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Dreams About Krsna

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Ok, ok. I'll start. One of mine is seeing Krsna in a crowd, it is in a campground where there are lots of people staying, standing out of course in his physical form, appearing as a 15 yr old boy (or somewhere around that age). He leaves the crowd and goes through a gate. I walk up to the gate with my mind, but my body doesnt follow. I worry that I will only bother him or appear like a silly puppy if I follow him, so I dont. I walk around to where I see some groceries spread out on a table under an outdoor wooden canopy, like a pavillion, kind of. I'm thinking, what am I supposed to do with all these groceries?

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Originally posted by radharani:

----- I worry that I will only bother him or appear like a silly puppy if I follow him, so I dont. I walk around to where I see some groceries spread out on a table under an outdoor wooden canopy, like a pavillion, kind of. I'm thinking, what am I supposed to do with all these groceries?

I am thinking that only a "silly puppy" would being concerned about picnic groceries instead of following Lord.

Next time you should instead be following Him doggedly. With the love and loyalty.





[This message has been edited by Shashi (edited 06-21-2002).]

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I'll try to try that, if I'm fortunate enough to have the same scenario occur; but I think he was trying to teach me something through my reluctance. He's really been after me about the widespread use of dairy. A vegan diet, I have found, is *far* more supportive of a spiritual life. When I eat dairy it makes me feel sluggish, uninspired, and my spirit clouded, in comparison to a totally vegan diet. Maybe that's what the groceries were all about, partly. The pavillion reminded me of one at New Goloka, where I ate once. But it also could have to do with my not being spiritually ready to leave behind the need for food, as I've heard some people have done, while still having or appearing to have a physical body.

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dream #2


I'm on a stage and Krsna is standing there on it with me. It is like a graduation ceremony (similar to the stage set up at my high school graduation). He waves his arm and everything turns into digital, like looking at an old-fashioned computer screen close up. Everything is red, yellow, blue (the primary colors), black, and white.(including me!) Whenever I thought something, it appeared as solid--for ex, I thought about someone standing over on the other side of the stage, and a mind-arm reached out to where this person was standing, kind of like a frog's tongue. I didnt have any thought, at all, that was not visible in this strange digital world. My thoughts were in black and white, and everything else was in the 5 colors. This was by far the weirdest dream I ever had. When everything switched to digital there was the strangest sound, like my consciousness was actually mutating into digital material.

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I thought in the first dream you were supposed to prepare the groceries and offer them to Krsna, regardless of what it meant to you and your own body. But dreams are so interpretive sometimes it's better to just enjoy them. (As for veganism, milk is supposed to be conducive for spiritual life, for building the brain tissues. I think when things are overused, or our bodies are out of balance, then we become restricted in what we can eat. I can't have much milk either, a half cup of hot, maybe once every couple of months...mmm, what a dreamy treat!).


I never saw Krsna in a dream, except in Deity form, and He would sometimes move and talk, sometimes just through His eyes.


Your second dream sounds downright creepy. Like being in both worlds. Which is just about how it is for us.


Some devotees here have some really cool dreams, I hope they will catch this thread and share them.


ys, JR



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3rd dream:


I was walking with Krsna in a Garden and then I was looking out through my chakras, like they were windows (about the size of ET's heartglow),(I dont usually have the ability to see them); first it was like looking through sunglasses with red lenses, then I was guided up and the 2nd window was like looking through orange lenses, before I got to the 3rd chakra I felt my eyes rolling way back in my head, it felt really strange. Immediately I was looking at a man on a stretcher being wheeled down a brightly lit hospital corridor, it was like I was standing behind him, except I'm not sure if I was standing or floating, I couldnt see myself. Then fairly quickly I was inside this man's head as someone said, "he's dead"; he heard them say it. He was dead, but he was still there, and he was trapped inside his mind, though he didnt feel any pain that I could tell. I was aware that he was going to stay here, in his mind, as observer only while whatever was done to his 'dead' body. For me, I think this would be terrifying, but he was calm and accepting of it, almost like he had experienced this as death before.

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  • 1 year later...

Reality 1. A Ghost attacks me. I start praying different gods, like praying the head of ghosts "Annappa", but still the ghost continues to bite my back. I start reciting verses from "Hanuman Chalisa", but still no help, and my suffering continued. Then I started to cry and call my Govinda. He comes immediately and drives away the Ghost with his sword. I clearly saw his Tilaka and sword with his youth form. Then I curled around his feet, just like a baby curls in the womb. I woke and heard a cat's cry nearby. This was strange because we did not have cats and I was staying in 7th floor, so no chances of roaming cats.


Reality 2. Two (One male and one female) old and ugly forms wanted to catch me. They were ugly with Leprosy and were very scaring. I tried running away from them, but they followed me with their open hands to catch me. Then I saw two bright forms one male and one female (I strongly believe them to be my Govinda and Lakshmi Devi) They were very bright, so I was not able to see their face. When the ugly old from was very near and just about to catch me, my Govinda came in-between myself and the ugly form. The ugly form stepped back and tried catch me from different directions. But my Govinda also moved very fast in different directions, so that he was always in-between myself and the ugly form. I was also running, but suddenly I fell down. Now I was more venerable and felt that the ugly form can catch me easily. Then my beautiful Govinda fell upon me, covering me from all directions.


Reality 3. I went to an ancient temple. There was a river near the temple. People were telling that crossing the river brings good luck. They were also advising that the head should bow down and should never be lifted up while crossing the river. I reached the river, but the river was flowing ferociously. Then I laughed at myself thinking how can someone cross such a fast flowing river. Then a young man who was in his youth, with a long black beard appeared (whom I believe none other than my Govinda) and instructed me to cross the river. I clearly saw his black beard for some time and was not able to find even a single white hair. People nearby were discussing that this young man is usually not visible and his appearance is auspicious. I told him, it is difficult for me to cross such a fast flowing river. He replied, it is easy if I concentrate all my senses on the river. He demonstrated this by crossing the river. He had his head bent down, using both the hands and legs (thus using all the sense organs), he very easily reached other side of the river. He returned and advised me to do the same. I started to cross the river using the same method demonstrated by him. Almost half way down the river, I heard many times, a loud female voice (It must me Lakshmi Devi) encouraging me "well done.. Cross the river". I wanted to see who was this female encouraging me, so lifted my head. The moment I lifted my head, I slipped and was forced down for some distance by the river. Then the female voice started to tell loudly "Do not look up. Do not look up. Look down and cross the river". So, I looked down towards the water, and reached the other side of the shore. I woke up breathing heavily and my hands were near the cassette player. I played Vedic Chants and slept again. Strangely, the dream continued. I wanted to cross the river and return back, but was not able to cross the river because the river had frozen.


I still wonder, what can be the meanings for the third Dream


govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami

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  • 1 month later...

I have alot of dreams about our local temple and also Tirupati in Andhra Pradesh (though I've never been there yet) especially dreams in which I am blissfully cleaning floors and toilets.


In one dream I went to our local temple and there was Maha Vishnu reclining on Sesha Naaga. I lovingly placed flowers before him, and with a big smile on his face and pretending to be asleep, the Lord rolled over and crushed my flowers with his body.


Then last week I had a dream wherein I did nothing but lie in Sri Krishna's arms in ultimate bliss and peace. I wouldn't mind having that dream every night!

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