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Globalization drives not only USA into Bankruptcy

Globalization p1

New Stürmer Volume 4

"Jesus and Hitler Told the Truth about Jews."

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Dear kindred and fellow Aryans


Ever since WW2, leading Jews have fought to launch their dream:

a world without boarders under Jewish government.




After WW2 with the military power of USA they forced all western countries into the NATO, North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. An organisation which was supposed to help countries in case they were attacked. But in fact this organisation was meant to help the Jews to control all countries belonging to it. For USA the organisation ensured sell of military equipment and payment for development of such. It even allowed USA to station military personnel outside America and thereby gain power over the political development in other countries.




In 1954 South East Asian Treaty Organisation was established. Also this organisation should be an organisation to help defending the countries in South East Asia against communism. As with NATO, SEATO gave the Jews a complete control over all countries in the region. By entering the organisation the various countries like with NATO gave up their right to have their own weapon development and production. USA military personnel was station all over the region of South East Asia.


Jews allowed Western European countries to have an independent weapon development. If you study the illegal sell of weapons in the world you will understand why Jews needed an independent, from USA, weapon industry.




Then Jews introduced the WTO, World Trade Organisation, an organisation which should work for free trade among nation and no custom-borders.

None of the world leaders understood that this organisation, WTO, would lead to the destruction of most of their national industry and eventually to globalization of the world. All members of the organisation were bound to lower customs and to purchase goods from other members of the organisation which produced that good at the lowest price.


UN - United Nations


The third organisation Jews fought for was the establishment of the UN, United Nations, an organisation which should act as a World Parliament.


"The image of the world...as traced in my imagination -- the increasing influence of the farmers and workers, and the rising political influence of men of science, may transform the United States into a welfare state with a planned economy. Western and Eastern Europe will become a federation of autonomous states having a socialist and democratic regime. With the exception of the U.S.S.R. as a federated Eurasian state, all other continents will become united in a world alliance, at whose disposal will be an international police force. All armies will be abolished, and there will be no more wars.

In Jerusalem, the United Nations (A truly United Nations) will build a shrine of the Prophets to serve the federated union of all continents; this will be the seat of the Supreme Court of mankind, to settle all controversies among the federated continents." (David Ben Gurion)


IMF - International Monetary Founds


IMF was founded in 1944 to collect German gold and prevent German gold from leaving the country.

And use it to pay war reparations to victims of German aggression.

Proof of this can be found in the U.S. National Archive online.


What gave Jews right to steal all German gold?


Jews wanted to steal German gold to prevent the post-WW2 German government from buying food, medicine and help needed for the German people. Remember the whole Jewish community wanted Germany and Germans to perish.


Later IMF was used to bring world money under Jewish control and, with the use of the money from all countries of the western hemisphere, subjugate all people in underdeveloped countries to an everlasting debt to the Jewish operated bank, IMF.




All the organisations named above would then eventually lead to the evil we now see: Globalization - in which the world would have no trading boarders and money could move to where it can make the most interest, where goods could be produced at the lowest cost. With the manufacturing equipment we have to day we don’t need - according to Jewish way of thinking - many factories to supply the "needs" of the people.


You have all seen it happening over the last 5 decades, companies have been closed in your own countries and new factories have been open elsewhere producing the same goods they used to produce when they were located in your country. The moving of factories did not result in unemployment in the beginning because the lemming politicians employed people in government and local councils.


As more factories are moved people are becoming unemployed. This should have lead to a revolution, but no. The Jews have learned from their mistakes of the 20’s as more then 15% of the people world wide were unemployed and politicians start looking for new politics. The Jews have introduced payment if a person becomes unemployed. They have also introduced social benefits all in order to keep their dirty politic working.


Cost of all above


For every country in Western Hemisphere the cost of the above has ran above what the state can pay - which has lead to every nation having to borrow money from the Jewish World Bank.


As more and more countries cannot pay their loans, more and more countries will end up like Argentine - bankrupt.


In Argentine the Jews used "Free trade" as the mantra of the Jew World Order. In Argentina, such free trade policies led to the demise of domestic manufacturing. Some factories were converted into shopping malls. Productive jobs -- the primary and secondary economic sectors diminished. Store clerks did not earn as much as factory workers and Argentina began to use the equivalent of IOUs to acquire foreign goods for its largely mercantile, consumer economy. No country can live off the tertiary or service sector alone, as U.S. bipeds will soon discover. Argentines are suffering the dire consequences of abandoning a diversified economy, which can manufacture its necessities and exports from its own raw materials. The first two sectors of a country's economy are the locomotives which pull the third or service sector along. Without one or both of them, the service sector coasts to a halt. We should all ask the Jews how much money they lost as the Argentine banks denied Argentinians access to their bank-accounts.


