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State of the Onion Speech

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Natural Health Tip of the Day

Sunday March 3, 2002

The Wonder Of Onions

Onions are another wonder food, with many uses from medicinal to nutritional. A piece of freshly cut onion brings quick relief to bee stings or insect bites. The membrane between layers of an onion can be used as an antiseptic dressing for small cuts or burns. Hundreds of years ago, Middle Eastern doctors even used onion applied to scalp for hair loss, although there is no scientific evidence to support this use.

Here are 2 ways to take onion internally, besides eating them, of course. Take 3 parts of finely chopped raw onion, 1 part honey and six parts white wine. Let this mixture sit for 2 days, stirring occasionally. Strain and take 2-4 tablespoons a day. If raw onion irritates your stomach, though, chop and cook three onions in about a pint of water. Strain this mixture, add honey, and drink throughout the day. The 2nd method is easier on your stomach.

- Carla Joy




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