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Sri Krishnaraja, the Indian Hero of Vijayanagara by Dr. Melvin

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Krishnaraja is known as the Unconquerable

(Ajita) because no Muslim Sultan was able

to defeat him when he ruled the Province

of Vijayanagara, India in the late 14th cen-

tury and early 15th century.


There were actually two great Kings who

ruled Vijayanagara Province, the last bul-

wark of the Indian Hindus, in southern In-

dia. These great Rulers were Krishnaraja

and Ramaraja. Both of whom were brothers

who ruled and protected Vijayanagara from

the invasion of Muslim warriors headed by

the Sultan of Bihar. The rest of India,

however, were already in the hands of other

Muslim conquerors who solidified their

conquests after taking Bombay and New Delhi.


It was only the Province of Vijayanagara,

southern India that remained under the Hin-

du Rule governed by two brother-Kings, Sri

Krishnaraja and Sri Ramaraja.


But the defeat and destruction of Vijayana-

gara in the hands of the Sultan of Bihar

only followed after the departure of Kris-

naraja(1525 A.D.) to other lands. It was

Ramaraja who took over Krishnaraja`s place

but was later defeated, crushed, and ulti-

mately beheaded by the Muslims warriors led

by the Sultan of Bihar and united by other

Islamic tribes when the latter gate-crashed

their way into the heart of Vijayanagara.


Why Ramaraja lost the Battle at Vijayanagar

can be explained because of the absence of

his brother-King, Krishnaraja. As to why

the Lord left his kingdom can be only ans-

wered by a World Historian. If you have no

clue to the answer to those questions, then

India and Pakistan will forever be a divi-

ded nation.


Any idea? O.K. You can start with Kashmir.


[This message has been edited by marco (edited 11-06-2001).]

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What happened, Marco, why are you bringing

the name of Dr. Melvin? If you want to

inform the people about the Hindu reli-

gion in this forum, better leave it to Dr.

Melvin, who I believe is an authority on

this so-called Hindu religion. In fact,

during our stay as seminarians, we were

informed by our priest-reponsible that its

hard to embrace another religion which may

not be acceptable if one wants to become

a follower of Christ. It`s either you are

for this so-called Hindu religion or for

Christ, our Lord.

So stop this non-sense of embracing, who?

Krishna? Krishna is a myth! Awaken your-

self and try to spread the Good News.


[This message has been edited by mateo (edited 11-08-2001).]


[This message has been edited by mateo (edited 11-08-2001).]

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dear Mateo, Krsna is not a myth. He`s exploits are legendary. Dr. Melvin truly is deserving for presenting the history of Krsna

and Rama as it is. If you are interested in

Krsna consciousness, you may visit the websites dealing with this transcendence. You

may send me your message here. And I will correspond accordingly. a servant of His divine grace.

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To the trinity of net-kooks here:


You are obviously too dull to hear good advice. Saying that equating Sri Krsna to myth is not challenging only documents your insincerity and dullness.


Your alter-egos may cut and paste from Hindu sites and try to fool us, but don't think for a moment that any of your nonsense has anything to do with Christ or the Holy Spirit. Grow up and get serious about your life. Being a follower of Christ is more than just professing it. A tree shall be known by its fruits.

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I don't think anything Mr. Cosmic MelMarteo says can be trusted including where he claims to be from. This fool reminds me of someone who was kicked off another forum.

Originally posted by gHari:

This raises the question: are all Phillipinos psychotic or do we just have one lonely very sick puppy on our hands here?


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When Portuguese first arrived at India they heard about some islands placed in the far East that the Indians called the land of mad people. So, Portuguese called these islands “Molucas” or “Malucas” meaning crazies or mads. Latter these islands proved to belong to Spain and they were named “Philippines” to honor the King of Spain, Philippe.


Indians are very wise people indeed. These islands are the land of crazies! This is a well known fact since ancient times...



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Then perhaps Mr. Cosmic Melmarteo is from the Phillipines or rather from Malucas. Posted Image

Originally posted by Satyaraja dasa:

When Portuguese first arrived at India they heard about some islands placed in the far East that the Indians called the land of mad people. So, Portuguese called these islands “Molucas” or “Malucas” meaning crazies or mads. Latter these islands proved to belong to Spain and they were named “Philippines” to honor the King of Spain, Philippe.


Indians are very wise people indeed. These islands are the land of crazies! This is a well known fact since ancient times...




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Actually Marco Polo has heard the same story in China, about these islands of mad people. Just consult his adventures and you will see how fit they are to describe this clone from Philippines or Malucas who is posting in these forums. In Portuguese; “As ilhas das pessoas malucas” or “The islands of crazy persons.”



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