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I only did the things I had seen the Father do - John 5:19

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Chrishna (Krishna)







Chrishna's birth occurs while his foster father, Nanda, is in his native city to pay taxes to the king, King Kansa.


Christ's birth occurs while his foster father, Joseph, is in his native city to pay taxes to the Governor.






King Kansa tried to kill Chrishna by ordeing the slaughter of all males born on the same day as Chrishna.


King Herod ordered the slaughter of all infants born on the same day as Christ. Source: St. Matthew, 2:16.






The Virgin (the virgin birth is applied to miraculous conception and birth) Devaki is told by an angel, "In thy delivery, O favored among women, all nations shall have cause to rejoice."


The Virgin Mary is told by an angel, "Hail, thou that art highly favored, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women. ... Fear not, Mary, for thou hast found favor with God. And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: And he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end."

Source: St. Luke 1:28-33.






The nativity of Chrishna is heralded by a star.


The nativity of Christ is heralded by a star.




Birth place


Chrishna is born in a cave like prison. The cave story is an indication of lower-class birthplace.


Christ is born in a cave. Source: The Apocryphal Gospel entitled Protevangelion, supposedly written by James, the brother of Jesus.


The manger story (wherein Jesus was born in a stable) is an indication of a low-class birthplace.




Three wise men


Chrishna is visited in the cave by three wise men bearing gifts.(Brahma, Vishnu,Shiva)


Christ is visited in the stable/cave by three wise men bearing gifts.




Illumination after Birth


The cave was mysteriously illuminated. Vasudev and Devki could not tolerate the light.


The cave was illuminated so brightly Joseph and Mary's midwife could not tolerate the light.

Source: The Apocryphal Gospel Protevangelion.






Vasudeva is warned by an angel to flee from King Kansa by crossing the Jumna River with the infant Chrishna.


Joseph is warned in a dream to flee from King Herod into Egypt with the infant Jesus and the Virgin Mary.




Conversation after Birth


The baby Chrishna began speaking to his mother shortly after birth.


The baby Christ began speaking to the Virgin Mary shortly after his birth, saying, "Mary, I am Jesus, the Son of God, that WORD which thou didst bring forth according to the declaration of the Angel Gabriel to thee, and my Father hath sent me for the salvation of the world."

Source: The Apocryphal Gospel, The First Gospel of the Infancy.




Miracles in Mathura/Materea


Chrishna performs miracles in Mathura.


Christ performs miracles in the town of Materea in Egypt.




Second person of Trinity


Chrishna is the second person of the Hindu Trinity: (1) Brahma, (2) Vishnu, (3) Siva. Krishna is the incarnation of Vishnu.


Christ is the second person of the Christian Trinity: (1) God, the Father, (2) Jesus the Son, (3) the Holy Ghost.




Before leaving Earthly bodies


At noon on the day Chrishna left the Earth, the sun darkened.


From the sixth hour to the ninth hour on the day of Jesus' crucifixion, the sun darkened.






Chrishna - I am the Father (Bhagavad Gita)


Christ - I am the Son (Bible)




Chrishna - AhamBrahmasmi (I am The Brahman, Soul and The Brahman are one)


Christ - I and The Father are one.



(there is much more but leaving it here)





Some interesting Verses:




"My Father is greater than I" ( John 14:28).


"I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and prudent, and have revealed them unto babes" (Luke 10:21)




God incarnate, the second person of the Trinity, the son of man who will be coming to us in the future on the clouds: "For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man" (Matthew 24:27).



Some Vedic definations applicable for Yogis, The Realised souls.


anima siddhi -one can go though walls or closed doors (John 20:19,26),


laghima siddhi - one can walk over water (Matthew 14.25),


prapti siddhi - one can bring into three dimensional space and from a higher plane, things, like food-feeding the four or five thousand (Matt.15:38, 16:10; Mark 8:9, 8:20),


isitva siddhi - to appear and disappear at will-"then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him; and he vanished from their sight" (Luke 4:29:30, 24:31).


<font color="black">I only did the things I had seen the Father do - John 5:19</font color>

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The differences should not be forgotten or neglected.

- Xian god is jealous.

- No soul in animals.

- eating cows.

- monopoly on haven.

- cannot be comfortable with the existance of anyinfidel.

- etc.



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Which came first? Gita or Bible? The truth is Gita, which the whole world knows and from this one can understand that Christianity just copied the birth of KRISHNA and changed the settings to suite the enviroment. So there is no such thing as bible but Gita is the true bible of the human race, which of cause includes the whole VEDAS of Sanathana Dharma. I now call upon the Christians to shade their camouflage and embrace Hinduism, which would make this world a paradise. This goes to the Muslims too as they too assimilated the Bible and Torah into a less knowledgeable book called the Koran.


This discovery of yours is not new to us as we know all along that Hinduism or Sanathana Dharma is the "MOTHER" of all religion. It is time now that the Christians and Mulsims realize the truth and come back to the fold and make this wolrd a better place for all. GOD IS GREAT.



