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Im a friggin bleedin heart liberal, but this is way left of me, sentimental gobbilygook.


If i want news, I go CBC or BBC, more news, less showmanship. There is also a straightforward centrist viewpoint (meaning the "drawing of conclusions" is left to the listener) out of Kingstown, Jamaica in English, but only available to hamsters. This guy is right on, he reported the invasion of Grenada and Panama before Amerikan stations did, he was right on top of Waco and emphasized the county sheriff's point of view (pro Koresh, anti ATF), and even let us know about Mt. Popo when a blackout was seemingly imposed last spring.


Havent listened to it for a while, but if I want Ray Talifero, Ill listen to him, not some internet wannabe leftists without any intelligence.


serfin fool, waves are growin, im goin back to renfrew (where the gremmies and hodads never go).


mad mahax

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I thought freedom of choice is supposed to be 'the American Way', but looks like it's demonizing anyone you don't agree with. No intelligence, you say, Mahaksha? People who promote peaceful alternatives over feeding their young men and women to a heartless war machine are hardly idiots. "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God."


It takes intelligence to connect the dots and observe how the CIA and American policy has trained and financially supported dictators and now terrorists for decades then oops, the bad guys suddenly turn on them and became their worst enemies. And nobody mentions the filthy rich arms merchants who continue to sell arms, rocket-launchers, etc. to both sides of any given confict happening on earth.

You put your faith in who you please, and some of us will try to seek out new ways of making peace over warmongering.



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Haribol, BhaktiV, sorry if I offended you, but the so-called "peace" movement is sometimes inappropriate. One who wants peace will ask those who are oppressed and making noise, "what do you want, how can we negotiate". In saddams case, he was a man of reason, and did have serious issues that could have and maybe should have been open to negotiate. But saddam is not a fanatic against the desire of God that we may freely choose to be His servant or not.


The terrorists of today are insane. A peacemaker will not be able to have any point open for reasonable negotiations. "What do you want" is answered by "Death to all westerners".


So, peace is inappropriate, just as it was for Arjuna. His enemies committed all seven capital crimes. These people suiciding themselves are not worthy of peaceful feelings toward them. We can love them all we want, but they are busy placing biologicals into containers for release in all western major cities, they own junk bombs, meaning that scuds have been filled with radioactiuve debris that will not kill us today but will kill us slowly, like mrgrari prior to his conversion by Narada Muni.


Anyway, peace means that freedom is honored. The peace movement will certainly do their thing, jesse jackson is making his move to pretend to be the great peacemaker, but his motivation is just as polluted as the ultra right who want to annihilate all arab nations.


Fortunately, our prez is basically a centrist, neither a knee-jerk cowboy nor a hide-your-head-in-the-sand peace maker. Ill go with him, as he is honest, has basic propensity to perform bhakti yoga.


hare krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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