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Why should we worship God?

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To worship God there are only 2 reasons.

1.It benefits God

2.It benefits us


1.It benefits God

God doesnt need anything.So this reason is cancelled


2.It benefits us


If God gives benefits to people who worship him,it means he is impartial.In a court if a judge gives favorable judgment to people who love him and doesnt give favors to people who dont love him we will call that unfair.


God is not unfair.


So this reason is also cancelled.


So why should we worship God?



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If you do not wish to explain or answer his question please just ignore but do not be sarcastic. This happens with Muslim fanatics whom I have encountered with. He denies GOD and it is our duty to explain why he is wrong otherwise just ignore. Of late you are becoming too fanatical and that is bad.

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[ To worship God there are only 2 reasons.

1.It benefits God

2.It benefits us


1.It benefits God

God doesnt need anything.So this reason is cancelled ]


I do not agree with your points.


It is just like when you plant a manggo tree, you would like to fertalize and water it every now and than. What is the reason? You would like to enjoy the fruit of the tree. You would love to see the tree grow and give abundance of fruits so that you and your family can enjoy it. But if it is in you own garden only you and your family get to enjoy it whereas if it is in a public place eveybody get to enjoy the fruit. So that is why we have temples and eveybody is goes there to pray and ask God for peace and prosperty on earth. Don't worry about some selfish people asking God for their own benefit only.


In fact all Hindus have an altar in their home and pray to their personal diety. The reason so is for God's grace to be upon the family and for good tidings. This is what you call faith and athiest do not have faith and I do not blame them for their belief.


You have your parents and comon sense will tell you that without them you would not be here. So, your duty is to respect your parents and show your respect by serving them in their old age. Likewise believers believe that the human race and all living entity was created by GOD and without HIM there would be no life on planet earth. So for creating this wonderful paradise and living beings from the begining of time men [only believers] have a duty to GOD and that is to show their respect and serve HIM by way of SEVA and rituals. I know GOD does not need all this but it is said in the scriptures that if you pray and lead a righteous life you will be protected by GOD when trouble troubles you.


Back again with your parents, even if you do not take care of your parents and be cruel to them, they will not hate you but be angry with your non performance of your duty to them. This in turn would be a sin in your part and for that you will be afflicted by bad air which in turn would create bad situation n your daily life. On the other hand if you are a loving son and you take care of your parent's needs, than their blessings would provide you with good air and you will enjoy good tidings. When I say air it means vayu one of the pancha boothas. Remember that our life is twined with these pancha boothas so whatevre we do the result is what we enjoy which in return is controled by GOD the unseen.


It may be hard for you to understand this abstract but if you read the scriptures and boks of Saints such as Ramalingam, Ramakrishna and Adthi Shankara you will begin to understand the core issue.



[if God gives benefits to people who worship him,it means he is impartial.In a court if a judge gives favorable judgment to people who love him and doesnt give favors to people who dont love him we will call that unfair.]


Wrong! God is not impartial.


1. HE is the creator but HE does not partake in your actions. HE has given you the freewill to act on your own wharever you wish to do,. But remember that does not include evil. Any action comitted by you if it is righteous you reap the good benefit otherwise it's hell for you. You see my friend , GOD has even given you the freewill to deny HIM or disregard HIM. But for that HE will not be cruel to you because HE is not impartial. But if you deny HIM and hurt others than the consequences of your bad action will result in you suffering with multiple peoblems in life here or in the next.


The question you have asked is "So why should we worship God?". Do not say we but say I. Because it is your notion that you should not worship GOD. But that is your proragative. No one had force you to worship HIM or accept HIM. You are the master of your own life and you decide what you wish to do with it. GOD is only an obsever and of course HE would know what is the next course of your action and HE would simply observe and let you enjoy what you have planed and the result of your action will be known to you later but GOD knows the result before you.


Now it is your move.



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Jai Sriman Narayana:


You worship God to get good thoughts so that you may perform Good Karma and reach God. God is Satya (Unchanging), Gnana (Knowledge), Anantha (Unlimited) and Aananda (Bliss) Swaroopa so he doesnt need anything. He created your body and the rest of the world so that you (your soul) could experience your Karma and finally reach God.


The soul by itself based on its Karma may not have perfect thoughts by itself to understand what is Good Karma or Bad Karma. Thats why you need to learn this from God or from his bonafide representative.

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God has given us conscience, mind, intelligence to differentiate good from evil. I don't believe praying god alone will give you good thought, what about islamic militants and terrorists? they worship god atleast 5 times a day, did god give them good thought?


