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UG Krishnamurti

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My teaching, if that is the word you want to use, has no copyright. You are free to reproduce, distribute, interpret, misinterpret, distort, garble, do what you like, even claim authorship, without my consent or the permission of anybody.



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I have no teaching. There is no teaching to preserve. Teaching implies something that can be used to bring about change. Sorry....there is no teaching here, just disjointed, disconnected sentences.


If you listen to me year after year, you are only clarifying your thoughts. It's useless.


Boredom is a bottomless pit. As long as you think that there is something more interesting, more purposeful, more meaningful to do than what you are actually doing, you have no way of freeing yourself from boredom.


Consciousness is so pure that whatever you are doing in the direction of purifying that consciousness is adding impurity to it.


There is no sadhana necessary, no purification methods necessary for this kind of a thing to happen - no preparation of any kind.


Unless you are free from the desire of all desires, Moksha, liberation, or self-realisation, you will be miserable


My interest is not to knock off what others have said [that is too easy], but to knock off what I am saying. More precisely, I am trying to stop what you are making out of what I am saying.


Until you have the courage to blast me, all that I am saying, and all the gurus, you will remain a cultist with photographs, rituals, birthday celebrations and the like.


The true guru tells you, "Throw your crutches away, and don't replace them. You can walk; and if you fall, you will rise and walk again."



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If there is no process for purification, if there is no need for lectures, books, and the such, if the consciousness is so pure, and everything is perfect, and there should be no guru or teacher:


Why is he speaking?


He is taking the position of a teacher, while saying there should be no teachers.


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Hi jndas,


He never gives talks in public. All those statements are in response to the questions pu to him by people who meet him. He tries to send them away, but he does not like to do that often, because it is impolite.


"If you listen to me or to anyone else, you are in trouble".

- UG


A Teacher will not make such statements.


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What page ? The seer and the seen are the absolute at the time of real seeing; is that not purported by the impersonal Buddhist anti-brahman double-bind Upanishad oneness trickster?


What we seen here is not real, when the page is there, and we are here there is nothing seen, there is no reader, there is nothing read... only when the KNOWLEDGE is clearly the page in and of itself, both the reader and the content read.. then and only then...


and in the meantime piss on your mentor, defame all the devotional service of the Upanishads where one would steal such tricks.. and live in absolute luxury with the sentimental publishing house that floated by in his garbage... and retire in Ojai with a bunch of rich retired hippies looking for something to smooth out the edge of their absolute confusion... and he was expert in presenting that which "fused the opposites"...


I love Krishnamurthi... I like is "Commentaries on Living Series"...


Go for it... but don't jump... cause ain't nothing like Bhagavat Seva of The Holy Name !@!!




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AUM... ooooopppps


Picked up on the thread.. but not the UG site...


My previous entry was regarding J. Krishnamurti not UGK..


Least anyone say I don't know what I'm talking about !! Flashing through these pages.... heeheehee..



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Hi Srisan,


Just out of curiosity, does it say anywhere that an enlightened person will not lead a luxurious life ?


Krishna lived a luxurious life. If you say that was only for outward apperances, then that can hold good for JK and others too.

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The actual avatars themselves never evcer claimed that they were avatars. It has always been the people around them.


Every enlightened person is tried to be fit into the avatar system. They call Shankara as an avatar of Shiva, Chaitanya as an avatar, Shirdi Sai Baba as Datatreya's avatar, and Ramana as Subramnya's Avatar.


Anyway if people claim that x is y's avatar, how are we in a position to either prove or disprove them ?

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Hello Jndas,


"Whenever there is instability in the world, I will incarnate to restore stability"

- Gita


The Puranas mention one set of avatars. But no Purana ever said that these 10, will be the only avatars. The Lord can come down in any form anytime to restore Dharma. What about Christ ? Wasn't he like any of the avatars ? He is not mentioned in the Puranans.

