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Celibacy - Love It or Leave It

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This thread is for articles & discussion concerning 'No Sex'.

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Smith Abstained from Sex for a Year to Prepare for Ali Role


World Entertainment News Network


WILL SMITH was so intent on becoming MUHAMMAD ALI in the new bio-pic of the boxing champ he went without sex for a whole year.


The MEN IN BLACK star, who is married to stunning actress JADA PINKETT, trained as a boxer to play the legendary former World Champion in ALI.


And Smith's preparation included Muhammad's abstinence from sex when he was preparing for a fight.


DARRELL FOSTER, Smith's trainer, confirms, "To understand the sacrifices that Muhammad Ali went through to be the greatest boxer ever Will decided he had to go through it all as a fighter - the pain, sweat and tears, the dieting, abstaining from sex.


"Will vowed to have no sex for the year he was training for Ali. Sex saps a fighter's energy and Ali always abstained through fight training. Will wanted to really live the role, experience it all."

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(It just cracks me up how they make a real big deal--HEADLINE NEWS--about someone taking a year off sex. That must make me superwoman)(tee hee)

Didn't devotees use to give him (MA) books in New York? I knew one girl who went to his hotel room with books. Any other stories about where/how this powerhouse really got his power?

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Interesting. Now do you believe WC? Isn't it strange how there would be pride in such a statement? It's like saying, look at me, I'm a bigger dog than you are. Or: I'm more expert at exploiting women than you are (he certainly was no lover, with that number--fictional or not.)


Now celibacy. That is something to get dangerously proud of....

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Jul'70, I was working at Kutsher's Country Club near Monticello, NY.

A great basketball player Maurice Stokes passed away untimely.

Kutsher's decided to host an annual Maurice Stokes memorial game.

That year such stars as Billy Cunningham, Mike Riordan played.

MA showed up after the game standing atop a car hood.

We were leaving basketball court back across street to Hotel.

MA began reciting his poetry from the car rooftop.

He was soon to fight Joe Frazier.

I roughly recall one line:

"One Ali punch ended that championship fight,

As the fans saw Frazier fly clean out of sight."

He was a riot.

So after he got down from cartop, we all walked with him into/through Kutsher's long hallways.

I flanked right next to him as he entered Kutsher's snack bar.

There already seated was 7ft 1in 'Wilt the Stilt' Chamberlain.

Funny that JRdd would invoke this story on our Celibacy thread.

If you recall:

Chamberlain claimed he had had sex with 20,000 different women.

'Rebel w/o a Cause' Wilt passed away about 8 yrs ago at age 63.

Back to Kutsher's Snack Bar Summer 1970.

As MA entered & saw WC, there was a feeling in the air.

Something might happen.

MA was famous for boasting & making public challenging.

WC was just the opposite. 275lbs worth. No fat, all muscle.

MA approached WC's table.

WC was seated alone slowly eating an entire apple pie.

MA approached like a cat.

WC did not respond. Not even a blink.

MA provoked further. His nature.

MA slightly leaned over WC's table & banged it with his fingers.

He kept his fingers there.

That caught WC's attention. WC raised his head. No smile.

MA stared at WC, fingers still on WC's table edge.

We all waited, anticipating...

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After divorcing Barry Gordy Jr, Diana Ross proposed to Muhammad Ali on Johnny Carson show.

MA politely declined.

I've heard, Muslims can't marry divorcees.



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The very next day, this very same Internet Entertainment Newsletter printed the following (a kind of Western societal values disclaimer):


Will Smith Loved Practicing Sex Scenes

World Entertainment News Network


WILL SMITH loved starring in new movie ALI because he had to practice sex scenes with his co-star - his wife.


The lovable Hollywood star plays boxing champion MUHAMMAD ALI in the bio-pic opposite his wife JADA PINKETT, who portrays Ali's first wife SONJI ROI.


He smiles, "It was great to do this love scene with my wife because she could tell me honestly what I was doing wrong.


"For instance, we were kissing on the bed and Jada whispered, 'Baby, don't make your mouth that big because they're shooting a closeup, and your gums are going to look 12 feet (3.65 metres) wide on screen, and you'll look like a whale!'


"It was also pretty great to be in bed with my wife for 18 hours without the kids around!


"Of course, you had a whole film crew staring at you, but sometimes that's easier than the kids!"

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They want to make sure you/we all continue to believe Will Smith's as normal, id est, as normally lusty as the rest of us.

If celibacy comes in vogue, who'll buy deodorant? fancy clothes?

Who'll shell out for exotic vacation packages? erotic paraphernalia?

Then what to do with all their accumulated leftover stock?

Talk about bending spears & swords into plowshares...


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  • 3 weeks later...

Sometimes even Celibacy is not enough.


Ali Rival Furious About Movie - World Entertainment News


Boxing great JOE FRAZIER is fuming about ALI, the biopic of his former rival MUHAMMED ALI, because it fails to be true to life.


Frazier is annoyed that MICHAEL MANN's film misrepresents a 1970 episode when he lent Ali money - in the movie, Ali refuses the handout.


