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Birth Control???

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Sex and the TV

Indian Minister Calls for Cheap TVs to Lower Population


Aug. 31 — India is hoping to slow its ever-growing population by giving folks something else to do in the bedroom — in addition to sleep, that is.


Call it birth control by the airwaves.

At the prodding of its health minister, India has decided to make TV sets cheaper, hoping to keep couples glued to the shows — and away from each other.


"Entertainment is an important component of the population policy," the Times of India quoted health minister C.P. Thakur as telling lawmakers in parliament. "We want people to watch television."


India population's passed 1 billion in May, and law makers have expressed concern that the country would soon overtake the world's most populous nation, China.






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But football is the best. I remember my dad watching it and the sound vibration is definitely soporific. As in total mode of ignorance.....zzzzzzzzzz.......


(Wouldn't it be easier to finance birth control than providing televisions to everyone? Not that I'm condoning that, but seems like few care about the morals of it anyway anymore. Guess I just am not intelligent to understand the depths of governmental policies.)

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I cannot tolerate football because of the past trauma of watching a grown-man (my step-father)reduced to a screeching maniac every Sunday afternoon!


I sort of thought the same thing about the birth-control thing - it actually seems that tv would give people ideas! Not to mention the cost! Go figure! Posted Image


Originally posted by JRdd:

But football is the best. I remember my dad watching it and the sound vibration is definitely soporific. As in total mode of ignorance.....zzzzzzzzzz.......


(Wouldn't it be easier to finance birth control than providing televisions to everyone? Not that I'm condoning that, but seems like few care about the morals of it anyway anymore. Guess I just am not intelligent to understand the depths of governmental policies.)


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