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Love is God OR God is Love concept - Good or Bad?

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Yesterday, I had heated argument with Shavite that Love is God and therefore everyone should be lovey-dovey and tolerance toward others.


So I was thinking for hours on this and wondered whether this is plausible and whether my Path (Duty and Responsibity) is wrong or not. I think I have found an answer which shows how serious out the concept of Love is God is to the Vedic Ways.


I share here, comments are welcome.

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What is Love?


Love is an emotion - very familiar to all humans, especially due to attachment to a certain "object" of obsession.


Person who loves God is obsessed by Him.

Person who loves his family is obsessed by them.

Person who loves money, obsessed by it and so on.


In another words, Love is emotional Attachment.


Now, I believe both the Vedas and the Gita stated not to any attachment to anything (except maybe God but even this have a bad influence later, which I will explain). So, Love is NOT a suitable means of Spiritualism.


If a person is obsessed with God, he will be obsessed by notion of returning to Him - in whatever way possible. This will leads to Fanatism and Blind Faith. And as you all know, Fanatism and Blind Faith is two main reasons why Religion-based terrorism occurs (whether it is in Islam or by Hindusm as well - by holding onto the Varna System and such).


A person who is obsessed with return back to God will do whatever it takes - no matter what consequences it has onto the people around him. In the end, he will not come closer to God but further away as sins which he caused others (in name of God) will drag him away. Sinful people cannot approach God - I believe even Hindus believe this.


Also, Love is God/God is Love concept also derives from Christianity and Islam. It is based on the followers generate Merit and get rid of Sins so they could reach Heaven where God resides. This is different from Hindusm (or Judaism for that matter).


In Hindusm, God do not reside in the Heaven, which is a temporary abode, He is either in Kailash (for Shivatist) or Vaikuntha (for Vaishnavas). So, trying to get to Heaven by generating merits is really out of the Vedic Ways.

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What about performing Duty and Responsibility? Is that a proper way?


That's the question and I believe it is. For one thing, the Puranas, Vedas and the Gita full of examples of Dewas and such performing duties and their respective responsibilities properly. It also has examples of what happens if you do not.


Surya-Bhagavan, Yama dharma, the elemental gods like Varuna, Vayu and such are many of this example of beings performing their duties properly for God. And the Ancient people of India shows this example to teach the younger generation on how to perform their duties properly.


And in the Gita, it is stated that Duties and Responsibilities which formed for His sake can become a sacrife He will accept gracefully.


So, Path to God is by performing your duties and responsibilities, NOT talking about Love and such while ignoring the duties or performing your task irresponsibily or half-hearted ways.


At least, that's my opinion. Any comments?

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Love is not a necessity, but it is life’s greatest gift and luxury.

Love is caring, kind, and patient.

Love does not expect anything but love in return.

Love knows when to put pride to the side,

Because the greatest thing one can be proud of

Is a love that is shared.


Love is or should be unconditional.

Love is giving and selfless.

Love is therefore unselfish.

Love is not arrogant, or does not insist in its own way,

It is a celebration of what is right.

True love never ends.


For the unperfected will pass upon

The coming of that which is perfect,

And Perfect love never ends.


Love is undying devotion (yes that too).

Love is not resentful and does not rejoice in wrong, but celebrates the right


Love is the desire to be intimate...physically and emotionally.

Love endures all, hopes all, bears all.

Love is believing, sharing, dreaming.

Love is Honesty.

Love is friendship, companionship, and more.


Love is completion.


Understanding and inspiring.


Love is the attainment of life's greatest inspiration.

Love is supporting, but not overbearing.

Love is the free and complete expression of oneself to/for another.


Love is being open to an other's expression...


True friends, companion, lover, and mother (or father).


Love is faithful and loyal.


Love is the one thing in life (true love is), that man (as a whole race) longs for and strives for, and in many cases, more than anything else it can be the hardest to find.

Love can be strong, yet so fragile.

There are those out there who have not been lucky enough to find it...some never will. (Not all, but some)

In addition, what one would call true love...love in its best, purest, truest sense is even rarer and harder to find.


Not that no one ever does;

Many probably do.

It is still the hardest thing that mankind strives to obtain.


The dream of finding and marrying for true love exists and

Concludes by everything falling into place.

Paul E. Barton

11 January 1998



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Just as in the Gita, Ramakrishna also states that love is supreme above any and all practice. Asked, 'Sir, what is the way?' he replied, '…love for Him. And secondly, prayer.' But he was pressed further: 'Which one is the way – love or prayer?' – to which he replies, 'First love and then prayer' (Nikhilananda ibid., 193). Many who came to Ramakrishna were learned men, scholars or students, and so he had to be clear in his instruction to these. He acknowledged that all paths lead to God, including the jnani's path of knowledge. 'All paths ultimately lead to the same Truth'. But to this he added, 'But as long as God keeps the feeling of ego in us, it is easier to follow the path of love' (Nikhilananda ibid., 55).


