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Consequences of Anger

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Bhagavad Gita 2.63


Krodhad bhavati sammohah

Sammohat smrti-vibhramah

Smrti-bhramsad buddhi-naso

Buddhi-nasat pranasyati


From anger, complete delusion arises, and from delusion bewilderment of memory. When memory is bewildered, intelligence is lost, and when intelligence is lost one falls down again into the material pool.

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TRANSLATION Bhagavad-gita 5.23

Before giving up this present body, if one is able to tolerate the urges of the material senses and check the force of desire and anger, he is well situated and is happy in this world.



If one wants to make steady progress on the path of self-realization, he must try to control the forces of the material senses. There are the forces of talk, forces of anger, forces of mind, forces of the stomach, forces of the genitals, and forces of the tongue. One who is able to control the forces of all these different senses, and the mind, is called gosvämi, or svämi. Such gosvämis live strictly controlled lives, and forgo altogether the forces of the senses. Material desires, when unsatiated, generate anger, and thus the mind, eyes and chest become agitated. Therefore, one must practice to control them before one gives up this material body. One who can do this is understood to be self-realized and is thus happy in the state of self-realization. It is the duty of the transcendentalist to try strenuously to control desire and anger.


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Akrodha means to check anger. Even if there is provocation one should be tolerant, for once one becomes angry his whole body becomes polluted. Anger is a product of the mode of passion and lust, so one who is transcendentally situated should check himself from anger. purport BG 16.3

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  • 3 weeks later...

sukhArthI cet tyajed vidyAM, vidyArthI cet tyajet sukham

sukhArthinaH kuto vidyA, kuto vidyArthinaH sukham ||

If you want comfort, abandon learning;

If you want learning, abandon comfort.

How can anyone who wants comfort acquire learning?

And how can anyone enjoy comfort who wants to learn?

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  • 5 months later...

I find revenge in HarinAm. Harer nAmaiva kevalam

Talking to the particular person I'm angry at/with does NOT help.

That person has his/her viewpoint.

Maybe if some mutually respected guru mediates/arbitrates.

Otherwise, like I said before, Harer nAmaiva Kevalam: LOUDLY!

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