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Taliban ban internet.

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July 13, 2001

Taliban Bans Internet


ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (United Press International via COMTEX) -- Use of the Internet by individuals and national and international organizations has been banned by Afghanistan's ruling Taliban militia to prevent access to "things that are wrong, obscene, immoral and against Islam," the official Afghan Islamic Press reported Friday.

The news agency said the order was issued last week from the Taliban headquarters in Kandahar, which cited misuse of the facility as the reason for the ban.


"We want to establish a system in Afghanistan through which we can control all those things that are wrong, obscene, immoral and against Islam," the AIP quoted Taliban Foreign Minister Maulvi Wakil Ahmad Muttawakil as saying.


The Taliban is made up of hard-line Islamic fundamentalists. In 1996, in a factional war against other Islamic groups, it toppled the government of President Burhanuddin Rabbani, who is still recognized by most of the world as Afghanistan's legitimate leader.


In March this year, the militia destroyed historic statues of the Buddha, claiming that the Koran, Islam's holy book, forbids idolatry. Later, they ordered Hindus living in areas under their control to wear distinctive identification badges on their clothing for easy identification. They later canceled the label ruling.


A small number of people working with the United Nations in Afghanistan have Internet access in Kabul. Few, if any, private Afghan's are thought to have it.






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<h3>The Taliban orders all men to wear blindfolds</h3>


Kabul, Aug. 6, 2002 (AP) -- The Afghani High Council, led by Mukhtar Sayyed Ali Pashtu, decided today that the only solution to the problem of being tempted by women and other immoral things was to have everyone wear a blindfold.


Pashtu proudly claimed that this was the most Islamic solution, as the alternatives were to either poke everyone's eyes out or generalized castration for all men and the sewing up of all the women's vaginas.


Other proposals included digging a big hole in the middle of the Himalayas and everyone going to live underground, which would prevent outside influences from entering the Afghani people and just blowing the whole damn place up and committing mass suicide, which would have ended the problem once and for all.

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The Communist Chinese are light years ahead of the Taliban:


BEIJING, April 13 (Xinhua) -- China will not approve any new Internet cafes in the next three months, a national teleconference announced Friday.


A massive check-up on existing Internet cafes and other areas providing Internet service will be carried out in the next three months, according to the conference jointly held by the Ministry of Information Industry, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Culture and the State Administration of Industry and Commerce.


"Before the completion of the check, no new Internet cafes will be approved," said Wu Jichuan, minister of Information Industry, at the teleconference.


During the period, the four departments will ask the current Internet bars to re-register, and those with no legal certificates will be closed. In addition, the government will crack down on any illegal activities in the Internet cafes.


The number of Internet cafes in the country witnessed a rapid increase in recent years, which has helped promote the development of the IT industry. "But we cannot neglect the influence of the Internet on teenagers' growth and social development," Wu said, adding that a number of teenagers

are addicted to the Internet, indulging themselves in on-line games, chatrooms and even pornographic pictures.


The four departments have jointly issued rules on Internet bar supervision to avert negative effects of the Internet on society.


China now has more than 22.5 million Internet users, 20.5 percent of whom surf the net in Internet bars. Some large cities like Beijing and Shanghai have more than 1,000 such Internet outlets.


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You be careful you don't start a Jihad you naughty boy. You know there may still be a few a these vigilantes cruisin' the net, huntin' the infidels, not heeding their masters decree, and you have given your whereabouts.

In the spirit of true sportsmanship it may be better for them to wear the labels so they know who they've still gotta convert, and Jagat will know who's comin up the garden path.


I don't mean to be controversial here but it is a concern, there are boatloads of these guys pouring into Australia thru the backdoor, and it is a little difficult for the kanistas that screen the asylum seekers from the stirrers, who are coming to further their cause in a once peaceful naive population.

After reading their discriptions of paradise, they may just think this is it, and those dudes don't hesitate to kill for their turf. It's rather crazy how some people interpret their teachings.

I was once commissioned to paint a mural in a restaurant for a Jewish immigrant here who wanted me to paint some naked ladies layed back on couches with a swarm of bees all over them. When I asked what the conection was I was told his conception of this place God directed him to, was 'the promised Land of endless milk and honey.'I took him as one of the wandering tribes.

This joint just ain't what it used to be, even tho most aussies take it out on a sports oval, dope is on the increase big time, violence and gang warfare with other agitated immigrants on the increase, kids shooting each other regularly.

mind you, I have no problem with a co-operative mix of respecful and greatful newcomers, but a lot of these guys have assimilation complexes or something. Could it be maybe they don't see someone in common? Makes me wonder if there ain't some other agenders cookin'. Posted Image



Originally posted by Jagat:

<h3>The Taliban orders all men to wear blindfolds</h3>


Kabul, Aug. 6, 2002 (AP) -- The Afghani High Council, led by Mukhtar Sayyed Ali Pashtu, decided today that the only solution to the problem of being tempted by women and other immoral things was to have everyone wear a blindfold.


Pashtu proudly claimed that this was the most Islamic solution, as the alternatives were to either poke everyone's eyes out or generalized castration for all men and the sewing up of all the women's vaginas.


Other proposals included digging a big hole in the middle of the Himalayas and everyone going to live underground, which would prevent outside influences from entering the Afghani people and just blowing the whole damn place up and committing mass suicide, which would have ended the problem once and for all.


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