What about the people who killed and tormented lot of innocent people in the name of religious conversion?


What about the people who destroyed babri masjid and burnt alive the Christian pastor in Orissa? They are also worshippers of god, did god give them any good thoughts?


God has left us to chose between heaven and hell.Mere worship alone will not give us clean chit.

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Jai Sriman Narayana:


God has given us conscience, mind, intelligence to differentiate good from evil. I don't believe praying god alone will give you good thought, what about islamic militants and terrorists? they worship god atleast 5 times a day, did god give them good thought?

I said worship God, I did not say do only that and nothing else. /images/graemlins/smirk.gif. I certainly dont know why Muslims worship 5 times a day but it looks like they worship because they are forced to otherwise they are rejected out of the community. They dont know about self-realization nor the full-science of the soul. They dont believe in rebirth. They do what the Man-Modified Kuran says without questioning - they are forbidden to do that. Now you need to ask them to know "Why they worship?". It appears that they worship to go to paradise by hook-or-crook.


What about the people who killed and tormented lot of innocent people in the name of religious conversion?

What about? What are you trying to convey here?

Who did this? Definitely not people who follow Sanatana Dharma. We were never greedy, never invaded anybody. So, I dont know what you are trying to convey here? Are you telling that "If you worship God and get good thoughts as I said, you will end up killing innocents in the name of religious conversion"


What about the people who destroyed babri masjid and burnt alive the Christian pastor in Orissa? They are also worshippers of god, did god give them any good thoughts?

What about the original demolition of Rama temple and building of Masjid? What about the massacre of so many people in India by the Muslims, British etc? I am not justifying demolition of Babri Masjid but again I dont know what you are trying to convey here. Please read my next comment.

God has left us to chose between heaven and hell.Mere worship alone will not give us clean chit.

No, Heaven and Hell is not ultimate. For example 100% good go to heaven, 100% bad go to hell. What about the majority of them 50% good and 50 % bad or any such combination. The concept of heaven / hell being ultimate is a christian concept not a concept of Sanatana Dharma. The Christian concept is something like "anyone who is a Christian and goes to Church will automatically go to heaven" and others go the hell" Why? Because Christ died for the sins of Christians - past, present and future sins. So, a person who has done 70% bad and 30% good will be pardoned if he becomes a Christian and go to church.

Just to be clear I dont hate christians or muslims. To me everyone is a spirit soul and I dont expect anyone to suffer. But, I do pity those who believe in the concept of heaven / hell being ultimate. I have'nt read the bible fully nor the Kuran (AND I DONT NEED TO READ THAT), so I would'nt want to comment too much on this.


Great logic by Christians / Muslims :

God creates man (by a big bang)- for reasons unknown (although christians say it is for his own glory). God gives man one lifetime to do good or bad. Based on Man's acts in one lifetime he is given paradise/heaven or put into hell / fire to suffer for eternity. So, God enjoys cruelty to his own creation by putting sinned-Man in hell for eternity. Now, according to this theory, I certainly dont know why they worship.


The question was "Why worship God?" and I answered just that - I have experienced results of my worship. Now you are telling worship alone doesnt get you to heaven or hell and you talked about innocents being killed. I did'nt say that. I have't however seen your answer of "Why worship God?" /images/graemlins/confused.gif although you are free to comment to my comments.

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Hari OM


Your intelligence is asking good questions, but may be your ego prevents you to get good answers.


There is a vedic statements that says, one who worships any God other than himself is like a Cow.


So your question does hold some merit.


There is also another way of Worship, which we can read in Puranas, where a Rishi when he meets God just praises him and greets him and excepts nothing in turn.


This is like when two friends meet each other they greet or praise each other but they don't except some thing in return .



He has everything like Wealth, Happiness, intelligence, bliss, strength, power, Valour, anger, ego, jealous, sad,etc., in fact he is every thing.


As stated in Gita, "All these diverese traits emanate from Me alone" there is no external source.


But that does not mean He is forcing you to take all his characters or quantity, He has given you full choice to choose whatever and howmuch ever you want to take from Him.


So you can either Pray to Him or fight with Him or ignore Him, He is not much bothered (in fact there are stories of He giving liberation to people who fought with him)


However we (i.e., average intelligence people unlike wise people like you) still worship Him so that He may guide Us properly.

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"So why should we worship God?"


There is nothing much to do in life anyway. Evidence is the people coming to the hindu religion net.


So pray to god if there is nothing much for you to do in life with your mind. Or pray to god anyway, as it might only make you more useful to the world. ha ha make your choice.

