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Vanilla Sky

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Saw it last night and I really liked it. Most of the audience did too even thought they were a little impatient to know was going to happen in the end. Lots of stuff going on, careless playboy, scorn woman..how that say goes?, envious friend, true love??, meeting in a next life as cats (who wants that?), the power of the mind, when you have everything suspects everyone, lucid dreams.... Talking about dreams, a lot of them lately, quite realistic, that will go in the other thread when I have some more time.


I saw Gattaca too and I didn't find it slow but very sad how they try to control the genes and lives of everybody. It is a really good movie. That part when the mother said that she wants something to be left to chance in a way reminded me when I was pregnant and you just have faith in Krishna and whatever comes you accept and try to do the best out of it. Still there is uncertainty, will the baby be healthy, good nature, devotional, etc, etc?

I recommend both movies. Anything else there to rent in this holidays, Gauracandra?

I already got the tickets to go and see Lord of the Rings, after reading the books what else is next?


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