Frazier says, "He was in bad shape and I gave him money. Ali don't remember, but I remember."


Frazier is also not pleased about the film's stars, former heavyweight JAMES TOVEY who plays him, and WILL SMITH as Ali.


He calls Tovey "an ugly guy who doesn't look like me", and adds, "Will don't have the moves or the voice that the BUTTERFLY had - and I don't think they look alike."


Which at once reminded me of one of Murphy's many Laws:

(which caused BhaktipAvana JanArdan Mhrj to roar laughing):

Beauty's Only Skin Deep..., but Ugly's down to the Bone."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Seems like right about here this thread took a strange twist which I can't see as related to the original subject matter in any way, except perhaps in that even discussing celibacy drives some people nuts, what to speak of those that may be somewhat askew to begin with...





posted 01-17-2002 03:22 PM


Sometimes even Celibacy is not enough.

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Sesame Street's BERT and Ernie "Outed" in Film Scandal


World Entertainment News Network


Angry SESAME STREET chiefs are to sue a film-maker over a flick which "outs" puppets BERT and ERNIE as gay.


The kids' favorite - who have lived together on-screen for 30 years - are outed in a spoof documentary called ERNEST AND BERTRAM by actor PETER SPEARS.


In the movie, Bert and Ernie candidly discuss their feelings for each other and even label MISS PIGGY a "fag hag".


A spokesperson for THE CHILDREN'S TELEVISION WORKSHOP, which makes Sesame Street, confirmed they were seeking legal action.


She said, "We're unhappy with the film's content. Ernie and Bert are friends who live together. There's nothing sexual in their relationship. We've consulted lawyers and will decide whether to take this matter further."


The film is currently going down a storm at film festivals worldwide, and was first seen at America's prestigious SUNDANCE FESTIVAL earlier this month.

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Pfeiffer Slams I Am SAM Producers for Cutting Love Scene


MICHELLE PFEIFFER has slammed producers of her new film I AM SAM for cutting a love scene between her and SEAN PENN's retarded character.


The beautiful actress confirmed reports that the sex scene between their characters RITA HARRISON and SAM DAWSON had been left on the cutting room floor - which she blames on nervous male movie executives.


"There was a very intimate scene in the script where we make love and we filmed a montage thing that isn't in the movie," she says.


"It was one of those things that I would have liked to have left in. I think producers got afraid of it.


"Oddly enough, it was the men who had a bigger problem with it than the women."

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Tyson Faces New Rape Trial


Boxing star MIKE TYSON faces new rape trial for allegedly attacking a woman in his mansion, police in Las Vegas confirmed yesterday.


Cops claim they have "probable cause" to put sports giant in the dock again.


Investigators have handed a five-and-a-half-inch thick file of evidence to prosecutors and have asked the Clark County district attorney to press charges against Tyson.


Former undisputed world heavyweight champion, accused of biting rival fighter LENNOX LEWIS at New York press conference earlier this week, now faces an anxious two-week wait to find out if he will be charged.


Vegas police say they collected much of the evidence against Tyson during a six-hour search of his palatial mansion in September.


Accused star served three years in prison for raping beauty queen DESIREE WASHINGTON in 1991.

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Askew, yes. And no.

I was thinking whether or not I should copy & add these articles.

Love It or Leave It can be interpreted in several ways.

Tyson evidently left celibacy & I got canned for it.

Pfeiffer didn't want to embrace celibacy;

SHE wanted to flaunt just the opposite: her non-celibate scene.

Bert & Ernie (both most likely celibate?) got me started.



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The Nukie Monster's living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

The Nookie Monster I'm not familiar with.

Back some, a nookie meant a painful handmove applied to another.

In the "Pinch Family".

Similar to some knuckle-pointed massage techniques.

A nooky broke VizvAmitra Muni's underwater celibate meditation.


Michelle Pfeiffer's Fidelity Demands


Chris Delmas/ZUMA Press

MICHELLE PFEIFFER insists she has perfect relationship with husband, producer DAVID E KELLEY - but she would never take him back if he strayed.


The Hollywood couple have been married for 8 years and have a seven-year-old son - JOHN HENRY - together.


But I AM SAM star Michelle insists she could never forgive Kelley - who produces ALLY McBEAL - if he cheated on her.


The 43-year-old actress says, "I'm kind of unforgiving about that kind of thing. I'm not a forgiving person anyway and if someone i was genuinely in love with, as I am with DAVID, were to cheat on me, it would be such a betrayal - such a violation - that I'm not sure I could ever get over it."


But Michelle insists the deal isn't just one-way, adding, "Cheat on me and I'm outta here. And he's the same way too. He's be as unforgiving with me if I were to cheat on him. We're both pretty conservative in that area."

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Scooby's Pal Outed as Lesbian?

Fans of SCOOBY DOO are set to get a shock in the live-action movie - when the canine's chum VELMA DINKLEY is outed as a lesbian.


