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Family Members of devotees

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In the Srimad Bhagavatam we find that the Lord tells to Bhakta Prahlada:


trih-saptabhih pita putah

pitribhih saha te 'nagha

yat sadho 'sya kule jato

bhavan vai kula-pavanah


"My dear Prahlada, O most pure, O great saintly person, your father has been purified, along with twenty-one forefathers in your family. Because you were born in this family, the entire dynasty has been purified."


If we can somehow become pure devotees of the Lord, all our forefathers will be benefitted.


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It should be noted that not only were Prahlada's forefather's not devotees, they were demoniac. Hiranyakashipu had tried repeatedly to kill Bhakta Prahlada due to his love for Vishnu (the killer of his brother, Hiranyaksha). Despite this, simply by Bhakta Prahlada being born in his family he was purified, as were 21 generations prior (which include Bhakta Prahlada's relatives from previous births). The benefit of devotional service is immeasurable both for those who perform it and for those who somehow are associated with the devotees.


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Originally posted by jndas:

It should be noted that not only were Prahlada's forefather's not devotees, they were demoniac. Hiranyakashipu had tried repeatedly to kill Bhakta Prahlada due to his love for Vishnu (the killer of his brother, Hiranyaksha). Despite this, simply by Bhakta Prahlada being born in his family he was purified, as were 21 generations prior (which include Bhakta Prahlada's relatives from previous births). The benefit of devotional service is immeasurable both for those who perform it and for those who somehow are associated with the devotees.

Dear Jndas, thank you very much for taking the scriptural references.


Do you mean that the "purifiying effect" is possible only for pure devotees,or do you mean devotees in general?In other words,if a devotee is not a pure devotee,can the family members and friends who associate him be benefitted?



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According to the level of advancement, the family lineage will be blessed and be purified. If we become pure devotees, the effect will be the greatest and we can even give liberation to our forefathers. If we are not pure devotees, they will still be blessed according to our level of advancement. Even a little of devotional service is a great thing:


sv-alpam apy asya dharmasya

trayate mahato bhayat


"Even by engaging in a very little of devotional service one will be protected from the greatest fear."


This is not only true of the practitioner, but those associated with the devotee as well.


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Sad but true, the last ones I'd want to save are my family. Hope Krsna can make an exception, just this once...if any are ever to be saved on my behalf, let it be those with whom I've shared some love. Blood and genetics mean nothing to me. My family is one in spirit!




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