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Danger at Every Step

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So many realizations the last few days.

We started last Sunday getting all shaky with the earthquake. For my kids was first time experience.

On Tuesday we saw how vulnerable we are. Death may come at any time. We were glued to the TV with the kids and their friends. Most of the girls were crying. I realized that was becoming too much for them when the friends brought dolls to play with. Teenager girls that put dolls in the closet a couple of years ago started play and setting up everything with the dolls. They went back to chilhood, to fantasyland, where they can pretend that everything is happy and they can control situations.

When I came back that evening from work, the girls were sleeping together in one bed. So afraid, a doll of lord Nrisimha with them on bed. They are taking shelter of the Lord. They are in the right track.

Today morning, I was walking with them on the street. They were on their way to a devotee's house who takes them to school and I was on my way to the temple to make garlands. Suddenly, 2 bulldogs on the loose are in the opposite side of the road. Not taking any chance we took shelter in a devotee's house. With sticks they had to chase them away.

Danger at every step.

My only prayer is that at the moment of death we can remember Sri Sri Radha-Krsna.

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That's the beauty of Deity seva it keeps one focussed in a world of softhearted beauty. Untill Muslims and Christians see you doing it I have various simple straight people visit our house but we have an 'in your face' altar that tends to change the mood somewhat. Unfortunately T.V. is a double edged sword it can occasionally enlighten if utilized correctly but it can also numb you to the core if used otherwise, esspecially powerful in moulding childrens emotions and thinking. As SSM has said "This world is not a fit place for a gentleman or woman to live".

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I just found this in krishna.org:Srila Prabhupada on National Disasters

'We are always in the ugly reality,' Prabhupada said, '-- twenty-four hours a day. Suppose there is no blackout? Still, if you go in the street, there is no guarantee that you will get home. In this way, you are always in the ugly reality. Why do you say only this blackout? This is just one of the features of this ugly reality. That's all.' His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


"Blackout! Blackout!" cried the reporter and others in the house. War between Pakistan and India had been imminent for weeks, and air raid drills and warnings were now commonplace in Delhi.

"Sir" -- the reporter spoke tensely in the darkened room -- "this is the presence of reality. We are being threatened by this fight with Pakistan. The siren is the ugly reality coming for us."


'We are always in the ugly reality,' Prabhupada said, '-- twenty-four hours a day. Suppose there is no blackout? Still, if you go in the street, there is no guarantee that you will get home. In this way, you are always in the ugly reality. Why do you say only this blackout? This is just one of the features of this ugly reality. That's all.'


Reporter: "Yes, but at the moment..."


Prabhupada: "You do not realize that you are in ugly reality twenty-four hours a day? Padam padam yad vipadam. There is danger at every step."


Reporter: "I know, sir, but this is collective, national danger. Have you anything to offer us as a remedy?"


Prabhupada: "Krsna consciousness is our only remedy. Take to this process, and you will be happy."


Reporter: "Sir, I think someone should go to the Yahya Khan [the president of Pakistan]."


Prabhupada: "What benefit will you derive by going to Yahya Khan?"


Reporter: "Someone is out to kill me."


Prabhupada: "But suppose Yahya Khan does not kill you? Will you be safe? Then what is the use to go to Yahya Khan? You will die today or tomorrow. If you want to save yourself, then go to Krsna. That is our proposition. Even if you go to Yahya Khan, and he does not fight, then you mean to say that you will live forever? What is the use of flattering Yahya Khan? Flatter Krsna, so that you may be saved perpetually. Why don't you do that?"


Reporter: "I was only thinking in terms of collective security. I can see your point..."


Prabhupada: "You should know that you are always in danger."


Reporter: "Yes, sir, we agree. The late Einstein said the same thing..."


Prabhupada: "That is our position, and Krsna says, "I will save you.' Therefore, let us go to Krsna. Why go to Yahya Khan?"


Reporter: "Simply because he is disturbing us, that's all."


Prabhupada: "Your mind is always disturbing you all the time, because it is always with you. Your body is always with you. Are you not suffering from bodily pains? Why don't you go to Yahya Khan to cure your pains? You are always in danger. Why don't you realize that?"



