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Running out of space

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There is a lot of good material, a lot of dross. A lot of the good material depends on the dross.


Who has the time to go through it all and separate the wheat from the chaff?


Save what you can when you can!!


And in the future, save what you think is worthwhile, because permanence is an illusion.


JNji, please give fair warning before erasing massively.


Ys, Jagat

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To be serious, I won't do any massive erasings ever. And I actually plan to upgrade our server this month so that we won't have to worry about any space limitations for a couple years. I had upgraded last year, thinking it would be enough, but already we are reaching our limit on data transfer every month and the storage space is full (or it will be in one month).


Right now this website is receiving 10,000 page views every day, which is roughly the maximum we can handle. The next server will be able to handle 30,000 page views a day, and more or less have unlimited storage space. All the present messages will be transfered there, and I will backup everything onto CD in case there is ever a problem and things get lost.



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Perhaps this should go into "Health and Wellbeing", but I'll have to post it here in hopes that people will read it. An excerpt from "Eternal Health -- The Essence of Ayurveda" by Dr. Partap Chauhan, page 157:




Prajna means "wisdom" or "intelligence", and aparadha means "offence". So the literal meaning of prajnaparadha is "an offence against wisdom". That is, doing things without discriminating as to whether it is favorable or harmful for the body or mind. These actions may be verbal, mental or physical. The actions generated by prajnaparadha aggravate the tridosha and stimulate the rajas and tamas gunas, allowing diseases to become established.


Excessive/atiyoga forms of this include talking too much, or excessive thinking, reading, mental work or physical activity. A deficiency (hina-yoga) of these actions is not undertaking these activities sufficiently, like not speaking at all or very little, and not working or engaging in any intellectual or physical activity.


Incorrect (mithya-yoga) forms include gossip, lying, inciting violence and irrelevant, illogical or harsh speech. Actions that are motivated by greed, anger, material attachment, envy, ego fear, grief or delusion also are mithya-yoga. The physical form of this includes the suppression of natural urges or performing unnatural activity such as smoking cigarettes, driving recklessly or participating in dangerous sports.


In brief, all actions that impact on the body-mind in a negative way are mithya-yoga. The person has not considered the detrimental health consequences of such activities. Or, the person is aware of the potential dangers, but ignores these and proceeds to engage in those activities anyway. Examples include smoking cigarettes despite health warnings on the packet, or continuing to drink alcohol excessively even though negative effects may have been experienced many times before.


So let us be healthy, wealthy (?) and wise. Please.

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