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All glories to Lord Chaitanya`s Sravanam

Sankirtanam Krishna! I heard the name

Krishnamurti from a booklet I borrowed

from Arthur, a friend. He wrote that the

Absolute Truth is not This or not That,

so on so forth. If you have seen the

Absolute truth, then He is not. That was

how I understood Krishnamurti`s point of

view. It was like going `round and `round

in circles for Krishnamurti to be unders-

tood. However, I offer my respectful

obeisances unto him and I respect his

teachings. I hope I could chant together

with his representative the Hare Krishna


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I like this thread... actually I love J Krishnamurti, and agree that if there are plenary avatars, or descended ones, for specific sectors, then it is very possible that JK could be seen an a sort of Buddha Impersonalist Upanishadic "Neti Neti" sort..


and the UG is also very interesting... at many times such indifference is how actual understanding interfaces with the fools of the world, so to speak. It's centered in real worlds we can relate to, and is worth looking into consideration of. It's better than Amnesty International's report on India; though may not contain the same extent of MahaTattva.




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Q: What are the features of a Jivanmukta or a Jnani or a Yogi?


UG : I wish I knew. If a Jivanmukta is sitting right in front of you, you will never know that he is one. You have

no way of knowing whether a man is a Jivanmukta. You have a definition, a behavior pattern. If he fits into that

framework, you call him a Jivanmukta. If there is anyone like that, he will never know that he is a self-realized

man or a Jivanmukta. You have been told by somebody that I am a Jivanmukta.


I may be a phony, a clever chap. I have picked up the art of elocution and all that. I have travelled around the

world. Any actor could do that. How would you know?




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There are many, many mystic yogis who are

searching for the Supreme Actor within

their hearts but were unable to comprehend

the different roles this great Artist has

performed, nor could they understand the

meaning of His actions. To them, He`s almost

impossible to understand and therefore imi-

tate. To do so, we must acccept the direc-

torship of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu when

He kindly appears of stage to instruct us

by following in His direction.

If by Lord Krishna Chaitanya`s grace, a mys-

tic yogi understands the Supreme Actor`s

unlimited actions within his heart, then

he`s spontaneously given the chance to become

the Supreme Actor`s supporting actor in

the great drama of life even if the mystic

yogi still has his material actor`s dress

on since Lord Chaitanya, the great Director

will give him a specific role by which he

can play to satisfy the audience- a script

laden with Krishna conscious lines designed

primarily to please the Supreme Guest pre-

sent among the audience, Sri Krishna Him-

self. This way, the mystic yogi turn-suppor-

ting actor to the Supreme Actor, Govinda,

gives up his material script, returning to

the stage , back to acting in Krishna


( Srimad Bhagavatam:8.3.6, Gajendra`s Pra-

yer`s of Surrender)

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The question of Brahmajnana came up and Brahmachariji, an erudite Sanskrit scholar quoted a few verses to support his arguments, while UG just brushed aside the very concept of Brahmajnana. UG said, "There is no such thing as `Brahmajnana.' If at all there is `Jnana' then `Brahman' is out!" Brahmachariji did not give up easily. He said, "Brahman and Jnanam are the same thing." And UG came out with, "If they are the same, why use two separate words for it?" And there was nothing else to be said on the matter.

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It seems to me that this UG person has no clue himself. If you asked him the same question a few years apart, he would give different answers. That is the nature of speculators.



The question of Brahmajnana came up and Brahmachariji, an erudite Sanskrit scholar quoted a few verses to support his arguments, while UG just brushed aside the very concept of Brahmajnana. UG said, "There is no such thing as `Brahmajnana.' If at all there is `Jnana' then `Brahman' is out!" Brahmachariji did not give up easily. He said, "Brahman and Jnanam are the same thing." And UG came out with, "If they are the same, why use two separate words for it?" And there was nothing else to be said on the matter.

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Q: What are the features of a Jivanmukta or a Jnani or a Yogi?


UG : I wish I knew. If a Jivanmukta is sitting right in front of you, you will never know that he is one. You have

no way of knowing whether a man is a Jivanmukta. You have a definition, a behavior pattern. If he fits into that

framework, you call him a Jivanmukta. If there is anyone like that, he will never know that he is a self-realized

man or a Jivanmukta. You have been told by somebody that I am a Jivanmukta.


I may be a phony, a clever chap. I have picked up the art of elocution and all that. I have travelled around the

world. Any actor could do that. How would you know?


He He he is telling about jeevanmukhthas as they are for sale in the saturday sandry market.:smash: ....one in millions if not found u re a fool


hari hari bol

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