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Samantha Runnion's Funeral

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I watched the very moving funeral for this little girl on CNN. It took place at Robert Schuller's Crystal Cathedral.


There is so much evil in this world. So many bad things happen and we don't take much notice. But for whatever reason this story really struck a cord with the American people.


As I said the funeral was very moving. I must say the police chief has really impressed me. Our leaders are in many ways supposed to be like our parents. They are an extension of the community to whom everyone looks up to. So a police chief needs both strength, honor, boldness, but also a human touch that reassures, comforts and guides his community. Not to get political, but this was Clinton's biggest mistake. Its an old fashion idea, but we want our leaders like the President to be a father figure. Someone we can look up to, or have our kids look up to. People didn't oppose Clinton because of his programs but because he did things we wouldn't want to see done by a father figure. Anyways, that is a separate issue.


The service invited various faiths together. There were in attendance representatives from the Catholic, Mormon, Buddhist, and Christian religions. The one part I was a bit uncomfortable with was the speech by a lady reverend who I could only guess was part of a new age Christian group. There was nothing particularly bad about her speech, except that as most new age groups are, her speech was very wishy washy. When she prayed, she called out the "The great divine energy, that we all call by different names". Thats ok I guess. But did she really think it would be offensive just to say "God". Her entire speech was like this, and so it seemed a bit distant, uncommited, especially compared to the speech given by the Police Chief, who very boldly invoked the name of Jesus Christ.


Anyways, I chanted a bit after the service and asked that what ever benefit may come may it be extended to the soul of this girl in her next life. Hare Krsna.

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I agree with Gauracandra's opinion of the lady reverend.That is the only speaker I listened to.I got the impression she was showing off i some way.Buddha stories, quoting Rumi etc.Nice words but somehow out of place or overdone.


The mother was to speak after her and I just couldn't witness her pain, so I turned it off.




Samantha Runnion was a five year girl who was kidnapped, raped & murder by some pedophile monster who a day latter disposed of her body by the side of a road.The disposable child concept of living.


She was playing in her front yard with her five year old friend and this demon pulled up in his car and just grabbed her kicking and screaming into his car and drove off.


They have caught this sick f___ and hopefully he will get the death penalty.


There seems to be an epidemic of child abductions in the US.Looks like the more we dehumanize our lifestyle the more subhumans take up residence here.

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I looked up her church which was called the Church of Religious Science, and yes it is a new age Christian group. Theist says he felt she was showing off. In my opinion, this was true, with the purpose of attracting attention to herself and her group. That was the feeling I got as I was watching it on CNN. Here was a large gathering, with millions watching on television, so why not make a spectacle of oneself if it gets people to notice you. Her speech wasn't much about Samantha, but rather her own philosophy.


Her Buddhist and Rumi statements are what I call "cut and paste" insertions. They aren't organically part of the presentation. They just really stand out.


Here was another example I recall of her equivocation. At one point she said something like "Samantha is now gone. Some say she has gone to heaven, others call it the great beyond, but whatever you call it etc...". It was just this whole "Some people say this, other people say that, but I'm not going to speak from the heart because I might offend people". The fact is no one calls it the "great beyond". True that phrase exists, but to make a distinction without a point (or over such a small thing) suggests to me a real insecurity on her part. Just say "Samantha is in heaven". No one is going to think that is bad. But "Oh no, maybe the buddhists think she has merged in the cosmic energy of the great beyond". Come on. Just be real.


You want to know the best part of the service? It was when the police captain was explaining a conversation he had with Sara (the friend of Samantha who provided the sketch artist with the details). He asked her if she was sad and Sara replied "At first I was sad. But not anymore because I know Samantha is with Jesus in heaven". And then the captain said something like "Samantha is with our Lord Jesus in the Kingdom of God". I might have some of the details incorrect as this is from memory, but it was good because it was real. There was no equivocation, or second guessing, or trying to be all things to all people. He was just speaking from the heart.

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Here is a transcript from CNN of the service:




Of course typed words don't fully carry the tone of the presentations, but it should give a fairly good idea of what happened. By the way here was the quote I thought was the best part of the service:


Sandy (ph) said, "Sheriff, I've got to tell you a story about Sarah. I asked Sarah this morning if she missed Samantha. She said, 'I miss her a lot, but I'm not sad anymore because Sarah is home with Jesus in heaven."


All of us who were involved in this case believe that the wisdom of a 5-year-old little girl, Sarah, is what made this case. The wisdom of a 5-year-old little girl solved this case, and maybe the wisdom of a 5-year-old little girl about what this life's all about and an understanding of the kingdom of heaven is the best way for all of us to say good-bye to Samantha.

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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest

It's obvious from your posting that you have never had a child, nor suffered from grievous loss. Lucky for you. Maybe some day you will -- and then you will understand the incredible superficiality and callousness of your commentary. A mother whose 5 year old has just been abducted, RAPED and murdered, "showing off" , come on. Grow up!!!!

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A mother whose 5 year old has just been abducted, RAPED and murdered, "showing off" , come on. Grow up!!!!


The woman who Theist and Gauracandra think was showing off, is not the mother of the child. It was some other woman. I did not watch the proceedings. So, I can not say whether she was showing off or not. But it appeared from your post that you were thinking that Theist and Gauracandra were accusing the deceased's mother as showing off. So, I just wanted to clarify.

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