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Sephi (good username)


Lemme start from the basics, love and hate both came from him (krishna) only thats what lord says in gita , so anything towards GOD is welcome , love or hate both, but most important thing here is honesty . Love or hate can be honest or dishonest .eg. honestly if one loves then that love is unconditional, there is no wants or desires or in otherwors there is no outcome of such a love . On the otherhand the conditional love or hate is as its name suggests bound by conidtons and rules, and it demands a definate outcome .


Now if you relate this love both conditional and unconditional to the Lord , both are good, however the later one is in its purest form and the lord likes it . And in this state nothing becomes fanatiscm , i mean to say the fanatism or the blind faith over something are actually supported by the mis intepretation of the scriptures rather than the love for the Lord. How there can be fanatism or terrorism if someone's turely love the supreme lord Visnu, as he himself says, in such a condition one attains a nature one of visnu himself, now how can there be any fanatism after having nature of Visnu? dun think so , do u?


Moreover the only unconditional love one can find in this material world is , the one with the mother, cos mother carries you in the womb and she doesnt want anything in return for this, she delivers you by taking pain , and she wants not a pie for that and fianlly she nourishes you from her milk and you bet she never expects anything from this, however that too is temporory as both have change body again. But the Love with the lord is eternal as the later remain in only one transcedental body unlike humans.


" I am one and different from the Lord"

" Lord and me are different"

" I am transcendetal to this material world "

" I feel myself very fortunate as the Lord is in my Heart"

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<< So, Path to God is by performing your duties and responsibilities, NOT talking about Love and such while ignoring the duties or performing your task irresponsibily or half-hearted ways. >>


and krishna says what duties are for brahmanas, kshatriyas, vaishyas and shudras.


if one cannot love krishna, you cannot love gita (or vice cersa).


if one cannot love gita, one cannot love the varnasrmma system. that opens the way for using intelligence for doing bad things, using streught for doing bad thigns, using trade of bad tings, and doing service to bad guys.

result: dharmasya glAi in a society or nation or life.


understanding and living per dharma is importatn for peace and prosperity and for going to god.


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Sephi (good username)


Thank you. /images/graemlins/smile.gif


Lemme start from the basics, love and hate both came from him (krishna) only thats what lord says in gita , so anything towards GOD is welcome , love or hate both, but most important thing here is honesty .


No, Love and Hate comes from us. They are like flowers - two types - one liked, another dislike. You can choose to present God with flowers which you like OR one which you do not like. Either way, choice is yours.


Honesty? Isn't that included performing your duties and responsibilities properly? What is the use of being honest in midst of the temple, in front of your own clans and family members and behave dishonestly behind the scenes when no one looking. That is living in duality state.


And in this state nothing becomes fanatiscm , i mean to say the fanatism or the blind faith over something are actually supported by the mis intepretation of the scriptures rather than the love for the Lord.


Blind Faith and Fanatism IS human nature. It is not something supported by misintepretation. You seems to be confused with excuses Muslims are giving for the attics of their brethen.


Take Vaishnavas for example. In their fanatism to worship Sri Krishna, they look down on others, especially Shivates, they split themselves from Hindusm and many of them bring forth their own rules and regulations which breaks apart from Hindusm and the Vedic.


They have forgotten Gita's message that when a person reach a higher spiritualism, he or she will see everyone and everything as same - rock and diamonds, black and white people, cats, dogs and cows and such.


The very fact that they are differentiating themselves by producing their own definations and rules states that they have not obtain higher spiritualism. This applies to others who follow gurus and some Sangams.

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Love means all those couples kissing in the streets of paris on a cold winter evening. And then going for window shopping with surprises. And then talking about love to friends over the phone, how pleased they are with the love received. This is what is love.


Just kidding Sephiroth.


The only Love is the love between Shiva and shakthi. That's all. Read on for details.


Many of us operate with the knowledge of a small subset of the 'shakthi' in us..for example, the reasoning, the logical & fair thinking, our "it matters" perception, the thinking mind, the ego, the social image conciousness, the control-freaks...is all only a subset of the shakthi in us.


Getting to know the 'shakthi' in you will means seeing yourself connected to the shakthi outside of you, and that almost without a boundary.


