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Wine is Needed to Digest Meat

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By searching the Vedabase, I was able to find three lectures wherein Srila Prabhupada stated that wine is needed to properly digest meat, but he does not give any reference sources for this information.


Since most of the meat eating influence in India comes from the British, who seem to be totally ignorant of this information, it seems that most Indians would share this ignorance. The French, on the otherhand, make a habit of drinking wine everyday, and, as a result, have significantly less obesity and heart disease than the British or the Americans ( http://www.cnn.com/HEALTH/heart/9907/06/wine.heart/ ).


I am concerned about this because nursing homes and assisted care facilities in the USA force their elderly patients to consume lots of meat and lots of ridiculously expensive prescription drugs, but refuse to allow them to consume any alcohol, therefore endangering their health and decreasing their life span.


This, in my humble opinion, is a health care scandal of monumental proportions, and which, therefore, needs to be investigated! The health care givers must be informed that if they want to restrict their patients from drinking alcohol, then they should also restrict them from eating meat or drinking coffee ( http://www.drkaslow.com/html/coffee-caffeine.html )!


Where did Srila Prabhupada get this very important information?



Related items:


"The world's oldest man, 112-year-old Antonio Todde, who said the secret of his longevity was a daily glass of red wine..." ( http://www.cbsnews.com/now/story/0,1597,323218-412,00.shtml )


"Jeanne Calment, believed to be the world's oldest person, died Monday at age 122...Calment credited her longevity to Port wine, a diet rich in olive oil..." ( http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/9708/04/obit.oldest/ )




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I had heard this too - that alcohol was necessary in order to properly digest meat. But I didn't know if Srila Prabhupada had said it, or where it had come from. Now as regards the health benefits of wine, do we know if those same benefits come from just drinking grape juice? or is it the alcoholic nature that gives those benefits? I seem to recall reading that it really is just the grapes, and not really the alcoholic nature. Its just that people are more prone to drinking alcohol regularly than plain grape juice. But I'm not sure on this point.

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So far I've heard, alcohol C2H6O helps digest thick flesh.

Flammable alcohol - fuel for digestion's fire: makes sense.

Good point PTji: feeding meat w/o liquor is worse than with.

Great argument for introducing meatless diets in Nursing Homes.

But Amerikans are very slow: mandah sumanda matayo (Bhag 1.1.10)

Gary Null www.garynull.com mentioned yesterday:

Everytime doctors in Brazil, Israel etc. go on strike:

Local Hospital Death Rates plummet.

The more alopathic doctors strike, the safer we all are.

Physicians on vacation ki jaya!

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Originally posted by Tarun:


So far I've heard, alcohol C2H6O helps digest thick flesh.

I agree!


I told one old codger recently, "You have to drink wine in order to properly digest meat." He replied, "Yes, but I've heard that if you remove the alcohol what's left will still have the same effect." I retorted, "Don't you believe it! They'll tell you anything." He seemed somewhat taken aback, and didn't say any more on the subject. It's amazing how much blind faith people have in the highly self-motivated medical profession!


Originally posted by Tarun:


Great argument for introducing meatless diets in Nursing Homes.



Originally posted by Tarun:


Gary Null www.garynull.com mentioned yesterday:

Everytime doctors in Brazil, Israel etc. go on strike:

Local Hospital Death Rates plummet.

The more alopathic doctors strike, the safer we all are.

Physicians on vacation ki jaya!

Very interesting!


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They should be nervous about YamadUtas, not veggies.

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Where's the Beef (In the Teenage Diet)?

More teenagers, particularly girls, are turning to vegetarianism. And that's making America's beef producers very nervous



BEEF STAKES: The beef industry is targeting girls with ads like this pitch from the Cool 2B Real Website

Miami Herald: Going Vegetarian Increasingly Cool With Teens


TIME Cover Package: Should You Be a Vegetarian?


Thursday, Jan. 30, 2003

The Atkins diet may be hot among American adults, but its meat-heavy dictates apparently don't fly with the younger generation. According to a new study from market researchers at Teenage Research Unlimited, one in four teens now considers vegetarianism "cool." The study indicates a rise in vegetarianism in the teen population, particularly among girls. While some grown-ups, including those at animal-rights group PETA, are delighted by the trend, others — including those who work for beef production and marketing companies — are understandably miffed. Their goal now: come up with innovative ways to win back young salad-eaters.


Enter the folks at the National Cattlemen's Beef Association, who have responded to the looming vegetarian crisis by launching a website, Cool 2B Real, in an attempt to link meat consumption with some degree of hipness. The site, which looks like a cross between a Barbie fan page and a Taco Bell ad (beef-filled tacos and gigantic hamburgers dot the screen), extols teenage girls to "Keep it Real" — "real" as in a person who eats beef, preferably three or four times a day. Visitors are also invited to send e-cards to their "real friends" and to tell the world why they are "real girls" (because they eat beef burritos, of course!)


"We hope the 'Cool 2B Real' campaign helps girls make healthy decisions about food and exercise," says Mary Young, a registered dietician and Executive Director of Nutrition for the National Cattlemen's Beef Association. The NCBA, says Young, is concerned about the nutritional shortfalls of vegetarianism, which Young refers to as one of the "wacky eating behaviors" teenage girls tend to favor.


Still, it's hard to wonder if they're going to be successful with this pitch. As any teenager could tell you, obvious pandering is not the way to go when you're trying to reach this audience. Back in the early 1990s, companies with experience in the teen market realized traditional marketing was not going to work; young consumers are too savvy for old-school ads, and too steeped in irony for sincere come-ons.


While chipper taglines about "cool" are not going to affect any normal teenager, frank discussions about health just might. New findings from the University of Minnesota link teen vegetarians to a less health-conscious lifestyle than that of their carnivorous peers. Presented with a degree of subtlety, the U of M study may just succeed not only as an indicator of larger body-image and confidence problems among teens who choose vegetarianism, but also as a warning shot for young vegetarians. You may think you're eating healthfully by avoiding meat, but here are some low-protein pitfalls you could face: thin, brittle hair, bad skin, low energy. These are problems teenage girls care about — and they could be massaged neatly into a palatable pro-meat message.

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