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Religious institutionalism /obstructionism

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There was some flap in Australia a while back when iskcon threatened to sue Narayana's group for using the term Hare Krsna festival.Seems they obtained a copywrite or trade mark on the names Hare Krsna.


Isn't trying to restrict the flow of the Holy Names something that the demon's do?


I'm for temples on every corner and I could not care less which group of vaisnava's runs the mandir.


Please grow up iskcon.


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Originally posted by theist:

There was some flap in Australia a while back when iskcon threatened to sue Narayana's group for using the term Hare Krsna festival.Seems they obtained a copywrite or trade mark on the names Hare Krsna.


Isn't trying to restrict the flow of the Holy Names something that the demon's do?


You are exactly right in your comment.

This is what SrilaPrabhupada wrote in one of his letters to his disciples, <u>"Hare Krishna's Cannot be Copyrighted" </u>:


New Vrindaban

10 June, 1969



My Dear Dinesh,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated June, 6, 1969 and the copy of the agreement which you sent. The first thing is that I have already given you my word, so there is no need of an agreement with me. My word is final agreement, but if you want it for business reasons, I have no objections to sign it. But the wordings are not always clear. Another thing is although I have brought this Sankirtana Movement to the Western World we cannot make it copyrighted. <u>The Sankirtana Movement is not my invention. So how can it be copyrighted? </u>Besides that, as you will find in the album of my previous recording, <u>the chanting of Hare Krishna is going on since time immemorial. So Hare Krishna cannot be copyrighted</u>, although the tune in which I sing with my disciples, that may be made copyrighted. I have no objection to sign this agreement, but don't be misled that the chanting of Hare Krishna or Lord Caitanya's Movement can be made copyrighted.


There are some points in the contract which are not very clear, so you may explain them to me further by post. The points are as follows: ''ISKCON shall have the sole and exclusive right and authority to collect preserve and distribute all tangible expressions of said sound vibrations.'' ''Said sound vibrations shall be fixed in a tangible form solely by ISKCON'' ''ISKCON shall have the exclusive right to any existing sound recordings contained in any medium of fixation that have been previously recorded by the SWAMI'' ''ISKCON shall have the sole and exclusive right to use the name and likeness of the SWAMI for all purposes and activities encompassed by this agreement.''


So upon hearing from you on these points I shall send you back the agreement duly signed by me. I am very much encouraged by the statement of your letter, but I must let you know the pros and cons of this agreement.


Please convey my blessings to Krishna Devi. I hope this will meet you in good health.


Your ever well-wisher,

A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami





So it'd be stupid act if anyone is attemping to copyright it.



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trinidad has very large indian population.

It is a small island.

Clearly a monetary consideration is behind purusottama's letter.

His attempts to stifle others, is akin to shooting himself in the foot.

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There are so many people preaching material and spiritual topics. What is the threat with Gaudiya Vaishnavas preaching. Let them preach and let us preach, let the maharishi preach and let the muslims preach and the christians and the McDonald's and the KFC, there is enough people in the world to preach to. If they are not directly trying to preach to people who are already coming to ISKCON, then there is absolutely no reason to speak in such a threatening tone. If they are poaching then one might threaten, its natural. But otherwise, they are fine and we are fine.

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This really pisses me off.It speaks for itself.From VNN:




May 23, 2002 VNN7346


Our Right To Preach The Holy Names








His Grace Kratu Dasa

Hare Krsna


Please accept our humble obeisances. Ah glories to Srila Prabhupada.


Dear Prabhuji.


It has been brought to our attention that you or others are here in Trinidad Yatra and are proposing to start propagation of some kind of a preaching nature based on His Holiness Govinda Maharaj's teachings. If this information is factual, then we (ISKCON Trinidad and Tobago Executive) sternly disapprove such a development by you or others, which potentially has a disastrous implication to the humble efforts of the Members of our Society. That in Case of yon or others attempt to start some kind of preaching propaganda which is not in conformation with ISKCON approval, thenc we (ISKCON) shall seek legal action against such an attempt. Please be advised accordingly. Hari Bol.


We remain yours in the eternal.


Service of Srila Prabhupada

Purusottama Dasa







Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil


We members of the Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math - Rio red with a great pity the e-mail sent to our Godbrother Kratu Dasa Prabhu by Purusottama Dasa dated of 02/04/02.


Is this letter representing Srila Prabhupada's desire?


As far we are concerned one of the main teachings of His Divine Grace Swami Prabhupada is to avoid vaishnava aparadha (to get away from Srimati Radharani). In this case its writer failed absolutly forgetting the first offense to be avoided. It seems to us that he might try to study again all the vedic scriptures which deal with the offenses to the vaishnavas in order not to fall in mistake again. We should not fear the darkest and deepest hell, however we should fear the mere offensively thought to a vaishnava.


He says "we (ISKCON) shall seek legal action against such an attempt. Please be advised accordingly." which demonstrates that our friend not just neglected one of the main teachings of Swami Prabhupada as the first offense, as also one of the principal rights of any developed society that is the religious freedom, when he tries to threat to submit a natural desire of a sincere practioner (preaching) to the court.


In the Gita, chapter 18, verse 65, Lord Krsna says: "Allways think on Me and become My devotee. Offer your homages to Me. Thus you shall come to me inevitably. I promise this to you because you are My dearest friend." And in the verse 66: "Abandon all kinds of religion and just surrender to Me. I will free you of all sinful reactions. Do not fear."


1) As it is written above based in what can he take us to the Court?


2) Which country would start a judicial strugle to suffocate the sound of the voices of the seekers of The Supreme Personality of Godhead?


3) If he was practicing his spritual life: chanting his japa, gayatri, studying, etc, he would not led the vaisnava community to assist such written lamentable episode, I would not be wasting my time having to answer to such a letter instead of getting absorbed in Krsna pastimes.


My dandavats pranams


Govardhana Dasa


Member and founder of the Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math - Rio and disciple of His Divine Grace Bhakti Sundar Govinda Maharaj



This story URL: http://www.vnn.org/americas/AM0205/AM23-7346.html



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