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Satya vaani

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This is my first post.and i hope its ok if i post a topic of introducing myself and then asking a few questions abt this site and 1 spiritual question too.


Dear moderators if u feel this is not the right place to post a topic like this, then i kindly request u to shift my topic to someother area where it will be allowed.



I visited this site around 4 days back, and i was very glad to see that there is such rich information available on the internet.

u guys have got sacred scriptures, good articles on yoga and meditation.

i just wanted to ask 2 questions. one is concerning yoga and meditation and the other abt this site.


1)i just am interested in knowing who has made this site? is it made by an organization or just some like minded people.


2) and second question regarding meditation is that, i found some good writings abt meditation on ur site, but i have been told by some people to learn meditation properly from a guru, and not do it myself.

i have also heard that if one tries to do meditation all by himself then he may end up with some mental problems.

it is very dangerous they say.


so what is ur suggestion on this??

what type of meditation is safe and can a person do it without consulting anyone?




And i once again congratulate u guys for making this wonderful site.


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Dear Shvu ji,


i have heard some benefits of meditation like increase in intelligence, and concentration etc..


i wish to do such type of meditation.


and no one answered my question about who made this site? and which organization runs this site, if there is any.



Jai Sri Krishna!

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i have heard some benefits of meditation like increase in intelligence, and concentration etc..

This type of meditation is not dangerous and can either be learnt from a book or by a competent teacher. Try out a book and if that does not work, try a teacher.


and no one answered my question about who made this site? and which organization runs this site, if there is any.

Go to the home page of this site and check out the the links at the bottom of the page where you will find all the Info you need.





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