According to British tabloid THE DAILY SPORT, the pudding-bowled crime-fighter, played by LEGALLY BLONDE star LINDA CARDELLINI, will kiss another girl.


TV fans have speculated for years over the sexuality of brainbox Velma and the new movie starring celeb couple SARAH MICHELLE GELLAR and FREDDIE PRINZE JR will finally confirm what sex she goes for.


A source says, "She finally comes out of the closet in the film."


There is a narrow Vedik window/parameter for lesbians.

Gaymen who want to become Vedik sans renouncing vis-a-vis transcending homosexuality may become such specified dykes in their next life.

8,400k species of which 400k are human.

Something for everyone. It's not all one.

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Britney Tackles Her Virginity Issues on TV

World Entertainment News Network


Sexy pop teen BRITNEY SPEARS stunned American audiences this weekend, when she and boyfriend JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE joked about her virginity on a popular TV show.


The OOPS! I DID IT AGAIN star, 20, made a special appearance on hit TV comedy show SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE (SNL), and used the opportunity to delight audiences with a joke about her much-publicized vow to remain chaste until married.


During a comedy routine, the blonde beauty entered the stage to find funnyman CHRIS KATTAN pretending to be her.


She boomed, "What are you doing? I'm the real Britney Spears."


Chris replied, "Are you not that innocent? Hello! I have boobs, I'm dating Justin Timberlake."


Britney quizzed, "Okay, well what did you two do last night?"


Chris announced, "Well I think I can announce that I'm no longer a virgin!"


Beautiful Britney called her boyfriend on stage to clarify the point, who whispered in her ear that he "enjoyed last night".


When the singer told her 'N SYNC hunk boyfriend that it was not her he enjoyed the tryst with the night before, Justin stared on in mock disbelief, while Britney jokingly chastised Kattan.


The singer also appeared as a doll in the show, which featured a brief appearance by SNL alumni DAN AYKROYD.

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I don't know this actress, but Something is better than Nothing.

At least it's a step in the proper Vedik direction.

Allowing one's spouse to pose or be filmed nude is further proof:

"In Kaliyuga, people will do anything for cash!"

Cameron Diaz: No More Sex Scenes (World Entertainment News Network)



Chris Delmas/ZUMA Press

Sexy actress CAMERON DIAZ has vowed never to shoot another movie sex scene - in a bid to keep her boyfriend JARED LETO happy.


The blonde star romps naked with TOM CRUISE in current screen hit VANILLA SKY, but says it's the last time fans will be able to see her in the flesh - because of her AMERICAN PSYCHO beau.


She says, "Tom was so considerate and we laughed about doing it. But I don't want to go to work and get into bed with someone else, not even Tom Cruise. It's not like I enjoy it."


The actress will reportedly receive $20 million to reprise her role as NATALIE COOK in the sequel to CHARLIE'S ANGELS.


I usually delete this part, but this time, just to see how what KRSNa says in GItA 2nd chapter "dishonor is worse than death" rings true.

Not that I believe this ENRON exec really killed himself.

He was definitely bumped off to prevent him from singing too loud.

In the key of F (F as in Facts)?

Or in the key of E (E as in eyewitness testimonial)?


Take break from daily grind.. and win money playing trivia!

After proving his "aim is true," who vainly assures us, "I'd rather kill myself...[than] be around to witness my artistic decline"?

Eddie Van Halen Axl Rose Rod Stewart

Elvis Costello Ric Ocasek






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Pratyatosa ki jaya!

On a similar note, I recall one Pro Football player stating:

"Before every Sunday Game, I fast for at least 18 hrs.

When I hear my stomach growl, I play much harder."

Or as the famous sayings go:

1) "Abstinence makes the Heart grow Fonder." tapo divyam.. or

2) "An Ounce of Prevention is worth a Pound of Cure." or

3) An Ounce of Pretension is worth a Pound of Furor. oder

4) Eine Verhutungs Unze is wert ein Heilmittels Pfund. oder

5) Eine Verhinderungs Unze is wert ein Heilungs Pfund. o

6) Una Onza de Prevencion vale una Libra de

Agruras (acidity).

7) "An Ounce of GopI-prema's worth a Pound of AkrUra's." or

8) An Ounce of Predication's worth a Pavement-pounding Tour.

So stay home. Don't go. Chant japa. Relax those lotus feet.

Unless it's the Call of HarinAm-sankIrtan. Then you must go.

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Originally posted by Tarun:


And Smith's preparation included Muhammad's abstinence from sex when he was preparing for a fight.


"Will vowed to have no sex for the year he was training for Ali. Sex saps a fighter's energy and Ali always abstained through fight training. Will wanted to really live the role, experience it all."

It would be interesting to hear what their respective wives have to say about this!


Seriously Tarun prabhu, where did Ali get this "sex causes weakness" idea from? Srila Prabhupada? His Muslim preceptors?


I find the whole thing very inspiring, and I'm sure that it has inspired many others also. Thank you very much for posting it.



[This message has been edited by Pratyatosa Dasa (edited 02-15-2002).]

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