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What is intuition?

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I would say intuition is the ability to see the patterns emerging in life before the pattern is complete. We experience so many events that enter and leave our lives, and they create a certain pattern through time. For someone who can see this pattern, where events are heading, they might seem more "psychic" than others, but really they are just paying better attention (even if unconsciously).

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Originally posted by Gauracandra:

I would say intuition is the ability to see the patterns emerging in life before the pattern is complete. We experience so many events that enter and leave our lives, and they create a certain pattern through time.

This sounds more like logic to me.



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Originally posted by radharani:

the ability to listen to God

It is more like the ability to HEAR Lord.

Literally it may be mean like this:-

Into I shun.

That is meaning that very deep side of us we are shunning in the normalcies.

Also when we are getting into that deep side we may be finding that others may SHUN us.

But never on the bench in Golden Gate Park!!!

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Think you not TheistJI?



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I have a certain intuition that someone has let their guard down and is letting his true knowledge of good English usage be known here. In learning second languages, word play, being culturally-based, is usually learned well after grammar is. I don't know. Call it logic, call it intuition. It's just a feeling I have....


But I agree with Radharani about Supersoul. He is the source of all knowledge and so provides even the new animal with knowledge of how to suckle, etc.


Sometimes I ponder/wonder about the difference between intuition and instinct though.



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Originally posted by JRdd:

Sometimes I ponder/wonder about the difference between intuition and instinct though.



I don't understand either.Although I presently view instinct as being confined the grosser level of existence.But I just don't know.


I hope we get more input on this from the forum congregation.




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Remember hearing that Srila Pabhupada said that intution is the direction of Paramatma.

Or is it the instinct.




[This message has been edited by ram (edited 06-28-2002).]

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What I was describing could be called logic if it is "overt". That is if a person sits down an analyzes what is occuring. But when one analyzes the situation on a subtler level, that is even unconsciously, I think that would be intuition. We don't realize we are seeing the patterns emerge, but our mind does. I think dream analysis might aid in this regard to help one see patterns in one's own life and interactions with others.

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Sometimes we do certain things or respond to people in certain way based on 'intuition'. Sometimes we're wrong. I think intuition has more to do with feelings and hunches and if something goes wrong we can't blame paramatma for it. Maybe we have those feelings coming from previous lives.

Just pondering.........

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It seems we have 3 brains scietifically speaking. Brain is defined as a high density of neurons.


One in the head - responsible for reason, creativity, .

One in the heart - responsible for emotional reaction.

One in the intestines - responsible for gut feel.


There are more neurons in the intestine than in the spinal cord.There are some who believe that the neurons in the heart and the intestines are responsible for intution. I dont believe them. I think they are trying to convince us that the mental activity is an epiphenomenon of neural activity. But in my opinion, neural activity is a reaction to the mental activity. This I guess is in line with Vedic thought.


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Originally posted by JRdd:

-------Call it logic, call it intuition. It's just a feeling I have....


But I agree with Radharani about Supersoul. He is the source of all knowledge and so provides even the new animal with knowledge of how to suckle, etc.


Sometimes I ponder/wonder about the difference between intuition and instinct though.



If Lord is telling and you are hearing that means intuition. Amongst Indians we are always making fun with english words. sometimes finding meanings with twist the westerners have mist as they be take them for granted.


Instinct is being pre programmed meassage from Lord in the body genes whereas Intuition is the spontynous message from Lord

in the heart. This is like Radharani's meanings which I am liking.



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Originally posted by Shashi:

Instinct is being pre programmed meassage from Lord in the body genes whereas Intuition is the spontynous message from Lord

in the heart. This is like Radharani's meanings which I am liking.



Oh good one! Very interesting! The Lord in the body genes, and the Lord in the heart. Makes sense. I love all the other responses I read this morning, too. Such an intelligent thoughtful group of people here.


Now, I wonder too about animals seeming to be psychic sometimes. Like cats. Some kind of communication going on without words, or sounds. Are they following instinctual signs, perhaps indiscernable to us, like body movements, scents, etc.?

Sometimes I wonder about the similarities and differences between instinct, intuition, and psychic-ness.


Right now, I am working on a novel about a boy who spends a lot of time with his dreams, intuitions, instincts, and visions. Sometimes he gets it right, and sometimes he doesn't. Among other things, this novel explores the idea of discipline being the needed element, to control these spontaneous events, and how they are interpreted. Otherwise, it is just wild speculations, shots in the dark. Apart from the pure devotee, people can't always be right about what they perceive. So how come we are provided with these mini and potential abilities, like telepathy and intuition, if we all need guidance, discipline, someone to guide us so we don't go following our own whims and interpretations? Is it that intuition is like a talent, that needs to be practiced, and used for the highest purposes? Just a trail of lots of little thoughts here, hope someone can make sense of it and feedback on it.







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Originally posted by JRdd:

Oh good one! Very interesting! The Lord in the body genes, and the Lord in the heart. Makes sense. I love all the other responses I read this morning, too. Such an intelligent thoughtful group of people here.


Now, I wonder too about animals seeming to be psychic sometimes. Like cats. Some kind of communication going on without words, or sounds. Are they following instinctual signs, perhaps indiscernable to us, like body movements, scents, etc.?

Sometimes I wonder about the similarities and differences between instinct, intuition, and psychic-ness.


Right now, I am working on a novel about a boy who spends a lot of time with his dreams, intuitions, instincts, and visions. Sometimes he gets it right, and sometimes he doesn't. Among other things, this novel explores the idea of discipline being the needed element, to control these spontaneous events, and how they are interpreted. Otherwise, it is just wild speculations, shots in the dark. Apart from the pure devotee, people can't always be right about what they perceive. So how come we are provided with these mini and potential abilities, like telepathy and intuition, if we all need guidance, discipline, someone to guide us so we don't go following our own whims and interpretations? Is it that intuition is like a talent, that needs to be practiced, and used for the highest purposes? Just a trail of lots of little thoughts here, hope someone can make sense of it and feedback on it.






Dear Jayaradhe


This being subject intersting and your answer back making me wish to say something a little thoughtful complex maybe more than my english can be handling.


Will you please be returning here in a few days after I am seeing learned punditji for translation of my thoughts in to learned English. Hoping to see you then?


(Cow, you too please!)





[This message has been edited by Shashi (edited 06-28-2002).]

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Originally posted by Avinash:

Why has theist ji decided to become a cow? Posted Image

AvinashJi, why you not making the capital T for ThesitJi? Posted Image

Nobody decided he become the cow. We had the group intuitions that is his eternal ID. Such was our agreement.

If we are wrong it is ahrmless jokings. On the subject of jokings are anyone aware how much intuition is being involved in getting the joke? We are all seem to be discuss intuition in light of high wisdom, but what about the laughings?

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Originally posted by Avinash:

The word theist is not his name but his username. A username can start with lowercase letter which is the case with the username that theist ji has chosen for himself.

Yes you are being quite right.

My intuition told me not to crtisize you but I was ignoring same. What a shame!



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My meanings is that if intuition is leading to Lord it will be verified as the real. But when intuitions is leading to the other points and the conclusions not related to Lord there will be always some doubting about that intuitions.

If we are focus on Lord our intuitions will be finding their fulfillments.

Think you not Avinash Ji?

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I feel myself trying to employ my intuition to understand and define intuition.


Definitions on this seem difficult.


Kind of like one of our Supreme Court Justices saying he couldn't define pornography but he knew it when he saw it.


Now, lets be clear, I'm not saying that my intution is pornographic. Posted Image



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