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Monotheism vs Polytheism: Islam vs Hinduism

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The four vedas are very large. Most people are thinking four vedas are just four books. Four vedas are in 1180 branches and most of them are lost now.


All this branches have got their samhita, brahmana, aranyaka and vedanta/upanishad text. Krishna is mentioned Gopal Tapani Upanishad.


The vedanta speaks about a fifth veda called "itihasa puraana" where Krishna, Rama, Vishnu, Ganesh, Shiva, Durga etc. are often the main subject.

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Dear SS, pls don't act silly. Don't you know the purpose of different books. It is silly to ask why there is no pythogoras theorem in organic chemistry.


<< We are talking about religious books here. All the other books , mention the names of all the Prophets ( PBUT).


Which are those Books that mention your prophet except bhavishya puran? I don't think any other book mentions him or Allah unless the verses are interpreted forcefully without any sense like 'Ila' which is foolishly concluded to mention 'Allah'.

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I donot believe in a muslim who would say that and would not follow him . I trust and believe ISLAM.

I would like to die with a clean consience that when Allah asks me did you try to communicate with people with non Islamic belief and I could say I tried.





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The characteristic of any discussion is that each person puts all his arguments and other person analyses it without instigating an altercation. If someone tries to explain the point and for some reason person X doesn't seem to get convinced, it doesn't mean he should conclude that the points are invalid. The perfect way of ending any religious discussion (that may seem to get heated) is to say "So be it..." and carry on with individual beliefs with tolerance.


Many individuals including me have tried to give convincing replies but for some reason Mr SS seems to have come here not for genuine discussion but for bashing the scriptures using some gleaned verses across the internet. An intelligent person takes the essence from the scriptures for his eternal benefit. Persons with small intelligence don't have any intention except to fuss about & wrongly interpret verses in a narrow minded fashion. I want to quote a verse from Srimad Bhagavatam 4.18.2(a hindu scripture) "A learned man takes the essence of knowledge from all places, just as a bumblebee collects honey from each and every flower." I definitely don't think Mr SS has any objection to such verses. Take the essence from hinduism. Don't try to deride or blashpeme.

Seeing the behaviour of Mr SS, I wouldn't recommend anyone replying to his queries because it is evident that he cannot convince himself no matter how much you put forth. Only genuine persons with humility who are inquisitive can understand and it is better to avoid others who have come with other motives.



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neither you nor we proclaim that he is!.


We worship him as he is , which is in perfection.


He is perfect, He is all beautiful, containing all opulences.


You are mistakenly thinking that he is a man! which he is not.


We do not think that either. We think that he is perfect, all rupas(forms) are his, he is everything yet different from everything.


So, whatever form you like him, you worship him with reverence and intimacy. If he is worshipped as a little boy, then we show love for him (krishna) , if we worship him as a king (Rama), we show love for him that way, if we worship him in the form of a saint (buddha) we show love for him that way.


If you want to worship him as if he is void of any form (brahman) it is fine. However, we cannot achieve the intimate affection we have for the lord, if we worship him in a formless state.


That love with intimacy is what we want to show him, why? because he is soooo lovable.


Thats what this is all about.




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if you just quit responding to him and he will have to talk to himself and eventually that will get as boring to him as it is to us. He is not going to convert us anymore than we will convert him (had no intention anyway) so why not do something really productive and interesting instead of beating your heads against the wall.


Yawn...it is indeed boring in here. I am going back to my Srimad Bhagavatam reading.

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Aum saccidaanandaarupaaya kR^iShNaaya aakliShTakaariNe|

namoH vedaanta vedyaaya guruve buddhisaakShiNe ||


Om namah.I offer my respectful obeisance’s to Sri Krishna, whose form is eternal and full of knowledge and bliss, who is the rescuer from distress, who is understood by Vedanta, who is the supreme spiritual master, and who is the witness in everyone's heart.


gopal tapani upanishad (atharva vedic)

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This does not make sense...


because then he will say "Allah says in Quran that if you can't convert them by talking to them, just try to kill them or bury them alive" .