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I don't believe praying god alone will give you good thought, what about islamic militants and terrorists? they worship god atleast 5 times a day, did god give them good thought?


For start, you as a Shiva worshipper should know the nature of Asuras in all those stories from Shiva Purana (assuming you are a REAL Hindus) and also from Gita.


Asuras worship Lord Shiva to get boons and power, but that will not change their asuric nature. They use it to control others, destroy and corrupt and this goes on till Lord Shiva (or Lord Vishnu - depends on the boon) put a stop to them. Same way here with Muslims. While they do bang their heads 5 times a day, it will not change their asuric ways.


What about the people who killed and tormented lot of innocent people in the name of religious conversion?


They will in return be tormented and killed by others in the next life. Don't believe me? Go and look at Africa - 60 % of the nations there in strife and war. Go and look at Muslim nations - poverty, sickness, war, strife and destruction.


What about the people who destroyed babri masjid and burnt alive the Christian pastor in Orissa? They are also worshippers of god, did god give them any good thoughts?


I don't see why Hindus cannot bring down a mosque when Muslims makes it their religious duty to destroy other people's worshipping place - like Bumiyan statues and also various temples in India. May India be Mosquesless.


Also about Christians ... WHO said they worship God? They worship Roman pantheons - Zeus and his family. Jesus is just another son of Zeus.


God has left us to chose between heaven and hell.Mere worship alone will not give us clean chit.


You don't know anything about God, do you? /images/graemlins/wink.gif

ONLY Muslims and Christians daydream about going to heaven and avoiding hell. That is materialistic nature of asuras in them. You begin to show your true color also. /images/graemlins/wink.gif


Goal in Spiritualism in Judaism is perfection which will lead back to God. I believe goal in Hindusm is also the same - find way back to their God as well.

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You have not studied Indian philosophy.Asuras were not demons.It is one of the five schools of philosophy which coexisted peacefully side by side in ancient India. The five were Adwaita, Sankhya,Lokayata,asura & bhudhisam. Jainism came much later. Asuric philosophy belived that body & soul were one.There is no separate Atma. Therefore it was considered to be your sacred duty to look after your body & enjoy the this world without harming others. Asuras did not believe in making sacrifice in fire like in yagnyas.They woul make sacrifice in their mouth by eating what is allotted to gods, from this comes today's concept of Prasadam.Unfortunatly Adi shakaracharya destred all other philisophies so you do not find any holy books of other philosophical schools . Bhuddhism was considered to be outside the vedic fold so some of that survived although in distorted Mahayan form.Sankhya philophy survives to some extent in Bhavadgita in the chapter Sankhya yoga.

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I'm talking about Asuras in Puranas and their nature, NOT your philosophical mumbo jumbo.


Really ... I don't understand why some people could confuse themselves with philosophy which makes their heads spins when there is simple and straightforward beliefs like Gita, Basic Buddhism and Judaism. Even Kabbalah is not required to be studied by Jews if they are not capable of understanding.


Anyway ... Muslims nowadays fits perfectly with Asuras and their nature as stated the Puranas.

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Dear Sephiroth,

Puranas were written much later. They are just a bunch of stories glorifying brahmins written by crafty brahmins . it is puranas which are mumbo jumbo.I have never understood why all so called hindu religious persons always shy away the moment they meet someone who knows the religion .My point was that Asuras are not the demons the way puranas have depicted which you have ignored.

your statement that Bhagwatgita is simple is astounding Bhagwatgita is not simple,in fact it is the most complicatied mumbo jumbo ever, giving stuff like Sankhyayog in one chapter & vishwarupdarshan which is pure fantasy in another. all 18 chapters face in 18 directions.

Take one most famous sloka for example:

'Karmanyne wa adhikarste ma faleshu kadachan---'

Which is supposed to mean do your karma & do not expect any fruit .Which is stupid . have you ever come across anyone not expecting something for his effotrts , even a yogi does his tapas etc. for 'moksha' which is a fruit of his tapas.There is nothing wrong in expecting and accepting a just fruit or reward for your actions or efforts.This shloka is pure hypocracy.

You may be a puppet ,I am not .I am a human being who can take action & is responsible for it .Which is the most glorious thing about being a human.


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There are some people here like Sephiroth talking as if they know all been there and totally perfect,my only question is why havent atleast you guys who are not Atheists,not Asuras,not idiots still live here?

Sephiroth,dont immediately take it personal like how u have done it to some users and call me ur enemy and names etc..first of all i dont know u or anyone here that well to take it personal(assuming even if u do call me) secondly i m not gonna retaliate for abuses..just a suggestion..