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This is the story I was referencing before. Thanks for posting it.


A few things that have occured to me. First, driving up to work this morning I noticed that for the last two days our underground parking garage has been closed off. I didn't think about it before, but now realize it is likely a safety precaution.


Also, what is scary is how easily it was done. I'm not saying this as if I would have been so brave or a great hero. But the greatest fear we have is the fear of the unknown. Say you have 80 people on a plane. And these terrorists don't even have guns, just knives. No one wants to be the first to step out and get stabbed. So a few people with knives can hold back 80 people. But they didn't know what would happen, so they did nothing. If all 80 had just rushed these people, a few would have been stabbed, and a few would have died, but most people would still be alive today.


I know hindsight is 2020. So I don't want to sound like I would have done it. I'd probably stay back as well. But it is just surreal to think how easily this was done.


Is it true they will start putting 1 or 2 undercover federal agents on every flight? That would be very good. Probably only raise the cost per ticket by $2.



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Prabhu, we may be willing to risk our own lives, but these `people` are completely callous. What if they were holding that knife to a young child's throat? What if your brave foolhardiness resulted in the painful deaths of several others, right in front of your eyes? There is much more to consider than anyone who has not been there, or specifically trained in such situations, could begin to imagine. Sorry to say, the solutions if any are not so simplistic.

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Originally posted by Gauracandra:

Say you have 80 people on a plane. And these terrorists don't even have guns, just knives. No one wants to be the first to step out and get stabbed. So a few people with knives can hold back 80 people. But they didn't know what would happen, so they did nothing. If all 80 had just rushed these people, a few would have been stabbed, and a few would have died, but most people would still be alive today.


Stonehearted: But isn't that what probably happened to the plane that crashed in PA? A bunch of guys took on the hijackers and kept the plane from reaching its intended target. The result is that the plane crashed and all aboard died, and the heroes certainly knew that. Aware that everyone aboard would die either way, they chose a course of action that meant that not only they would die, but their friends and family members on the plane would, as well.


This is all incomprehensible to someone who has led a comfortable a life as mine (even considering brahmacari like in Honolulu in the early '70s). It just makes me shake.


I don't hae a TV, so I haven't seen or heard much coverage. But I've heard a few of those stories from folks who overslept or missed their train and so were spared. Well, I just heard one closer to home. A friend's daughter (he's a member of ISKCON's GBC, and she's an old, dear friend of our family's) had reservations to return to the west coast on Filght 11. Because the meetings she was back east for ran longer than expected, she didn't take that flight. She was completely hysterical when she called her dad.


Is it true they will start putting 1 or 2 undercover federal agents on every flight? That would be very good. Probably only raise the cost per ticket by $2.


Stone: That used to be the policy--at least one air marshal on each flight. I'm down with that! I'll pay $5!

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First, I wanted to comment on something Atma said (in another post but I can't seem to find it). Basically she chastised some people who were attacking the U.S. with regard to this terrorist attack. As was mentioned before, I just wanted to say "Right on" to you.


Yesterday I got pissed at one co-worker of mine. Basically he said "So your country is under attack what are you going to do about it?". Well he is an immigrant who has U.S. citizenship, but he still says it is "your country". Its times like these I start to think Pat Buchanan is right. Perhaps we should cease immigration, until those we already have start to feel this is their country as well. Anyways, he also made a few other subtle comments that pissed me off in the same way.


On the positive side, my whole company stopped at 10:00 A.M. today and got together for a 1 minute moment of silence. People might think it is only symbolic, but symbols do matter. We all left the place feeling much closer to one another, and in unity with people all over the United States. It was rather spiritual. I just chanted Hare Krsna in my head for 1 minute.


As for my comments about how a few people could hold back so many with just knives - I know it is simplistic to think it could have been averted. Though I am real glad we will start to have undercover federal agents on all flights. If this adds an additional $2 to the price of a ticket, so what? It will surely put a damper on any future attacks (may not prevent all, but certainly some).



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