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"We are simply teaching love."

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I read in "Dark Horse --- The Life and Art of George Harrison"(by Geoffery Giuliano)that in September 1996,a tape recording of a conversation between former Beatle George Harrison and Srila Prabhupada was found at the bottom of an old cardboard box in North Carolina.The tone of the conversation was personal and I found the last part, when George Harrison bade Srila Prabhupada farewell,quite touching. The transcript was included in the book and I would like to submit it here for the reading interest of the forum members:


George Harrison: I seem to keep going around in circles, Maybe it has something to do with me being a Pisces, one fish going this way and one going that way. I have periods where I can¡¦t stop chanting and other times when I turn into a demon and forget to chant.


A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada: You are not a demon. You are a demigod! Somehow or other you were attracted to Krishna, so let Him help you.


George: I¡¦m reading the Gita. I read it over and over, just one section again and again.


Srila Prabhupada: All the instructions are there. So this is your duty now. By the grace of Krishna you are a very great personality. You are a young man, but Krishna has blessed you with such a high position, there are many young men who follow you.


George: In a way, when you really commit yourself to something, it¡¦s like putting your head on the chopping block. Someone can turn around and chop it off. I find the more commitment I make, even though it¡¦s a small one, I find it provokes bad reactions.


Srila Prabhupada: There is a saying, ¡§If one is foolish and you give him good instruction, he will become angry.¡¨ Has it happened like that?


George: I feel a little animosity from people. In some ways the more committed you are, and the stronger you are in what you do, the stronger you are in what you do, the stronger the animosity. Sometimes, I get the feeling there¡¦s one person to whom it means something and and ten it doesn¡¦t mean anything to. I¡¦m not sure how it all balances out.


Devotee: If you reach one person, it¡¦s worth it.


George: But what if you don¡¦t reach anyone? If you only reach one person and by reaching that one, twenty people are annoyed?


Srila Prabhupada: Yes, preaching is very difficult. When one preaches, he must tell the truth. Just like Jesus Christ. People didn¡¦t like his preaching, but he didn¡¦t stop. That is another point. In preaching there is always the possibility of creating animosity. By the way, I have heard your new album Living In The Material World, is being appreciated by many people.


George: There is one song in particular which was a direct result of the conversation we had when you came to my home and we talked about fame and fortune.


Srila Prabhupada: People are seeking after something spiritually enlightening. Especially in the Western world, that is a fact. Sometimes, people become angry. We have no reason to make enemies, we are simply teaching love.


George: There is one problem I¡¦ve found when chanting. I start beginning to relate less and less to the people I know. I suddenly found myself on such a different level, where it¡¦s really hard to relate. It feels as though I¡¦m at a point where I should slow down or pull back towards those people in order to take them down with me. The building up of the mantra and its effect is so subtle. There's a point where I can¡¦t relate to anyone anymore. Maybe you don¡¦t have that experience.


Devotee: George is saying that when he chants, he becomes spiritualized, so it is difficult for him to relate to his business associates.


George: Not even that --- my friends, my wife, anybody!


Srila Prabhupada: Your wife is very nice. She¡¦s a nice girl.


George: Yes, she is, she¡¦s an angel.


Srila Prabhupada: Your wife is interested in Krishna Consciousness. That is a very great advantage.


George: What happens is if I¡¦m not into it too deeply, I¡¦ll come down to begin the day and be quite nice and off we go. The periods where I¡¦m so deeply into chanting all the time I¡¦ll come down and I¡¦m like Ravana. I¡¦m not smiling and I¡¦m not particularly happy. It¡¦s like everybody¡¦s wasting their time doing mundane things.


Devotee: But while you were chanting, you wrote these beautiful songs and it¡¦s proven by everyone purchasing them that they want to hear that.


George: The problem is where to find the balance, because obviously I know where I benefit from doing that. However, I¡¦m benefiting so much that suddenly I¡¦m out on a limb and it¡¦s hard to pull those people along with you. There¡¦s a point where suddenly I¡¦m not going to know them anymore.


Devotee: George says it¡¦s difficult when you become spiritualized by chanting. He feels it¡¦s a dangerous position, because he will be cut off from his audience, the ordinary people. He¡¦s afraid they will not understand him and he will not be able to take them with him to that point.