We have enough terrorists... thank you... I don't want another bombing over my country , or shall I say countries (India too)



As I said he is not going to convert any of us with his arguments no matter what.


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Aum saccidaanandaarupaaya kR^iShNaaya aakliShTakaariNe|

namoH vedaanta vedyaaya guruve buddhisaakShiNe ||


Om namah.I offer my respectful obeisance&#8217;s to Sri Krishna, whose form is eternal and full of knowledge and bliss, who is the rescuer from distress, who is understood by Vedanta, who is the supreme spiritual master, and who is the witness in everyone's heart.



Amen!!! /images/graemlins/cool.gif



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Goodbye everyone!!!!







Thank you.

Never again dare to say "hindu community is being taken for a big ride by the sadhus, saints and priests..."

Get fanaticized in your community. After you come out of your well, then will you get awestruck about the vast ocean and realize that your seers are puny when compared to great saints whom we follow.

Until then may so-called peace be upon you.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hinduism is a polythyestic religion - as said by many - but if you think, there is a deeper reason behind it. In Hinduism, there is one supreme being - but for our human mind, which is limited in its ability to conceptualize, God appears in many forms. At the apex is Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva - representing three divine and basic purpose - creator, preserver and destroyer - the three acts which are the very basic of continuity and renewal - we needed to be created - just like we need to create - and we need to preserve justr like we are preserved - and finally, we are destroyed - just as past is destroyed to lead to the future. Then there are other forms of God, some at a higher plane, some subservient to it. There are gods which serve utilitarian purpose - like Indra, Surya, Vayu etc... the hindu philosophy uses Gods and Demigods to bring home a powerful message to us, humanity - that we would not be there at all without air, water and fire - that we are but a part of this universe.


Becasue Hinduism accepts that there are such a varied nature of gods, we also accept that there are varyiety of people - in other words, Hinduism is a religion that assimilates - not differentiates - us versus them - Hinduism does not ask us to adhere to any "god recited" ways of life, or rules or "commandments" - just like there are serveral gods, all different - similarly, anyone can be a hindu, how so different their ways of life are. Just like all gods are united - in their godliness - so are all humans united - by their humanity. And yes, the so called "Animals" are included in this, becuase as science tells us today - hinduism told us long back that humans cannot survive in this planet alone, without "Animals". So, the act of worshipping animals is another way of saying that they too need to be preserved.


Hinduism does not have rules of "Dos and donts", dictated by any god - simply because Hinduism believes that a person has the capacity within himslef to think what are the right "dos and donts" - that is god is in every person - its upto us to us to find that god and act accordingly. Offcourse, Hindu literature is full of stories and fables that guides us towards finding that god within ourselves - but the burden is on us to do that. It is not sufficient to recite gods name 5 times a day, and then go and sin, or confess and have all sins washed away - thats not the way hinduism works. All our actions accumulate with us and we carry the burden of our actions eternally - no way to salvation other than paying for our sins at some point in time !! A powerful message if you understand what it means.


Hinduism is a religion that has evolved over thousands of years, it has the combined wisdom of all of mankind. Its not recited by one man or one god. It si up to us individually, to understand it and learn from it.


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"Hinduism is a polythyestic religion "

"Hinduism does not have rules of "Dos and donts", "

"Hinduism is a religion that has evolved over thousands of years, it has the combined wisdom of all of mankind."




If this is what Hinduism is, then it has nothing to do with Sanaatana-dharma, Vedas, Upanishads, Dharma-shaastras, Puraanas, etc.