The USA is going the way of Argentina.


USA should have been bankrupt


USA should have been bankrupt a long time ago. USA does not produce anything any more. She import all what she need to satisfy her inhabitants. But since the dollar is the world trading currency, and since her banks have offered high interest other countries and some companies have used US-banks to stack money.


Massive diversion of money from the productive sectors of the economy into the speculative/parasitic sector, the stock market, is reflected in rise of share prices and as a consequence - due to demand of owning on the companies - a rise in unemployment. In short the market is adopting to the Jewish demand of production in those countries where the cost of production is lowest.


Since beginning of 2001 the interest in USA have dropped and nobody knows when it will rise. Money, Jewish owned, is flowing out of USA. If this keeps on USA will be bankrupt very soon.


What further will lead to bankruptcy is the cost of Bush Jr's War on terrorism.


America have for the better part of the last ten years forced her allies pay for the wars she have been engaged in. As the US-president keep his imaginary war on so-call terrorism going on, even countries like Germany, France and Great Britain will end up bankrupt. Because neither of these countries can pay for the soldiers they have stationed in various part of the world - as peacekeepers in the many peace Jews have forced on other people during the last three US-administrations.


By keeping the "war" on terrorism going Bush Jr will push the final bankruptcy in front of him. He has to do so because other countries are forced to "help" paying for the war, which "helps" President Bush Jr collect money to the almost broke US-economy. When bankruptcy finally hit America nobody will remember Bush Jr and his Jewish friends were to blame for the bankruptcy..


Bankruptcy has Begun


It has, just look: Neither Alabama nor Missouri can pay tax-refund to it’s citizens until new tax-money comes in.


Alabama & Missouri state governments bankrupt, delay paying tax refunds.






"Alabama income-tax payers who filed early hoping for quick refunds will have to wait a little longer: The state doesn't have the money."


Missouri Stops Payments of Tax Refund Checks


ST. LOUIS -- The budget deficit is huge. Tax collection has been unexpectedly skimpy. And the treasury is all but tapped out. So the state of Missouri has stopped sending out income tax refunds. And there are no plans to put the checks in the mail any time soon. State officials have told 415,500 taxpayers that their refund checks--worth a total of $167 million--are on indefinite hold because of an extreme cash flow crisis. "We really don't know how long it will be," budget director Brian Long said."


When did it start?


It all started long ago, but for this article we only need to focus on what happened as some of the Eastern Asian countries wanted to develop their own economy.


Some Jews did not like the thought of one region getting away from Jewish economic grip. As a result of that the Jew Soros precipitated the Asian economy by transferring money away from banks in the area.


We can look on the Soros affair as the start of it all, even if we all know it started long before.


I will in a later article describe how I look at the continuation of globalization.

If Jewish audacity/swindle, Chuzpe, is right, then resistance must be a national duty.

Heil og sael

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the blind man feeling the tail of the elephant claims the elephant is like a snake.


This is the problem with the mass of fundamentalists,neo-nazis,conspiracy theorists,etc,..al claiming they know what is what.


They are trying to explain an elephant by their experience of the tail.


History is not in charge,jews are not in charge,satan is not in charge, the freemasons/illuminati/NWO are not in charge,the cia/nsa/whatever are not in charge,the 13 are not in charge,nor the rothschids/morgans/rockefellers.

Certainly the prory of sion is not in charge,nor the merovingian dynasty,nor the black nobility,or even the olympians.


All these theories trying to make sense out of historical facts or fallacies,are missing the big picture.


The only controlling factor is the desire of Bhagavan. All else is an illusion.


The attempt to demonize those who you see as having power in this world,is also under the direction of God.

Everything is part of that reality,the real masters of the universe are in synch with that reality,all others are struggling with a delusion.


Money,wealth,power,..these are all under one power,not many.


We are all serving God,willingly or unwillingly.

Only the realization of absolute reality,seeing this world as a virtual reality experience,with God's being, as the conscious virtual world we live in,and also the controller of all that goes on in this world, is enabling you to see reality on the absolute level, reality free from delusion.

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No way eh... like we gotta keep these hosers from taking over the world eh... else the world will be polite, clean, and friendly eh...


By the way, eh, do you know how Canada got its name? When it was originally founded they decided to pull out letters from a hat. The first three letters that came out were: C, eh, N, eh, D, eh Posted Image

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