru-ruupam param sakhim


I forever worship my guru , who in his form

as an exalted sakhi

is happily immersed

In the company of Srimati Radhika and the other sakhis.


Only these gurus can give diksa and sannyasa mantra, which is gopi mantra

and can give confidential bhajana shiksa.




In lils Sri Caitanya all rasas become mathurya rasa.





The objection in itself shows a massive lack of knowledge of sidhanta.

In Caitanya lila there is no madhurya rasa,

Sri Caitanya is with none of His associates in madhurya rasa but in sakhya rasa.

Or maybe the notion rasa is not known.



The objection has no relation to the quoted passage.


"In the BHAGAVAT PARAMPARA of our rupa-anuga sampradaya

all the gurus are manjaris or sakhis of Srimati Radhika."


The explanation was given by Srila Bhaktivedanta Sarasvati Thakura

in an article from the Harmonist Magazine and quoted in the Preface

of the recent translation of Nitya-ananda Caritamrita from Vrindavana Dasa Thakura.

The translation was done by elevated disciples of Srila Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhupada.


As known Sri Nityaanada Prabhu is the form of the Servitor-God

and He is the akanda guru-tattva, the origin of the guru principle

which is the mood of service.

So how comes that our gurus are manjaris or sakhis of Srimati Radhika?


Srila Bhaktisidhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada

who Himself is a manjari, who is ALWAYS with the other sakhis in the spiritual Vrindavan,


"Sri Nityananda Prabhu does not directly instruct

In the confidential service of Brajendra nandana Sri Krsna.

Srimati Radhika is the guru

of the inner circle

of servants of krsna.


Srimati Radhika accepts the service of only those

who are favoured by Sri Nityaananda

and are deemed by Him to be fit for Her service.


...the conditioned soul

may be tempted to undervalue

the constant guidance of the guru

on the hypocritical idea

of following in the footsteps of the eternally free devotees.

Therefore those that suppose that

Deliverance from the bondage of this world

should be practicable

without the constant guidance of the sad-guru

confound the conditioned state with the free."




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For very clear understanding of who's who one should listen to such maha bhagavats that other maha bhagavats agree are pure authority on the super subjective reality of Lord Sri Krsna. Here is another link for any struggling to find a true perspective on this topic.Please excuse any imposition on the subject.


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[s.B. Narayana Maharaja:] Citsukananda (one of Srila Prabhupada's

senior-most preacher disciples and one of Prabhupada's first

disciples to preach and make devotees in Spanish-speaking

countries) reminded me that he was present at the time Srila

Swami Maharaja left this world in 1977, and that he had assisted

me that day. He had escorted me to Srila Swami Maharaja's

bedside that day. Among hearing many other requests of your

Prabhupada, Citsukananda heard him say, "You should help all my

devotees. I have brought them, but because of their lack of

qualification I could not fully train them." He also heard him

tell me, "With your own hand, you should give me Samadhi."

Citsukananda told me that this is why he is so inspired to

assist me now.


[brajanatha dasa:] Citsukananda prabhu was instrumental in Srila

Maharaja's visit to the Mexico City ISKCON temple, although the

ISKCON leaders tried at all costs to ensure that the visit would

not take place. The devotees there were very wonderful, and they

invited all of us to accompany them on Nagara-sankirtana through

the very park in which Srila Prabhupada used to walk in the

mornings. Then, at the end of nagara-sankirtana, Citsukananda


present on behalf of ISKCON, announced, "I don't care if they

kick me out of

ISKCON. Srila Narayana Maharaja must come to the Mexico City



Sure enough, that afternoon we all accompanied Srila Maharaja to

the temple, and we assembled in the room that Srila Prabhupada

had previously used as his quarters. Citsukananda prabhu spoke a


words, and then Srila Maharaja spoke of the wonderful history of

how Srila Prabhupada had requested him to help, and how he had

placed Srila Prabhupada's transcendental body in Samadhi.

Expressing his appreciation, Citsukananda said, "If it wasn't

for Srila Narayana Maharaja we would have no father. Prabhupada

is our father, and it was Srila Narayana Maharaja who was the

main inspiration of him taking sannyasa. Of course, Srila

Prabhupada was sent by Krsna from the spiritual world to help

all the souls that he helped, but Srila Maharaja was Krsna's

instrument in Srila Prabhupada accepting sannyasa from Srila

Bhaktiprajnana Kesava Gosvami Maharaja (the diksa guru of Srila

Narayana Maharaja). If it were not for him, we would not have

that transcendental relationship. " Then, addressing Srila

Maharaja directly he said, "Without you, we would be fatherless.

