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Pray The Rosary

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I just got finished watching a Public Access program called Pray The Rosary. What was really surprising was it featured very prominently Martin Sheen (the actor) reciting the rosary. He would lead the crowd in the rosary, and then a Catholic priest would discuss a little philosophy. Then he would lead the rosary again.


I knew Martin Sheen was very liberal, but didn't know he was a devout Catholic. I'm saying devout, because the program was very religious and for a Hollywood star to make such a public appearance was a bit startling. The program was a little old. But very inspiring to watch. Just felt like mentioning this.



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Originally posted by Sirona:

Dear Friend,

please tell me: does Martin Sheen not have the right to pray the Rosary only because he is an actor?

Actors are human beings, too.

Non non non

Cherie Sirona


Gauracandra never said he didn't have the right. She just said she was startled by seeing him do this.

I agree: of course American actors are humans. Startling but true !






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First to clarify one thing - I'm a he not a she Posted Image


What was surprising was how religious the program was. The audience was made up of maybe 15-20 people in a dark room filled with candles on altars to Mother Mary and a Cruxified Christ. There was a small pulpit where the Catholic priest would give small little 2 minute discussions of Jesus. Then the audience would again say the Rosary. It was being led by Martin Sheen (who was a bit younger, so this must have been done maybe 10 years ago). This went on for 30 minutes.


It was surprising because Hollywood never talks about God. If they do, its usually done by Right Wing Christians (though rarely) and not by Left Wing liberals.


Catholics are interesting in that I've always found them to be very open minded (despite the stereotype). They usually are socially conservative but economically liberal. They will support education over more prisons, are against the death penalty, want universal health care etc.... Yet it is amazing that the liberal establishment mocks them so much. During the last campaign Al Gore went to a fund raiser in Hollywood where a comedian made fun of Catholics (or it might have been Christians in general, I can't remember). Well Catholics are the largest religious group in the U.S. and without their support the Democratic party will be in big trouble. These people are usually called 'Reagan Democrats' and were one of the main blocks (dispite some philosophical differences) of why the Republicans were able to hold onto the White House for a number of years.


Just a few observations.



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