Srila Prabhupada: Yes, keep your balance. Don¡¦t spoil your position. Regarding your talent, it is not ordinary. You are getting money. It is not that you should refuse it. Our policy is not that you don¡¦t touch money. Krishna says we should do so may things and money allows one to do so.


George: We¡¦ve just been making some music in California and one of his songs --- it¡¦s Ravi Shankar¡¦s music--- is based on the ten incarnations of Vishnu. It¡¦s a beautiful song. But I was wondering why there isn¡¦t anything in the lyrics concerning Krishna?


Srila Prabhupada: Krishna is not an incarnation; rather, Krishna is the origin of all incarnations. His incarnations are called ¡§avatar¡¨ but He is ¡§avatari.¡¨ Therefore, the song is a prayer to Krishna. It was composed by a great Vaisnava poet.


George: There is one song; it is simple and beautiful. It¡¦s in English and only ahs three lines: ¡§I am missing you, Krishna, where are you? Though I can¡¦t see you, I hear your flute all the while. Please come wipe my tears and make me smile.¡¨ It¡¦s so sweet I¡¦m sure it¡¦s going to be very popular.


Srila Prabhupada: When I entered this room, I said: ¡§All glories to George Harrison!¡¨ You have given us this center and Krishna will surely give you shelter at his lotus feet. You are very nice and sincere.


George: The Krishna Consciousness Movement is getting so big there¡¦s going to be a point where it¡¦s going to need such fantastic management¡K At the moment we have Srila Prabhupada who is the figurehead which everyone can draw energy from. Sooner or later though, everybody¡¦s going to be out there on their own and carry out what they¡¦ve learned.


Devotee: We¡¦ll always rely on our spiritual master, even if he is no longer with us. We¡¦ll always take our strength from him.


George: I must go, but I¡¦ll be back very quickly.


Srila Prabhupada: You are going alone or is someone going with you?


George: I go alone¡K Well, a little bit of you will be with me!


Srila Prabhupada: My blessings to your wife. Thank you very much for your kindness.





[This message has been edited by leyh (edited 06-04-2001).]


[This message has been edited by leyh (edited 06-05-2001).]

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Originally posted by JRdd:

That was really inspiring. Srila Prabhupada has always been so kind and encouraging. Where did this conversation take place, do you know?



Dear JRdd and Maitreya:

I'm glad that you found the transcript interesting and inspiring.So did I.I especially liked the last part where Srila Prabhupada sounded like a father asking his son in a mood of concern:"You are going alone or is someone going with you?" and George Harrison replies:"I go alone...Well,a little bit of you will be with me!"

George is surely very blessed to have such intimate association with a great soul like Srila Prabhupada!

The footnote (presumably written by the author Geoffery Giuliano) regarding Srila Prabhupada's "You have given us this center" says:"Bhaktivedanta Manor". So the conversation must have taken place in England. The time and date of the conversation is not specified.Yours Very Sincerely




[This message has been edited by leyh (edited 06-05-2001).]

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Hmmm these are the sweet things we like to hear.We're no doubt all indebted to George who brought Krsnas name to the super markets and the elevators and every place a radiowave reaches on the planet.

Nice relationship

good feeling post thanks Leyh

That whole book is a good read I just sold it at a garage sale Now I wish I hadn't.

George Harri son Ki jaya

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There is a "Memories of Srila Prabhupada" video produced by Illumination TV with an interview of Shyamasundara das. He still hangs out with George and says he (George) has really attained a high level spiritually. He chants Hare Krsna everyday. What is interesting, is that last year when he was attacked, and stabbed in the chest by that insane man, it was noted that he shouted back at the man "Hare Krsna!!! Hare Krsna!!!". So even in a moment of danger he had the Maha Mantra on his lips.



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Jagannath Das. He lives near Buffalo, N.Y. He calls his home S.R.I. (Self Realization Institute). He has been fairly quiet of late in the Hare Krishna world. He last made a bit of a wave in his turnaround on the poison Prabhupada issue. You can look up his name on VNN.


I can't find the link for his website.

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  • 3 years later...

A gread read.



<font color="red">Srila Prabhupada: People are seeking after something spiritually enlightening. Especially in the Western world, that is a fact. Sometimes, people become angry. We have no reason to make enemies, we are simply teaching love. </font color>






All Glories to Sri Sriman George Hari's Son !!!

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