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Absolute Authority?

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Another footnote, as I typed this out, the other people at the computer lab began freaking out over the destruction of the World Trade Centre in New York and the pentagan in Washington, DC.


Aren't they being 'punished' by a hypothetical Allah-conscious kingdom? Isn't your Prabhupada preaching exactly the same religious mentality changing Allah by Krsna?


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Originally posted by talasiga:

by the way, Bhaktavasya,

I have very close friends

who eat MEAT !

I am secretly pained by this

They do not know all my secrets

That is their punishment !

Did you not read my p.s. at the end of the article? I made it very clear that I wished to be counted out of any hypothetical Krsna-conscious (read vedic) kingdom where those who eat meat are punished. Also that I believe such a RELIGIOUS law would be in direct contradiction to the teachings of Sri Caitanya and his associates.


Most of my close friends and family members eat meat and are honest, caring people who are straight forward in their dealings with others, have many devotional qualities, and I've met both vegetarians and meat-eaters who lie, deceive, and cannot be trusted. I'm with Christ when he (purportedly) said, "It's notimportant what goes into the mouth, but what comes out of it."



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Certainly one thing about the terrorist attack on the world trade center is that it was immediately visible to all those who reside in America, and no doubt in other places around the globe as well.


Suffering is always with us, no doubt. Everyday there are murders, rapes, people dying of cancer etc. If we have a compassionate heart we will definitely feel for all those who suffer. But we all know that when suffering comes closer to us we feel it more intensely and our response is therefore usually more intense. We read about people being injured or killed in auto accidents every day and certainly we are saddened and our hearts go out to them. But when it happens to a close friend or family member we are naturally affected more deeply and directly. This cannot be avoided and is not inappropriate, it is reality.


Many of the posters here are U.S. citizens. They may have friends or family or know close friends that have friends or family that were directly impacted by this great tragedy. It is good to feel compassion as it softens the heart.


I went to a Catholic men's retreat and a friend got up and talked about his experience and feelings when his daughter was almost killed in an auto accident. The entire audience was filled with the emotion being shared by this kind soul. During our discussion afterwards I made the comment that I really feel that this is what spiritual life is all about. People coming together with feeling and emotion.


May Krsna bless us all with genuine love and compassion for all living beings and a desire to spead that love through the propagation of the Holy Name.


Your servant,

Audarya lila dasa

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Dear JRdd


I appreciate your participation and POSITIVE contributions.


Unfortunately the Muse is not so much with me when I write from a topical or political focus as when I write from a spiritual or philosophical focus*. This is not by intention, it is just how it Pans out.


Nevertheless, I have LEARNT much by participating on this discussion thread.


I am very sorry if you have been hurt by my learning CURVE.


Only your indulgence can forgive me for this.


Your clumsy correspondent,




* however please see one of the exceptions at:



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Originally posted by Audarya lila:

.......U.S. citizens. They may have friends or family or know close friends that have friends or family that were directly impacted by this great tragedy. It is good to feel compassion as it softens the heart.


Yes in the USA, I have many very close blood relatives and spiritual friends, even not far from the Pentagon !

So you may understand, I do not have much inclination for a POLICY on compassion.



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