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Why are we so bent on proving that hinduism is the mother of all the religions & everyone has copied from it?This shows inferiority complex.If we are convinced that hinduism is either greatest and/or oldest we can just live with it.A religion can be oldest,but that does not mean anything.Why this futile exercise of catching on to some vague similarity somewhere and then say that such and such has copied from us.All religions all over thw world have copied from each other.Islam has concepts from Judaism & orthodox coptic church.Christanity is based on Judaism.They have not tried to hide it, why should they try to hide hindu roots if any.Hinduism has borrowed the concept on heaven & hell[swarg & narak] from either/or christanity or Islam.We have even borrowed astrology from greeks.There is nothing wrong in such borrowing .It leads to flowering of a religion.

Which hinduism is the oldest? Hinduism has been continously changing over it's known history.The way of worship,procedure,leading deitys,philosohpies all have changed/come and gone.Still the religion is hinduism.

Gentlemen there are a lot of things we as hindus should be proud of such as metaphysicaldebating,budhism,jainism,Panini's grammer,Aryabhatta's maths,Vatsyayan's kaamsutra,ayurveda.sankhya philosophy etc.We are great on our own not by the virtue of the fact that Christ was krisna.

Why are we bending backword to prove bible or Qoran has borrowed from us? The proof is simply not there.What christanity has borrowed from us is the concept of celibate sanyasi & sanyasins[Priests & nuns],importance of clergy etc.When religons borrow from each other they generally [there are exceptions] borrow concepts or practices rather than individual books.Let people come to hinduism because it is a better religion or rather a way of living,not because it is oldest or others have copied from it. /images/graemlins/grin.gif

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There is Jesus in India theory which explains missing years of Jesus life and number of other concidents like these. All these prroove that Either Jesus was devotee of Chrishna or Jesus story was copied from life history of Chrishna. Because coincidents don't happen on such a large scale.


There was a Christian priest in south india who used to say, If any one really wants to understand True meaning of his own scriptuers then He will have to study Hindu scriptuers, otherwise all his life that person will live with Ignorance and False Interpretations.


Mahatama Gandhi and Swami Vivekananda used to say Christianity is an echo of Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism) and Islam echo of that echo.


All differences today are the result of sick and silly interpretations of Paul and people like him in Christianity. There are many Gospels in Christianity Which are forbidden even today and many more are hidden witin the lockers of Vatican.


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Don't bring your mental sickness here. If you need treatment go to a counsellor. This place is for civilized place.


Here people discuss and argue Hindu related issues not mental cases.


By the way you really represent your refined culture , your country and your civilization.waht a specimen.


May Lord forgive your mindless blabbering.

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Very well put. The New Testament(NT) uses

many sources. Its primary sources are the

Old Testament and Hindu-Buddhist literature.

There are stories and concepts in it

from Egypt, Greece, Persia and so on. But the

Old Testament and Hindu-Buddhist literature

are its backbone.


As for Holger Kersten's books "Jesus Lived

in India" and "The Original Jesus", he provides

zero evidence that Christ even existed let alone

traveling to India. But he gives a large number

of textual comparisons between centuries

older Indian sources and the 2nd century

New Testament. The NT is a plagiarists' work.

Christianity is a false religion.

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Well, I do believe that hinduism has no founder. My theory is that Hinduism may have developed from a lost civilization, Hinduism was already developed when India started their own civilization, but I don't really like discussing this on these kinds of boards since most people wouldn't agree with me but it is interesting by far.

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Well, I do believe that hinduism has no founder. My theory is that Hinduism may have developed from a lost civilization, Hinduism was already developed when India started their own civilization, but I don't really like discussing this on these kinds of boards since most people wouldn't agree with me but it is interesting by far.With there being stories of Lemuria and Atlantis of course.

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Sorry. There are also people who hold the belief

that the spectacular pyramids of Egypt were

built by aliens from another planet who then

simply vanished into deep space.


The oldest book in the world is the Rig-Veda.

The Vedic religion developed in the Punjab along

the banks of the Sarasvati river. This mighty

river began to gradually dry up in the centuries

preceding about 1900 BCE by which time it was no more.

There are speculations about what caused it to dry

up. Among them: tectonic shifts, volcanic eruptions

and earthquakes.


The drying up of the Sarasvati river produced a

a mass migration of people from west to east

within the country from the Sarasvati to the banks of

the Ganga where the later Vedic religion we now

call Hinduism developed. Many Vedic people also

migrated west and northwest into Persia,

Gandhara(now Afghanistan), Central Asia and



If you study our ancient literature, you'll find

religious, ethical, spiritual and philosophical

ideas evolving from the simple and the rudimentary

to the sophisticated and the sublime over the



Ours is the land of books. According to a recent

government estimate, there may be up to five million

surviving ancient manuscripts across the country.

There is an ongoing project to preserve them and

transfer them to modern digital storage media.



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