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I saw the movie Signs today by M. Night Shyamalan. My feeling is that most people won't like it, but I really did. He just has a very unique style to his films in terms of story, pacing, direction, and acting. The movie has an interesting angle - imagine the world was being invaded by aliens, lets follow a single family and their response. What is interesting about M. Night's films is that they are really just about ordinary people talking. The Sixth Sense was just people talking, Unbreakable was just people talking, and Signs is just people talking (with some special effects towards the end). But he takes a fairly realistic approach to the situations.


I think the audience actually really enjoyed the movie as it was occuring. There are a number of tense moments, and lots of humor. And one little girl basically steals the entire movie from all the other actors. But it the ending. I think many won't find it a satisfying payoff. His ending for Unbreakable was similar. It just seemed very abrupt. At first I wasn't sure I liked his Unbreakable ending, but have since come to realize it was a stroke of genius. The same may be true for the ending of Signs.


The theater was quite crowded so I suspect it will rake in the dough this weekend. But next week it will probably fall dramatically due to poor word of mouth.


Again, I enjoyed it, but not everyone will.

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Signs was about as lame as a movie I ever saw. Mel Gibson does about the lousiest acting job I have ever seen, dry, empty, I had no empathy with the characters, and by the end of the movie, I was hoping the alien would eat that dude to put him out of his miserable condition.


The only good acting in the whole movie was the two minutes where his wife was pinned to the tree, this was a remarkable performance, but she should have married someone else. Even the guy who ran her over did a good job acting, but the "stars" were really lame.



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There is an in depth documentary coming to movie theaters soon called Crop Circles Quest For Truth.


Opens on the 23rd in LA and Sept. 6 in San Francisco(Opera Plaza) and Berkeley (Shattuck).


It is a curious thing that's going on.






Saw this film today and it was much better than I had expected.Certainly much much much better than Signs.


Anyone who has some understanding on sacred geometry will be fasinated.Much went over my head.There is so much more to the genuine phenomenon then meets the eye.Most simply cannot be hoaxed.


Perhaps Gauracandra will see it and give us a better review.


It may not be around long.

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Sixth sense was great all around.Unbreakable was also good,and very imaginative, but many didn't like it.


Signs was quite bad I thought.Acting stunk and I found myself trying to like it.Always a bad sign.


He should slow down and even if it takes a few years between movies, do them well.He may be ruined by success.Trying to milk it while its here.


I hope someone here goes to see Crop Circles.Current now but may be gone soon.

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