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The Olympics Thus Far

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For sports lovers it was a good day today. I managed to catch a little bit of women's snowboarding and speed skating, as well as men's cross country, ski jumping, and downhill. I really enjoy the speed skating and downhill racing. Speedskating was just so slick and almost hypnotic just watching them go around the rink. And the downhill racing is really quite amazing. At times it sounds like jets are zooming by the microphones. Now the only question is "Will curling match the excitement level?" Posted Image

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Unfortunately, this is probably the last way they wanted to win the gold. I didn't see the competition myself, but everyone at work agreed that the Canadians should have won. Even a Russian lady said that the Canadians should have won. Basically as I understand it the Canadians had a simpler program but executed it flawlessly, while the Russians had a much more challenging program but made a few mistakes.

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I think that in a few years or maybe even right mow, the skaters will realize that this way was the best for their fame and upcoming professional careers. They have appeared on Jay Leno and Larry King. Even Dave Letterman said "30 million saw the Olympics. I guess the only people that didn't, are the ice skating judges." They even joined the pop rock group BNL at the televised concert from the Olympic Center.


The two routines were pretty comparable. Sale and Peltier were breath-taking. Thirty million saw that.


Speaking of the Canadian band, BNL (Barenaked Ladies), I taped it and studied their incredibly creative and talented show. The tall singer (Ed) used to come to my farm with my son for weekends and summer vacations when they were 4 and 5. Little Eddie was a gifted kid and was sent to a special school for the gifted. There he and three other gifted kids decided to become rock stars.


I could see Eddie's renunciation. He even wrote a song about "Figuring out what it's all about". I am very pleased with little Eddie; after 25 years he is still a wonderful happy kid, and spreading his happiness around bigtime. That band name is a little, well, unusual; in fact their first Toronto concert was cancelled because City Hall was afraid of a band with such a name - not realizeing their popularity and clean wholesome content and message.


One favorite lyric is "If I had a million dollars; I'd buy you a fur coat - but not a real fur coat, that would be cruel." And then later "If I had a million dollars; I'd buy you a nice green dress - but not a real green dress, that would be cruel."


I was trying to determine what the affect had been of his exposure to temple prasadam and Krsna pictures and sounds in his youth. It's odd how both he and my son have become famous doing the jobs all kids dream of doing; a rock star and skateboard pro. Hopefully Krsna will arrange for them to use their fame in His service at some point.


"If I had a million dollars; if I had a million dollars, I'd buy you love."<font color="#f7f7f7">


[This message has been edited by gHari (edited 02-16-2002).]

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3 generations-medalists story last night was heart-rendering.

Dance-skating kept Baladev Prabhu's gravity in mind.

I've never been to Salt Lake City. You?

Salt water's supposedly therapeutic for arthritics.

Try saying that line 10 times fast.

ZrIpAd TripurAri Mhrj had a Mormon ziSya.

He joined at 19-20St-Church Ave in Frisco May1987.

Above the external Beauty Parlor.

He moved to Vraj, married a VrajavAsI, begat one daughter..

Then I lost contact. Was his name Nitai-caran? Good brain.

Was there anything resembling Olympic Games in Vedik Culture?

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Well it's been a dozen years since my staff in New York dragged this Canadian boy into their hockey league. I'm a goaltender from childhood (the only safe place on the ice), but they needed me as a forward. It was fun and I got into shape, but I just had to play goal in another league. After buying veggie pads like the NHL, the night before my first game in the nets again, I couldn't sleep - just like Christmas eve for a little kid. I couldn't figure out why I had quit when I got married, and didn't play from 25 to 42. It seems that two years on Long Island was enough to get it out my system, and make me a kid again, forever.


But anyway, that is all behind me; yet I must note that this year was a very special year for us Canucks at the Olympics. Our boys and girls both brought home gold after ousting strong Merican contenders in what may have been the best hockey that will ever be played. We don't have much of an army, but we are the warriors of the ice!


I wonder if those poor shlubs in the war-infested territories realize that life can be so nice. Maybe they can't chant japa, but at least they could play like nice little boys and girls. It doesn't take much to be happy in this world.<font color="#f7f7f7">


[This message has been edited by gHari (edited 02-25-2002).]

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