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Greta Van Susteren

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I was standing in the check out line at my local grocery store when I saw a magazine cover with her face on it. In case you don't know, she is a former host of 'The Point' on CNN, and apparently she is moving over to Fox news. Anyways, basically she had plastic surgery in order to improve her looks, and make her seem not so old.


But man, does she look awful now. She looks like catwoman, with her face just pulled back as tight as can be. It took me by surprise looking at her face on the cover of this magazine (don't recall which one). She looked fine before. She had some wrinkle lines, but that is natural, and looks much nicer than how she looks now. Before she had soft skin, now her skin looks pulled back tight and plastic. She really, really looks awful. It is bizarre that some women think this will make them look better. Its too bad our culture only has images of air brushed, contorted, toothpick models on all magazines. Its creating a totally impossible image to live up to.



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Funny enough, I was also standing in the check out line in the grocery store with a friend when I noticed that cover and I made the same comments. She really looks bad now and with all that powder on her face trying to cover up the wrinkles around her eyes she looks like a ghost.

Here is something for the beautiful women in the world:


Facts on Figures;

> There are 3 billion women who don't look like supermodels and

> only eight who do.


> Marilyn Monroe wore a size 14.


> If Barbie was a real woman, she'd have to walk on all fours due

> to her proportions.


> The average woman weighs 144 lb. and wears between a 12-14.


> One out of every four college aged women has an eating! disorder.


> The models in the magazines are airbrushed -- not perfect!


> A psychological study in 1995 found that three minutes spent

> looking at a fashion magazine caused 70% of women to feel depressed,

> guilty, and shameful.


> Models twenty years ago weighed 8% less than the average woman.

> Today they weigh 23% less.




> ~Beauty of a Woman~


> The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears,

> The figure she carries, or the way she combs her hair.

> The beauty of a woman must be seen from her eyes,

> Because that is the doorway to her heart,

> The place where love resides.

> The beauty of a woman Is not in a facial mole,

> But true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul.

> It is the caring that she lovingly gives,

> The passion that she shows.

> The beauty of a woman

> With passing years -- only grows.



> An English professor wrote the words, "Woman without her man is

> nothing," on the blackboard and directed the students to punctuate it

> correctly.

> The men wrote: "Woman, without her man, is nothing."

> The women wrote: "Woman! Without her, man is nothing."




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Yes the powder only makes it worse. I was thinking it might have been one of those "soft focus" lenses (and it still might be). The price I read she must have paid would have been $18,000. Imagine spending that kind of money and coming out looking worse than before? She looked fine before, now she will permanently look odd not old. Interesting stats also.


[This message has been edited by Gauracandra (edited 02-10-2002).]

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

It's not just her butt-ugly looks. It's her inability to speak clearly that drives me insane. She runs her words together and more often than not sounds like she is either drunk or on pills. I feel so sorry for the ugly stick that hit her too...poor piece of wood....LOL! /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

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First time in India and Vrndaban. It was my second day there and I was still disoriented. I was just sitting in Krsna Balarama mandhir, leaning up against a pillar and trying to take it all in.


Everyone kept staring at me and I didn't know how to respond to that then. It was just after the free prasada distribution in the afternoon and many poor villagers were coming in for darshan. They all stared at me as they past.


These two somewhat elderly ladies came walking by and they were also staring at me. To finally break the tension that I felt I just smiled and said Jai Radhe! Immediately they both broke into these gigantic smiles and also said Jai Radhe!


Their faces were wrinkled and even missing some teeth, but the radiance that came off their faces took me aback. It was palpable.


Such genuine smiles. Such beautiful faces. I am not exaggerating at all to say at that moment I had been reborn back into the natural human race. I remember immediately exclaiming to myself "Yes, that's what a real human face looks like."


I'm not trying to say it was some mystical spiritual experience or that I saw their gopi forms or something. It was just a profoundly human experience.


I can only feel sorry for the poor Western woman who are under such pressure to stay young that they undergo facial surguries, one after another, to try and hold on to some artifical conception of beauty. It really is very sad.


If we can only remember to allow the natural youthful energy of the soul to shine through the fear of old age would lose its sting.


Jai Radhe!

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

How in the world would such a common man as I, ever get to, at least have a drink with you!! Honestly, I obviously share your political views, but, as a well educated man, I'm sorry, I can't helptit, but I ADORE YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!! How ever could a little professional peon, such as I, ever get a date with you ?!?!?!?!?!?!!?


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Guest guest

Look, Greta, I have always been crazy about you, sure, I've always found you physically attractive, and, from my vantage point, it never mattered to me that you had your surgery,,that's your own biz, ok?? I have ALWAYS loved what I've seen of Greta, any where, anytime, and I love your MIND..It makes YOU SOOOOO SEEXYY, ok? I know that I'll never hear from you, but please, just know, that I'll always ADORE YOU !!!!!!!


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Guest guest

I don't care if she is 4 feet tall and weighs 300 lbs, I don't care if she was ugly, which she is NOT,,,,I don't care,,,I LOVE HER MIND AND HER VOICE !!!!! I mean, also, I obviously love her face, as I've come to know her, but it NEVER mattered to me that she had her surgery. That is her own business!! I don't care what she looked like, I love her !!!!! I know I'll never hear from her, but she is my dream babe !!!!!


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Well known movie stars, TV personalities,politicians, athletes etc. get such letters and emails all the time. When someone stands out as being too persistent and obviously takes it all too personally, then they get investigated as potential stalkers.


Dear guest, Greta doesn't know you. She is not interested in you, until you get to the point where you might seem dangerous. She has her own life and that doesn't include you, sorry.


Now if you were talking about Ann Coulter I could understand. A little skinny but she makes my brain hot. Hubba Hubba.


We need to give up the Greta and Ann conceptions and become obsessed with Krsna.

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