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Psychic Trick

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Ok, try this one out. I'm going to do a world wide psychic reading. Do one step at a time, and don't peak at the answer.


Pick a number from 1 to 10


1) Multiply by 9


2) Subtract 5


3) Sum the digits, repeat this step until you have a one digit number (eg. if your number is 12, then sum 1+2=3)


4) For whatever number you have pick that letter of the alphabet (eg.if your number is 9 your letter is I)


5) Think of a country that begins with that letter.


6) Now think of an animal that begins with the second letter of the country.


7) Think of the color usually associated with the animal.


Now I have never met any of you. Look below to marvel at my psychic abilities.




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The CEO of my company tried this one out on us at our annual profit sharing meeting. Afterwards, I also thought of others like a brown otter from the Dominican Republic Posted Image The key is as Animesh pointed out the mathematics in the beginning that forces one to get a 4. From there, there aren't a whole lot of countries in the world with the letter D to choose from.



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Dubai is not a country, is a city of the United Arab Emirates. Urchins can refer to sea animals but in India I always read it in the newspapers in reference to children, mostly mischiveous (how do you spell that?).

What about, Dutchland and Unicorn?

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