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Quotable quotes

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Didn't know old Waldo was a Vedic Verse. Learn somethin' new every day....


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But since you brought the subject of quotable quotes up, how 'bout this:


<h3>"A thing moderately good is not so good as it ought to be. Moderation in temper is always a virtue; but moderation in principle is always a vice."</h3>


-----Tom Paine, <u>The Rights of Man</u>, 1791


[This message has been edited by rand0M aXiS (edited 07-03-2001).]

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Here's one for you, BB, from the great Fabian himself,


"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man."


-George Bernard Shaw, writer, Nobel laureate



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na prasamsen na garhayet |

visvam ekatmakam pasyan

prakrtya purusena ca ||


“One should see that because of the meeting of material nature and the living entity, the universe is acting uniformly. Thus one should neither praise nor criticize the characteristics or activities of others."


Bhagavata 11.28.1




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While preachers preach of Evil Fates (5th Canto)

Teachers teach that knowledge waits (UpnaniSads)

Can lead to hundred-dollar plates (karma-kaNDa)

And goodness hides behind its gates (HaridvAr)

Yet even the president of the United States.. (RAjarsi?)

may sometimes have to stand naked. (yukta-vairAgya)

Above I meant to type, that is, I left out "in hand".

A thawed out Admiral Byrd in hand is worth 2 in a Bushclan.

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Serenity, regularity, absence of vanity,

Sincerity, simplicity, veracity, equanimity,

Fixity, non-irritability, adaptability,

Humility, tenacity, integrity, nobility,

Magnanimity, charity, generosity, purity.

Practice daily these eighteen "ities"

You will soon attain immortality.



~ Socrates




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Serenity, regularity, absence of vanity,

Sincerity, simplicity, veracity, equanimity,

Fixity, non-irritability, adaptability,

Humility, tenacity, integrity, nobility,

Magnanimity, charity, generosity, purity.

Practice daily these eighteen "ities"

You will soon attain immortality.


~ Socrates

Are you sure that isn't from Swami Shivananda? I have seen that nearly word for word in his writings, along with his concluding line "...you can't learn this in the university."


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I just looked through the magazine of the Divine Life Society, September 1996 issue and found the above poem is by Swami Shivananda, along with one more verse:


Brahman is the only real Entity,

Mr. So and So is a false non-entity.

You will abide in eternity and infinity;

You will behold unity in diversity;

You cannot attain this in the university.

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One more famous poem by Swami Shivananda:


Serve, love, give, purify, meditate, realise,

Be good, do good, be kind, be compassionate;

Enquire: "Who am I?" Know the self and be free.


Practice truth, love and purity -

This is the foundation of spiritual practice.


Adapt, adjust, accommodate;

Bear insult, bear injury - this is the highest sadhana.


Detach, attach; detach, attach -

Detach the mind from objects,

Attach it to the Lord.


Nothing exists, nothing belongs to me,

I am neither mind nor body,

Immortal Self I am.


Work is worship;

Dedicate it to the Lord.


Remember the saints;

Remember the Divine Name.

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Originally posted by jndas on indiadivine.com :

Are you sure that isn't from Swami Shivananda? I have seen that nearly word for word in his writings, along with his concluding line "...you can't learn this in the university."

Umm.. I am puzzled..

This quote is from Indian Paganism daily quotes. The quotes prior to this one were by Swami Shivananda.

If it needs to be corrected, I'd let them know. Thanks.

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Believing you can be perfect is the fatal imperfection.

Believing you're invulnerable is the ultimate vulnerability.

Being a Warrior doesn't mean winning or even succeeding.

It means rising and falling and rising again,

as long as you live.


~Richard Heckleren


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A few more famous quotes by Swami Shivananda:


O man! Thou art a pilgrim here. Awake, awake. Life is short. Time is fleeting. Go back to your original home of immortal bliss.


---- Swami Sivananda


Be kind. Be compassionate. Be honest. Be bold. Be pure. Be wise. Be virtuous. Enquire: "Who am I?" Know the Self and be free.


----- Swami Sivananda


The end of wisdom is freedom.

The end of culture is perfection.

The end of education is Character.

The end of knowledge is love.


That eye alone is the real eye, which sees God in every thing.


--- Swami Sivananda


"Until and unless Self-realization is attained, Knowledge-Absolute is

gained, there is ever the ebb and flow, the constant see-saw between the animal and the man in every human being.

The beast or the brute is never completely absent or overcome except through a final Divinization of the individual."


--- Swami Sivananda



Who is a Saint? He who lives in God or the Eternal, who is free from egoism, likes and dislikes, selfishness, vanity, mine-ness, lust, greed and anger, who is endowed with equal vision, balanced mind, mercy, tolerance, righteousness and cosmic love, and who has divine knowledge, is a saint.


--- Swami Sivananda


Bhakti is immortalizing nectar; it transmutes a man into divinity. It makes him perfect. It bestows on him everlasting peace and bliss.


---- Swami Sivananda


Trust the Divine Grace at every step. Speak to the Lord like a child. Be candid. Open your heart freely to Him. His Grace will at once descend.


---- Swami Sivananda



Pray faithfully like Prahlada. Sing like Radha. Repeat His name like Valmiki, Tukaram and Tulsidas. Do Kirtana like Gauranga, weep in solitude like Mira Over the separation from the Lord. You will have Darshan of the Lord.


---- Swami Sivananda

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"Let us then not be pleased if we are successful in anything, let us not be proud of our activities, let our material good and glory not exalt us.

If we swell up with pride about any good things that come our way we are displeasing to God.

The psalmist says of the humble: 'The Lord protects the little ones.'

Since He was calling the humble 'little ones.' After this saying he added something else. As if we were asking him what he would do in such a case, he added:


'I was made .'humble, and He set me free."


St. Gregory the Great.

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Men seek for seclusion in the wilderness,

by the seashore or in the mountains...

But such fancies are wholly unworthy of a philosopher,

since at any moment you choose you can retire within yourself.

Nowhere can man find a more quieter or untroubled retreat

than in his own soul;...

Avail yourself often, then, of this retirement,

and so continually renew yourself.


~ Marcus Aurelius

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In wealth is the fear of poverty,

in knowledge the fear of ignorance,

in beauty the fear of age,

in fame the fear of backbiters,

in success the fear of jealousy,

even in body is the fear of death.

Everything on this earth is fraught with fear.

He alone is fearless who has given up everything.


- Bhartrihari




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So true.Fear seems ever present.


He alone is fearless who has given up everything.

If one has simply renounced everything without being sustained by positive attachment to Krishna, could there be a lingering fear of reattachment to that which has been given up?One wonders.

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kept me from the vedic verses

despair said 'what's new under the sun?'

Ignore-ance was sure there'd be some curses

And from imagined cut&paste hell did I run



disguised as boredom got me searching

looking for that highest taste around

Opened up the secret vedic verses

and the ever-livin' truth is what I found.



Thankyou much much








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