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Brahma at the time of universal devastation

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You have mentioned [in Tattva Prakasha 1.1] that at the final devastation Lord Brahma will also have to face his karma but I have indeed read that Lord Brahma goes to Vaikuntha upon the final devastation. Please clarify.

The scriptures state:


brahmana saha te sarve

samprapte pratisancare

parasyante kritatmanah

pravishanti param padam


"Brahma along with all of his followers enter into the supreme abode at the time of devastation."


This verse is in reference to the present Brahma of this particular universe, who is a pure devotee of the Lord. It does not mean that every Brahma in every universe will automatically attain liberation. Neither will every inhabitant of Brahma-loka automatically go to the spiritual world. Brahma is no different than any other living entity. If he engages in pure devotional service he goes to the spiritual world. The same is the case for any of us. If he does not execute unalloyed devotional service, he will take his birth according to his desires.


Sri Bhaktivinoda Thakura, a great saint in the line of Chaitanya, has sung:


kita-janma hau jatha tuwa das

bahir-mukha brahma-janme nahi as


"May I be born again even as a worm, so long as I remain Your [Krishna's] devotee. I have no desire to be born as a Brahma averse to You."


Very rarely there is a bahir-mukha brahma, a Brahma who is averse to the Lord's devotional service. Generally all Brahma's are favourable to bhakti, but there are exceptions. Sri Viraraghava Acharya has stated, based on revelation, that two brahma-kalpas (lives of brahma) ago within this universe there was a bahir-mukha brahma. Otherwise we generally do not get information of what has occured in other universes, or even within the same universe in prior creations.


Yours in service,


Jahnava Nitai Das,

Bhaktivedanta Ashram


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