We are so appreciative of you and we want to help in all ways."



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**This is our line of bhagavat-gurus, or sad-gurus.

In Sri Guru-rupa Sakhi-pranama it is said**



Kanistha adhicari not know many details. SP come take you understanding Goswamis.



If YOU have an open heart YOU can understand something, read carefully.


>>As known Sri Nityaanada Prabhu is the form of the Servitor-God

and He is the akanda guru-tattva, the origin of the guru principle

which is the mood of service.

So how comes that our gurus are manjaris or sakhis of Srimati Radhika?


Srila Bhaktisidhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada

who Himself is a manjari, who is ALWAYS with the other sakhis in the spiritual Vrindavan,


"Sri Nityananda Prabhu does not directly instruct

In the confidential service of Brajendra nandana Sri Krsna.

Srimati Radhika is the guru

of the inner circle

of servants of krsna.


Srimati Radhika accepts the service of only those

who are favoured by Sri Nityaananda

and are deemed by Him to be fit for Her service.


...the conditioned soul

may be tempted to undervalue

the constant guidance of the guru

on the hypocritical idea

of following in the footsteps of the eternally free devotees.

Therefore those that suppose that

Deliverance from the bondage of this world

should be practicable

without the constant guidance of the sad-guru

confound the conditioned state with the free." <<


To be a kanishta is not a shame.

I look at my pointing finger.

And there are different types of kanishta.


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**Srila Bhaktivedanta Svami Maharaja who is always present with

the sakhis, planning the arrangements for the perfection of yugala-kisora's

amorous pastime, serves also under the guidance (anu-gatya) of a sakhi

who creates varieties of delightful fun (vinoda) for the divine Youthful Couple.**





He is sakhya rasa in Krisna lila.






1. In Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami vandana it is stated


Namaste sarasvate deve gaura vani pracarine


Our respectful obeisances unto you, O servant of Sarasvati Gosvami.

You are kindly preaching the message (vani) of Gaurasundara.


Oh, what is the message of Gaura?

In Sriman Mahaprabhu vijnapti

from Sri Vidagdha Madhava of Srila Rupa Gosvami it is said


Anarpita carim cirat karunaya avatirnah kalau

Samarpaytum unantojjvala-rasam sva-bhakti-sriyam

Harih purata-sundara-dyuti-kadamba sandipitah

Sada hrdaya kandare spuratu vah saci-nandana


May that Lord, who is known as the son of Srimati Sacidevi

Be transcendentally situated in the innermost chamber of your heart.

Resplendent with the radiance of molten gold,

He has appeared in the age of Kali by His causeless mercy

To bestow what no avatara ever offered before


The service of Srimati Radhika as Her confidential maidservant.(unantojjvala rasa)


That was the mood of Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Praphupada.

He wanted to give that message of Sriman Mahaprabhu, but

His disciples were not qualified in a short time to understand this confidential topic,

But if you read Caitanya Caritamrita, you will see

Everything is there.


2. Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami is a Rupa-anuga ,

That means a follower of Srila Rupa Gosvam, a follower of his teachings.

And what were his teachings ?

We can see it in Srila Rupa Gosvami vandana

Sri caitanya mano bhishtam stapitam yena bhutale

Svayam rupah dada mahyam dadati sva-padantikam


written by Srila Narotama dasa Thakura in Sri Prema bhakti candrika

where he says:

When will Sri Rupa Gosvami give me the shelter of his lotus feet?

Because he understood the innermost desire (mano bhishtam) of Sri Caitanya

He was able to establish His mission in this world and is very dear to the Lord.


What was His innermost desire?

Oh, to taste the moods of Srimati Radhika and


Atyanta durlabha prema koribare dana

Shikahaya saranagati bhakatera prana


to bestow freely the rarest treasure or prema

He taught saranagati the life and soul of the devotees.


The devotee that really is in the rupa-anuga line, who is

a follower of Rupa Gosvami, who in Krsna lila is Rupa Manjari,

that devotee must be a follower of the maidservant moods of manjaris.


3. In this connection Srila Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhupada insisted very much

that his disciples would sing every morning Gurvastakam by Srila Vishvanatha

Cakravarti Thakura, and there, in the sixth sloka it is said:

Sri Gurudeva is ALWAYS present with the sakhis,

Planning arrangements for the perfection of

yugala-kisora's amorous pastimes (rati-keli)

within the kunjas of Vrindavana.


This is the sad guru in our brahma-madva-gaudya sampradaya,

in the line of Rupa Gosvami.