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"Hinduism is a polythyestic religion - as said by many - but if you think, there is a deeper reason behind it. In Hinduism, there is one supreme being - but for our human mind, which is limited in its ability to conceptualize, God appears in many forms"


if it is hinduism, this is not the gita / bhagavatam message ..... god is a real person, otherwise from where all our personality comes from, from maya? has maya something that god is missing?


if induism is that god is originally formless, islam is more advanced, because they think that god has face, legs, arms, hands, name, body, lilas, companions... even if it is forbidden to be seen by the man


"Becasue Hinduism accepts that there are such a varied nature of gods"


in the name of accepting everything, yu do not accept the Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri krishna Bhagavan, saying that it is only a charachter or an idol created by brahman to please the ignorant and not avanced practitioners


i don't know if it is hindu... but it is surely not so nice

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  • 2 weeks later...

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I am not Hindu, and I have difficulty understanding Hinduism. However, this is a discussion forum provided to enrich all those who are interested in religious issues.


It is not very gracious of you to mock and criticize a different religion. The truth is that nobody on Earth has found the Path of the Truth, the Path to G-d. Otherwise, we would have found a way to respect each other and live peacefully. Obviously, Moslems have not found the real Path to God (perhaps it is due to the fact that they don't truly comply with the Muslim Law) and neither have Hindus (too much aggression and abuse of power in their culture).


When people asked Jesus how they could be sure their religion were that right one, Jesus answered (and I am not a Christian, but a student of religions)that RELIGIONS ARE LIKE TREES: YOU WILL RECOGNIZE THEM BY THEIR FRUIT.


All those who are issued from a cultural background where violence, aggression, mercantilism, lies, abuse of power prevails (including myself) we must ask ourselves whether we adopted a correct set of values or beliefs, or whether we have adopted a false belief, imposed unto us by coercion.


I believe that we also have to ascertain different cultures and religions, and seek the ones that bear GOOD FRUIT. There is no doubt in my mind that Protestantism has been the basis of the most evolved, well organized and most civilized peoples and countries in the world. Just look at them, they are so clean, transparent, sincere, calm. I live in North America for a while, and I am amazed to see how these people are evolved. We have to admit (including myself) that they are doing something right, and that their culture and beliefs (whether ''true'' or not, provides them with something we are lacking. They certainly have found better ways to balance human nature.


We may be extremely shocked by their liberalism, particularly with respect to sexuality, but let's admit it, they are coping much better with this difficult problem than any other culture in the world. In all honesty, I find they are superior, they are culturally superior and more civilzed.


If we want to respects ourselves, we must claim our right to freedom of religion, we have a duty to ourselves to educate ourselves in this respect and to make a free and informed choice.

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Just open your eyes and see what some religions have achieved and how other religious maintain aggression, abuse of power, exploitation, violence. It is undeniable that Judeo-Christian beliefs have succeeded in creating more evolved and more civilized societies. And these beliefs have not remained fossilized, but have changed and evolved with time.


This might be difficult for you to see, because, obviously, you are a product of an equalitarian, and extremely civilized society. I have noticed that Westerners have a tendency to idealize, romanticize 'ethnic' cultures. You are only aware of our 'exotic' customs, costumes and dances. You have no idea of the violence, abuse of power, inequalities and corruption that prevail in the Third World. When you visit our countries, everybody caters to you, because you have dollars, and they are nice to you because they submit to you, not because they like you nor respect you. You have no understanding of hypocrisy, envy, constant physical and psychological abuse.


But for people like myself, issued from a Third World country, it is obvious that Nordic Western values are far superior to our primitive, mercantile, quasi-animalistic values where people are uniquely valued for their material possessions and for their social standing. You Westerners are so sincere, trusting, trustworthy, transparent that you are not capable to understand evil and the hell we live in.

You live in Paradise and you deserve to do so.

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I am not a Hindu, nor a Muslim. However, I cannot help noticing how some Muslim guests are incredibly rude, as opposed to Hindu guests. This says a lot about these different cultures.


To all rude guests: Be aware that you are a disgrace to G-d, to your religion, and to Humanity. You are showing to the whole world that you grew up in a repressive, aggresive, oppressive, violent social environment. Does your religion teach you self-control?

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