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kudos to dubya

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Hey, and haribol, folks. Bleedin heart liberal, mad mahax here, praising George W. Bush, for a stand he has taken on an issue I was very concerned about. In the past, I have been wary of the right, not for their professed love of the constitution which I share, but for their seeming disregard to it in regard to personal freedoms. Too many "law and order" types have the innocent volunteering to give up their rights in order to hold onto a controlled society. But guess this is not a left or right thing, because many of my leftist types trick us into doing the same thing (which makes me wonder how different the so-called left and right really are).


Well, Dubya surely has pleased me by his position on the "Secrecy" attachment to the Intelligence appropriations bill now before congress. Hes agin it (as his daddy would say, "wouldnt be prudent"), and wont sign any type of law like that, which is what Clinton stood for as well.


Sure, it is calamitous to have a nations secrets compromised by unscrupulous rascals who would sell their mothers for chump change. I dont call them benedict arnolds, they are more like the brothers of Joseph. But to make a law like the one proposed and now before congress is tantamount to having anyone arrested for any thing at all, not unlike the anti-terrorism laws of Great Britain in the 70's and 80's which caused much pain to innocent people. Under the legislation, one becomes a criminal if they say the Navy has discharged chromium into the ocean, one can go to prison as a spy if they make lawful disclosures to authorized recepticals for such disclosure, and this legislation is the most heinous and Orwellian garbage that has ever been thought up.


Anyway, kudos to dubya, keep it up and Ill not only vote for ya, Ill get ten of my left winger friends to also vote for ya. (Not to mention that your veto of this bill will enable me to publish my memoirs after the Navy gets rid of me from a foggy beach at the end of the road rather than spend my life in prison for mere possession of my daily log books).

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dubya's best move today was ignoring the media scum:


[from matt]:




President Bush and senior advisers intentionally snubbed major media players Wednesday night by not inviting them to the new administration's first official White House State Dinner, well-placed sources reveal.


"Sure, there is a message here," said one White House insider who demanded anonymity. "This president is about doing the business of the nation, not seducing reporters and their bosses."


Not one print reporter was invited to Bush's first dinner.




Only Brit Hume, Managing Editor, FOX NEWS and his wife, Kim, Washington Bureau Chief, FOX NEWS, won a seat at the table inside of the executive mansion.


"The president loves Brit, watches him all the time," said one White House source. "The president's father also developed great respect for his reporting throughout his years at the White House."


[NBC's Andrea Mitchell attended the dinner, but as a guest of her husband, Fed Reserve Chair Alan Greenspan.]




Gone are the Clinton years when intrigue surrounded the invites and media superstars filled the red carpet.


Anchorman after anchorman, media CEO after media CEO received invitations, as did behind-the-scenes players.


NEW YORK TIMES Washington Chief Jill Abramson, who spearheaded the paper's coverage exposing Hillary Clinton's suspected "vast right wing conspiracy", became a fixture in Clinton's twilight year -- attending two White House Dinners -- including parting with the first family on New Year's Eve 2000.


CHICAGO TRIBUNE reporter Naftali Bendavid was rewarded [and accepted] a state dinner invitation after he did an expose on Clinton nemesis, Juge Royce Lamberth.


This time around -- all NEW YORK TIMES, WASHINGTON POST, LOS ANGELES TIMES, ABC, CBS and CNN reporters, editors and bureau chiefs, and their owners, were left off the list of Bush's official State Dinner activities.


When asked if there is a danger of alienating reporters who cover the president by withholding invitations en masse, one Bush adviser said it was a risk well worth taking.


"Listen, there really should be a fence between those in government and those who cover those in government," the adviser said on Wednesday.


But what about Brit?


"In future dinners, I am sure we will see other reporters invited to the White House.... No, they will not all be from FOX NEWS!"




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