4. Learn the Prabhupada Vandana

(the pranama mantras von Srila Bhaktisidhanta Sarasvati Thakura)


You will find there much enlightenement.



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3. In this connection Srila Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhupada insisted very much

that his disciples would sing every morning Gurvastakam by Srila Vishvanatha

Cakravarti Thakura, and there, in the sixth sloka it is said:

Sri Gurudeva is ALWAYS present with the sakhis,

Planning arrangements for the perfection of

yugala-kisora's amorous pastimes (rati-keli)

within the kunjas of Vrindavana.



Can you tell me where the word ALWAYS you have emphasized appears in the sloka?

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All glories to the devottees of the Lord!


Whoever comes from the spiritual world

in the material world,

trully "He" never lives the spiritual world,

"He" ALWAYS is there.


We cannot understand this

by our material experience,

material logic and

looking on the words

with our material mind.


That's why we need the proper guidance,

beeing under the shelter of a realized

rasika sad guru.


Oh, raga are you all alone, have you the

association of a sadhu, or you have only the association of the murti of a sadhu?


You know the story of the one that made a murti of guru and worshiped that murti.

But Rupa Gosvami says

FIRST GO TO GURU AND TAKE shelter of him.

And then SDAHU sanga.


Please accept my humble obeisances.


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Oh, raga are you all alone, have you the

association of a sadhu, or you have only the association of the murti of a sadhu?



Oh friend,


I do have the association

of a very elevated rasika saint

who has lived for half a century

steeped in deep manjari-bhava bhajana

on the sacred banks of Sri Radha Kunda.


Even your guru

(in case you are Anadi who posted without logging in)

has read his commentaries and drawn ideas

to his Vilapa Kusumanjali lectures

from them!


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from FOLIO


"In the Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika, verses 147 through 153, it is stated: &#8220;The

pleasure potency of Sri Krisna formerly known as Vrndavanesvari is now

personified in the form of Sri Gadadhara Pandita in the pastimes of Lord

Caitanya Mahaprabhu.&#8221; Sri Svarupa Damodara Gosvami has pointed out that in

the shape of Laksmi, the pleasure potency of Krisna, she was formerly very

dear to the Lord as Syamasunara-vallabha. The same Syamasunara-vallabha

is now present as Gadadhara Pandita. Formerly, as Lalita-sakhi, she was

always devoted to Srimati Radharani. "


Internal energy it Sri Gadadhara Pandita Is simultaneously shown:


- Radharani for Lord Caitanya as Krisna

- Lalita-sakhi for Lord Caitanya as Radharani

- Laksmi for Lord Caitanya as Lord Narayana


Thus Sri Gadadhara Pandita has all kinds of internal energy.


-At a level Vaikuntha Lord Caitanya it Lord Narayana

-For devotee Krisna lila He devotee ( Sri Caitanya, Nityananda, Advaita, Gadadhara, Srivasa ), altar Radha-Krisna-Sri Caitanya


-For devotee Sri Caitanya He Radha directly.


Therefore devotee Vaikuntha and Krisna lila understand Him as Lord Narayana and devotee Krisna. They worship Radha-Krisna basically.


vande bhakti-vinodam





sri-gaura-sakti - Laksmi Radharani

radha-rasa-sudhi-nidhim - Lalita-sakhi, Radharani


This infinite power Vaikuntha, carrying in itself internal energy.


Therefore no understand the message Lord Caitanya ( gaura vani )

Namaste sarasvate deve gaura vani pracarine


Because GM worshipped Radha-Krisna-Sri Caitanya, therefore BR Sridhara Maharaj has told that SP it avatara Nityanada Prabhu. Because in this deity ( Radha-Krisna-Sri Caitanya ) Lord Caitanya it Radha-Krisna really, and Lord Caitanya it Lord Narayana or devotee. It is an altar Radha-Krisna basically.


SP has brought gaura vani is a worship Krisna in mood Lord Caitanya. It gaura vani. Therefore SP teaches very little sambhoga, He is in higher mood Lord Caitanya as Radharani.




"I offer my obeisances unto the Supreme Lord, K&#1077;&#1089;&#1083;a, who is nondifferent

from His features as a devotee, devotional incarnation, devotional

manifestation, pure devotee, and devotional energy."


Embodiment Lord Caitanya as pure devotee is Srivasa Pandit. He an embodiment by all Panca Tattva, only Sri Gadadhara Pandit is present a little. Because at presence Lord Caitanya as Radharani, Sri Gadadhara Pandita it Lalita-sakhi.


