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Mumbai/Bombay Gaudiya Mission

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I began visiting this Gaudiya mission branch in April 1991. I'm no devotee, yet once I started I couldn't stop.

I was living with RAdhAnAth SvAmI et al at Munshi Marg near Chowpatty. At that time he was still with KirtanAnanda and New VrndAvan.

I didn't know anything. As soon as someone told me there was a Gaudiya Mission branch nearby close to (Grant Road Railway Station) I began visiting every night.

At that time there were 2 sannyAsis and 12 brahmacaris residing in that temple.

I learned alot from these devotees. Tremendous yet sweet bhajan and kirtan chanters.

In 1992-3, they moved a few miles North to Bandra where they constructed from scratch a brand new mandir beside Guru Nanak Hospital.

Srila BhaktisrirUpa BhAgavat Mhrj left his body there shortly after.

Next time you visit Mumbai, do stop in during their morning or evening program.

I have to say their mangalAratrik is the best I've ever experienced on this entire planet.

They spoiled me. Nothing else even comes close. So far...

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  • 3 weeks later...

The weather in Afghanistan tomorrow is expected to be sunny in the morning with increasing mushroom clouds in the afternoon. The temperature looks to be a moderate 2000 degrees with cool winds upwards of around 700 miles per hour. It will definitely be a day for the sunblock, and it wouldn't hurt to shake the dust off the ol' lead suit in the closet. If you're planning on venturing outside in beautiful Afghanistan tomorrow, don't forget to drink plenty of fluids such as barium which shows up nicely when blasts of radiation flow through your body. Most of all, have fun out there in dusty Afghanistan and enjoy the old country while........ well, while it's still there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I strongy suggest that devotee to go to India: Vrindavana Vraj Mandala parikrama is approaching.


I have a friend that was on the Washington airport when the tragic happened. He is still ready to fly (of course, with a stress).


In the case your devotee friend does not want to go to India, he can give a ticket to me. I will be glad to go to India.


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Originally posted by Yashoda dd:

I strongy suggest that devotee to go to India: Vrindavana Vraj Mandala parikrama is approaching.


I have a friend that was on the Washington airport when the tragic happened. He is still ready to fly (of course, with a stress).


In the case your devotee friend does not want to go to India, he can give a ticket to me. I will be glad to go to India.

I think the question was whether he should travel overland, that is drive, with the war situation as it is.



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Valaya said:

I think the question was whether he should travel overland, that is drive, with the war situation as it is.



Yes, sorry. Land means land. Since the situation is changing from one minute to the other (Pakistan is playing a dangerous role by trying to make both sides happy), and since it is a war zone, I suggest flying or waiting for some better time.


Yesterday I heard that Shrila Narayana Maharaja is still very strongly desiring to come to USA and preach according to the plan his secretary made last year. But, we should not imitate pure souls.


What is wrong with flying to India?


Ys, Ydd


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ZrIpAd Bhaktivibudha Boddhayan Mhrj said just a few days ago that Alachua is, in some ways, better than VrndAvan.

He explained so:

"Now so many are coming to Vraj to make business, have family life.

So much $Western$ laxmi coming in attracts swindlers, thiefs.

Alachua is much more peaceful than Vraj to perform your bhajan.

So many vaisnavas living nearby. Not so crowded like Vraj."

He gave a few more reasons.

On the way up from Alachua Tuesday afternoon, we passed by The Quadragon (formerly The Pentagon).

It's Southside was no doubt "Holeyer Than Thou".

The rest (its other 4 sides) looked okay.

Remember Saigon?

Well we were looking at One Saigon (One side-gone).

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