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I am taking a class on philosophy of culture. I need to some answers to a few questions. If anyone could help me out I would really appreciate it. Thanks!!


1. In your view, what is responsible for the existence of the universe?

2. Where did the world come from? How did it come into being?

3. What is a human being?

4. What happens to a human being when he/she dies?

5. How can we be sure that we have any true knowledge?

6. How do you determine what is right and wrong?

7. Does history have any purpose or theme? How does life have any significance.

8. Do you have problems with the Christian view of reality?

9. What do you appreciate about the Christian view of reality?


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So, my advice is, you should first ask your Christian members all the questions that you have put forth except for question 8 & 9 change Christianity to Hinduism. When you get your answers put them here and than we will answer all the 9 questions. Are you trying to ridule us here. If you want to learn about Hinduism we'll be pleased to explain but if you come here with ulterior motives than we are sorry coz we do not have time to entertain you.

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I would never ridicule anyone of any religion. My beliefs may differ from yours in some ways, but that doesn't mean that either of us is wrong. I believe that all faiths lead to God. I rather enjoy learning about other religions. These particular questions are necessary for a class assignment, I was upfront about that. That doesn't mean that I am not interested in the answers. You shouldn't jump to conclusions by thinking that I am doing this with some ulterior motive. I have taken several religion courses and have studied Hinduism, so I actually know a lot of the basic ideas and beliefs. I would, however, like to understand it better and have it explained to me by someone who actually practices the faith instead of a teacher who has only read about the religion themself. I'm sorry if this offends you. As I said earlier, I am in no way ridiculing your faith, I'm not even sure how it could have possibly appeared that way; but, I am sorry if it did.

And, in response to your idea, I will answer the questions myself. You can read the answers if you are willing to learn a little more about my beliefs.

1. I believe that God the Father created the heavens and the earth and all within.

2. God spoke and the earth came to be. In his infinite knowledge he made a planet capable of sustaining life.

3. Humans are made in the image of God. We all have the power to become more Godlike by following basic moral principles.

4. When a person dies, there body remains on earth, but their soul either ascends to heaven and remains in glory with God, or they descend to hell to live in misery for eternity.

5. No one can be sure that they know the absolute truth. I truly believe that God is the Father and Creator and that Jesus Christ is Hs only Son. That He died, was crucified, and rose again. However, a person of the Hindu faith truly believes that Brahman is the supreme God. A person of the Islamic faith believes Allah is the one God. Everyone who practices a religion truly believes that that religion has the truth. I feel that practicing faith, seeking the truth, and being a good person will lead you to an everlasting life beyond this world.

6. The Ten Commandments are obvious rules for right and wrong for Christians. If a person truly followed the first two commandments, the rest would be taken care of. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. The second is to love your neighbor as yourself. These words may be from The Bible, but these principles guide just about every person in the world.

7. History teaches us so much about how to act. We know that we shouldn't do certain things because of the effect that action may have had in the past. Life is significant because we all have a purpose. I believe that our purpose in life is to help each other become better people. I believe, as a Christian, that my purpose is to become more Godlike.

8. I have no problem with the ideas and beliefs of Hinduism. Just because they aren't my beliefs doesn't make them wrong. See my answer to question #5. I believe that explains my feeling about this.

9. I appreciate that you believe that there is one supreme God. That He is unlimitable and indestructible. (In fact, this sounds very familiar to me, a Christian.) That all living things have a "soulspark" (I believe this is the correct term).


I appreciate all religions. I feel that every religion on earth has truth within it, and I am not sure that any religion is totally correct. We must all do our best to practice our faith with a true heart and pure intentions.


So yes, I AM A CHRISTIAN. I am a good person. I would never intentionally offend anyone of any race, religion, or ethnicity. So again, I am sorry if my simple questions about your faith offended you. They were asked with honest, open intentions. So, if this clears up any questions about me that you had, I am glad. And again, if you could help me in my quest, I would appreciate it greatly.

Thank you.

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1. In your view, what is responsible for the existence of the universe? God.


2. Where did the world come from? Fromg God.

How did it come into being? Read Bhagavtaam.


3. What is a human being? An eternal soul with a mortal body.


4. What happens to a human being when he/she dies?

The soul (jiva) picks up another body per its karma generally.


5. How can we be sure that we have any true knowledge?


- Live per the knowledge, and see the result.

- If someoneloves you and give you the knowledge then it could be in your benefit.

- Knowledge fro God is true, e.g Gita.


6. How do you determine what is right and wrong?

- Learn from the learned, God, and parents etc.

- Try it and see the consequence.


7. Does history have any purpose or theme?

Yes. One does not want to repate teh mistakes of teh past, and one wants to learn how problems were solved successfully.


How does life have any significance.

Ask youself, if you do not want to commit suicide.


8. Do you have problems with the Christian view of reality?

Yes. Are you a Xian?

Xian god is not supreme, because he is jealous. Supreme god cannot be jealous of any one, e.g. Krishna is not jealous.


9. What do you appreciate about the Christian view of reality?

Tell us about that reality first.


For any more discussion please use a good username.


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