Therefore Srila Prabhurada his internal mood it vipralambha Lord Caitanya, He as shows power Nityanada Prabhu, knowledge and anger /ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif Advaita Acariya and softness Srivasa Pandita.



And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.


In what that of purana is told that "bhakti will cross ocean". ( you accept authority purana? )


bhakti it devotional service? it Radharani? How you think Valaya Prabhu? /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif


Thus Lord Caitanya has crossed ocean as pure devotee.


Here it is not necessary to be pandita, open the books SP, for example as he quotes SBT.


SBT has sung, ... &#8220;Due to my past fruitive activities I have fallen into the water of material existence, and I cannot find any way to get out of it.&#8221;


SBT ... sings:


&#8220;My dear living entity, why are you being carried away by the waves of maya?&#8221;


It bajana vipralambha. SBT as an embodiment Gadadhara Pandita or internal energy represents all moods. But SP specifies basically on vipralambha.


&#8220;My Lord, I am now surrendered unto You. I am Your eternal servant, and if You like You can kill me, or, if You like, You can protect me. In any case, I am fully surrendered unto You.&#8221;


In this regard, SBT sings,


&#8220;My Lord, I do not know when I commenced my material life, but I can certainly experience that I have fallen in the deep ocean of nescience. Now I can also see that there is no other way to get out of it than to take shelter of Your lotus feet.&#8221;


Similarly, Lord Caitanya offers the following prayer:


&#8220;My dear Lord, son of Nanda Mah&#1076;r&#1076;ja, I am Your eternal servant. Somehow or other, I have fallen into this ocean of nescience. Kindly, therefore, save me from this horrible condition of materialistic life.&#8221;


SBT also sings,: &#8220;O my Lord, O Vai&#1089;&#1083;ava, please consider me your dog.&#8221;


We may also sing the songs of NdT, SBT and Locana dT, but these two songs&#8212;.....&#8212;are sufficient to please the Supreme Personality of Godhead, although we cannot see Him. Seeing the Lord is not as important as appreciating Him from the authentic literature or the authentic statements of authorized persons.""


This mood Lord Caitanya. Is top. It is much higher sambhoga. This eternal mood. This mood Gaura lila.


You know Krisna lila some, but you do not know Gaura lila.


It gaura vani. And who that it is simple nirvisesa, because nothing distinguishes. SP also has come slightly to educate. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif


In Vrindavan He has established Krisna-Balaram Mandir? Krisna-Balaram it madhurya? In Krisna lila SP in sakhya. In Gaura lila He in madhurya.


Srivasa Pandit it sakhya? -


"Hearing this reply, the Lord said in ecstasy, &#8220;Go on talking! Go on talking!&#8221; Thus Srivasa described the transcendental mellow pastimes of Sri Vrndavana.


Thereafter the Lord again and again asked him, &#8220;Speak on! Speak on!&#8221; Thus Srivasa again and again described the pastimes of Vrndavana, vividly expanding them.


Srivasa Thakura extensively explained how the gopis were attracted to the forests of Vrndavana by the vibration of Krisnas flute and how they wandered together in the forest.


Srivasa Pandita narrated all the pastimes enacted during the six changing seasons. He described the drinking of honey, the celebration of the rasa dance, the swimming in the Yamuna, and other such incidents.


When the Lord, hearing with great pleasure, said, &#8220;Go on speaking! Go on speaking!&#8221; Srivasa Thakura described the rasa-lila dance, which is filled with transcendental mellows."


Srivasa Pandit it sakhya in Krisna Lila, but Gaura lila it madhurya in "Krisna Lila"? You understand?


So is higher? If sakhya became madhurya? Gaura lila it Krisna Lila going everywhere.


What for Krisna became Lord Caitanya? Because the separation Radharani is the strongest emotion. It is top of all emotions. Therefore he is in her eternally. It Radharani in separation with Krisna. She never meets Krisna, because it and is Krisna - Sri Krisna Caitanya. It Gaura lila. It gaura vani.


Srila Madhavendra Puri he has left a body in this mood, what neophits?


Goswamis - "The six Goswamis also taught worship of Krsna in the feeling of the gopis in separation. The prayers of Srinivasacarya about the Goswamis explain these matters very clearly. Srinivasacarya said that the Goswamis were always absorbed in the ocean of transcendental feelings in the mood of the gopis. When they lived in Vrndavana they were searching for Krsna, crying, &#8220;Where are You, Krsna? O gopis, where are You? Where are You, Srimati Radharani?&#8221; They never said, &#8220;We have now seen Radha and Krsna, and therefore our mission is fulfilled.&#8221; Their mission remained always unfulfilled; they never met Radha and Krsna".


