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does anyone know if there is a standard practice in cremation, at least in america, of 'compacting' the body first before burning it, maybe by making it into smaller pieces? i'm trying to remember some of my past lives and if i knew this it might help


[This message has been edited by radharani (edited 06-25-2002).]

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Because I sometimes have 'body-memories'; it's hard to explain but in one life I think I must have been a soldier and had to have my legs amputated below the knees, because on a strange kind of subtle level, there is a kind of 'absence' of my legs below the knees that hasnt ever completely healed.


And in another life that I'm pretty sure of, the girl was somewhat well known and was known to be cremated; I wondered if I was having 'body-memories' of this occuring to me after death in this most recent life, of being cut up before cremated; I'm not sure, but trying to remember helps to validate reincarnation for me, rather than just accepting it intellectually or out of reverence for the teachers of the past.


[This message has been edited by radharani (edited 06-26-2002).]

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(i think i am more attached to my bodies than most people are, maybe!); i think, like in my last dream-post (about someone else's death that i experienced in a dream), my consciousness sticks around until my body is completely gone, or at least sometimes. I dont think death is the same experience every time, or for everyone; i think there are as many ways to experience death as there are ways to experience life, perhaps.


[This message has been edited by radharani (edited 06-26-2002).]

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