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Srila Prabhupada: We Need Animal Fat

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"The animal fat required for the human body can be well derived from cow's milk. Cow's milk is very important for human energy, and the economic development of society depends on sufficient food grains, sufficient milk, and sufficient transportation and distribution of these products." (Light of the Bhagavata, Chapter 27)


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At least once, decribng, distinguishing between 3 modes, PrabhupAd gave example:

"Goodness is like cooking with ghee, passion like butter, ignorance like oil or something else."

PrabhupAd included words "or something else", not I/me.

Amerikan Capitalism depends on both Fat Animals & Animal Fat.

It's a crying shame Bushy invited Blair Project & some other State head to 2nd Mother Steak dinner at his STexas = Steaksauce ranch.

Bad example.

Oprah speaks something against MacDonald & gets sued. Terrible.

Amerika is not reeaallly Capitalist. More like Fatalist.

Vedik Capitalists stress pure Animal Fat in milk form.

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The 'land of milk and honey' is another one of krsna's jokes . . . .(STRIVE FOR A HEAVEN OF THIEVES!!!!)milk and honey are both stolen from animals . . .though on another level maybe this striving for the land of milk and honey is the striving for the middle ground; products stolen are not *as bad* as life taken. But it's really about the suffering of these animals more than the actual theft . . .why do bees sting?

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In that post, I pondered the meaning of the sacredness of cows to Krsna . . .if cows are sacred to Him, would he want us to make use of their products of suffering, thus perpetuating it further? Maybe they are sacred to Krsna because in case of a bad year of crops or something like that, cows' milk can keep humans from starving to death, and from having to resort to meat-eating. But I think it was only meant to be used in this type of emergency.

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  • 3 weeks later...

ghRta means ghee, makhan is butter.

Animal Fat is undesireable in cold milk, desireable in hot milk.

We first learned this NOT from our Gaudiya guru lineage.

Over 50 yrs ago, Abbott & Costello filmed "Hold That Ghost"

Therein one handsome, humble doctor recommends warm milk, not cold.


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