They preach KC but are in maximum mood.


There are those who simply comes back in Krisna lila. But is devotee Lord Caitanya, they and can up to the end understand mission and mood Lord Caitanya.


gaura vany.


"The feeling of separation from the Lord is undoubtedly painful to the devotee, but because it is in connection with the Lord, it has a specific transcendental effect which pacifies the heart. Feelings of separation are also sources of transcendental bliss, and they are never comparable to contaminated material feelings of separation."


For devotee Krisna Lila Goswamis it gopi.


"My Dear Jadurani,

Please accept my blessings. Your letter of 8/24 contains some important questions. The six goswamis are not all eternal associates of Krishna. Only Rupa and Raghunath Goswami are eternal associates."


Rupa and Raghunath Goswami are eternal associates Lord Caitanya.


AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada it pure devotee Lord Sri Krisna Caitanya. Pure devotee in mood Lord Caitanya. Can read His prays written on the ship "Jaladutta".


So bhakti has crossed ocean.




The free-of-charge application


"He whom SB describes as the son of Nanda Maharaja has descended to earth as Lord Caitanya." Adi 2.9


"In terms of His various manifestations, He is known in three features, called the impersonal Brahman, the localized Paramatma and the original Personality of Godhead." Adi 2.10 ( bhagavan svayam )


&#8220;Lord Krisna desired to taste the limitless nectarean mellows of the love of one of His multitude of loving damsels [sri Radha], and so He has assumed the form of Lord Caitanya. He has tasted that love while hiding His own dark complexion with Her effulgent yellow color. May that Lord Caitanya confer upon us His grace.&#8221;




Texts 51 and 52 are from the Stava-mala of Srila Rupa Goswami.




In the Gaura-gannodesa-dipika, verse 52, it is said:

"Sandipani Muni, who formerly offered the sacred thread to Krisna and Balarama, later became Kesava Bharati."


There is another statement from the Gaura-gannodesa-dipika, verse 117: &#8220;According to some authoritative opinions, Kesava Bharati is an incarnation of Akrura.&#8221;




The devotees headed by Gadahara Pandita are to be considered incarnations of the internal potency of the Lord. They are confidential devotees engaged in the service of the Lord.




In connection with verses sixteen and seventeen, SBST explains in his Anubhasya: &#8220;There are specific symptoms by which the internal devotees and the unalloyed or pure devotees are to be known. All unalloyed devotees are sakti-tattvas, or potencies of the Lord. Some of them are situated in conjugal love and others in filial affection, fraternity and servitude. Certainly all of them are devotees, but by making a comparative study it is found that the devotees or potencies who are engaged in conjugal love are better situated than the others. Thus devotees who are in a relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead in conjugal love are considered to be the most confidential devotees of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Those who engage in the service of Lord Nityananda Prabhu and Lord Advaita Prabhu generally have relationships of parental love, fraternity, servitude and neutrality.



When such devotees develop great attachment for Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, they too become situated within the intimate circle of devotees in conjugal love.&#8221;



This gradual development of devotional service is described by Sri Narottama dasa Thakura as follows: &#8220;When will there be eruptions on my body as soon as I chant the name of Lord Caitanya, and when will there be incessant torrents of tears as soon as I chant the holy names Hare Krsna? When will Lord Nityananda be merciful toward me and free me from all desires for material enjoyment? When will my mind be completely freed from all contamination of desires for material pleasure? Only at that time will it be possible for me to understand Vrndavana. Only if I become attached to the instructions given by the six Goswamis, headed by Rupa Goswami and Raghunatha dasa Goswami, will it be possible for me to understand the conjugal love of Radha and Krsna.&#8221; By attachment to the devotional service of Lord Caitanya Mah&#1076;prabhu one immediately comes to the ecstatic position. When he develops his love for Nityananda Prabhu he is freed from all attachment to the material world, and at that time he becomes eligible to understand the Lord&#8217;s pastimes in Vrndavana. In that condition, when one develops his love for the six Goswamis, he can understand the conjugal love between Radha and Krsna. These are the different stages of a pure devotee&#8217;s promotion to conjugal love in the service of Radha and Krsna in an intimate relationship with Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.


You understand?


For you - "conjugal love in the service of Radha and Krsna in an intimate relationship with Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu".


"headed by Rupa Goswami and Raghunatha dasa Goswami"


It gaura vani Prabhu.


One who is expert in logic, argument and the revealed scriptures and who has firm faith in Krsna is classified as a topmost devotee. ....


Madhya 22.66

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