Anyway guys who r good in vedas,who chant hari nama,who ask others to Haribol,who know the difference between good bad and all that,what are you all doing here anyways?

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To be honest the question of why should we worship god hasnt been answered so far and as usual a barrage of fights between Shaivaite,Aethists,Vaishanavaites as to whether Vedas is right or Vishnu is right or Shiva is great etc...

Point is DO WE NEED TO WORSHIP god at all?In what way does it help in the material world.forget about heaven,no one has gone there and seen it.

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If muslims fit as Asuras,maybe you fit as Saturn to Christians and Muslims.Neither you nor they can be judges of what is good and what is evil.Who gave you the authority?

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Puranas were written much later.


Yeah, they are written much later since writing skills came much later than oral skills. SO WHAT?


Whether it is written by Brahmins or Sudras, it doesn't matter, what matters is - DOES it hold Facts? Yes or No? That is the question which Hindus should concentrate in answering.


If it doesn't hold facts, discard it. If it does hold facts, then you have NO excuse not to follow it. That time, only excuse you can give is you are lazy to follow. Thus, you are not a Hindu. Plain and Simple.


My point was that Asuras are not the demons the way puranas have depicted which you have ignored.


My point - they are. We can argue about our point till hell freezes over and get to nowhere, so go with your own point. I really don't care much for it. I believe Asuras are demons and I believe they exists. Why many cannot see is because they don't have capabilities to see it.


your statement that Bhagwatgita is simple is astounding Bhagwatgita is not simple,in fact it is the most complicatied mumbo jumbo ever, giving stuff like Sankhyayog in one chapter & vishwarupdarshan which is pure fantasy in another.


This is why I said just because you think you are smart, it doesn't make you smart. You could be just another stupid donkey on this planet who thinks he is smart. /images/graemlins/wink.gif


And Yes, Gita is simple - to the FAITHFUL. As for Sankhyong and this Vishwarupdarshan ... I have NEVER heard of such text before so I don't see why I should consider it to be a genuine Hindu text.


Which is supposed to mean do your karma & do not expect any fruit .Which is stupid . have you ever come across anyone not expecting something for his effotrts , even a yogi does his tapas etc.


Have you ever thought that not many Yogis get Moksha IS because they expect something in return? /images/graemlins/wink.gif


And YES, you CAN do your duty (NOT KARMA) and expect no fruits (rewards). There have been people of such in the past - Kyastria in India, Knights in Europe and Samurais in Japan all have devoted their lives to serve others without seeking anything in return (by emptying themselves).


However, idiotic Indians like you (assuming you are one) are too close-minded and hide in a nutshell called India, without seeing the World. You hide in India, read your scriptures which describes the World and say such World don't exists because you have never seen it.


You may be a puppet ,I am not .I am a human being who can take action & is responsible for it .Which is the most glorious thing about being a human.


You are a puppet who don't know he is still attached by strings called Karma. Everyone is, including myself. Only difference between you and I is I know the strings and take measures to cut those strings by become perfect. You on the other hand, ignore you are attached and thinks you can do whatever you like. Puppets ARE puppets ... whether they accept it or not. /images/graemlins/wink.gif


To all Guests, I will NOT entertain people who do not have courtesy of identifying themselves when speaking to someone. It IS RUDE. Come back when you have learn so manners.

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All glories to the All-Attractive Lord!


"Yeah, they are written much later since writing skills came much later than oral skills. SO WHAT?"


More because people's memory deteriorated, so they had to be written down by Maha Muni Vyasadeva.


"Whether it is written by Brahmins or Sudras, it doesn't matter, what matters is - DOES it hold Facts? Yes or No? That is the question which Hindus should concentrate in answering."


They were written by Maha Muni Vyasadeva, therefore they were written by an empowered incarnation of God. More than just facts, they contain the Truth.


"I believe Asuras are demons and I believe they exist."


Asura = anyone who refuses to accept the authority of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.


There are a race of asuras also in the higher planets.


"As for Sankhyong and this Vishwarupdarshan ... I have NEVER heard of such text before so I don't see why I should consider it to be a genuine Hindu text."


In the Bhagavad Gita, Sankhya Yoga is delineated as a preliminary material process for understanding the existence of God. Vishwarupadarshan is when Krishna shows His universal form to Arjuna.


Your aspiring servant,


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You expecting manners,well the pot calling the kettle black.I guess you didnt know what to answer to those postings of guest and that is why you are avoiding it..Good excuse.

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