The satchitananda conciousness in you, the Shiva, could dawn only after that. BTW, that satchitananda side of you is the only real you. All the rest is pure manifestation of Love between Shiva and the shakthi in you, every experience and time.

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Many of us operate with the knowledge of a small subset of the 'shakthi' in us..for example, the reasoning, the logical & fair thinking, our "it matters" perception, the thinking mind, the ego, the social image conciousness, the control-freaks...is all only a subset of the shakthi in us.


Then it is something which we must control, not controlled by it.


Blind Faith and Fanatism can be considered just another mindset which will drags us down, even so we think of flying up.

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Your opinion is wrong. You cannot despence you duties to God without love. It would be like programing a robot to carry out any task. No feeling but just do your duty as programed. Only sacrifice given with LOVE would be accepted by GOD. You do service to someone just because you are ask to do is a waste. It should be from your on initiative and love for fellow humans that such service would be like serving GOD.


Your mind has been confused and you are loosing your grip. Pull yourslef up and look around you. This is a beautiful world God has created for us. It can be a PARADISE or it can be a HELL. Which do you want? The will is yours and GOD has no cause to alter your wish. You are still young and need further knowledge in life which would only come through your journy in life. As a baby you must learn to walk in fours before you can stand upright. Otherwise you would keep on falling.

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Maybe, you need a new pair of glasses.lol.


This world is beautiful? Let's see. Tsunami, hurricane, terrorism, famines, earthquakes, aids, cancer, malaria and so on and so forth. You can add physical pain from accidents, mental anguish, frustration, old age and the rest. And you think it's beautiful? PLease don't bring in karma. Karma or no karma, the world is a dirty little place and that's why every hindu school declares mukti to be the highest goal.


Barney, instead of believing in this new-age, optimistic nonsense, you'd better read a few scriptures and enlighten yourself. As long as you think this world is a beautiful place, you will be trapped in samsara and suffer life and life. My advice to you: develop vairagya (disgust) for the world and bhakti for Krishna. Stop following your fake babas. That way, you can attain mukti.

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These are caused but nature and man is to be blamed for such disorders in the world. In the name of development and greed for space he destroys the forest, dig deep into the ocean to drain out the oil that sustains mother earth, cuts off natural hills to establish his territory and many other unatural activities. And than cry that this world is cruel.....


As I have said this world can be a paradise if you want it otherwise it could be hell. The choice is yours. But how could you understand all this if you only read your scriptures and hold one to it and say paradice will be mine when I die. It shows how shallow is your intellectual ability to understand what we are and our duties as along as we are in this body. Scriptures are for people like you who do not really understand what is man's dharma in this world.


Don't teach grandmother to suck eggs. If you want to develope disgust to this world than you ought to commit suicide. Please do not make me laugh. Even bakthi to Shiva, Durga, Murugan, Vinayara or Vengadachalabathi would sufice. Why Krishna alone? Krishna is only the name of God to describe his beauty. GOD has many namas and one of it is Krishna. But I prefer SHIVA and DURGA so it makes me happy and contended and this is my paradise. If you thing otherwise than you must be in HELL. Good for you, as you wished it to be so.

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The purpose of religion is certainly to make us a better human being. It helps us manifest the god or goodness within us for the benefit of oneself and the world.


1. Worship the God of your heart.


2. Maintain external cleanliness — Physical and Environmental.


3. Practice straightforwardness in dealing with others.


4. Live a life of self-control with respect to all your sense enjoyments.


5. Avoid acts of injuring others from your emotional and intellectual realms.


6. Speak only to express agreeable ideas of permanent value. When the truth is disagreeable to others, maintain a discreet silence.


7. Maintain pure and serene motives.


8. Maintain a relationship of understanding, tolerance and love with the world at large.


People who follow this steadily and with no desire of quick results will attain eternal goodness. This is what the Gita says about goodness: "This threefold austerity practiced by steadfast men with utmost faith desiring no fruit, is called austerity of goodness." (The Gita, Chapter XVII, 17) And the good are those who refuse to worry about the future because they know that the "future is the resultant of the total path modified by the present."



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You cannot despence you duties to God without love. It would be like programing a robot to carry out any task. No feeling but just do your duty as programed. Only sacrifice given with LOVE would be accepted by GOD.


You are sadly misinterpreted a lot of things - including Dharma Yoga in the Gita. Which is why you don't understand what I was telling.


I didn't say be like robots and perform your tasks without emotions (which is impossible). I said separate your OWN attachments from your duties and then present it to God.


Example - a soldier was told to fight. He's a kysastria and he knows his duty is to fight. However, if he do so while thinking about the Warrior's Heaven (for death) and rewards he could get (by killing the foes), then he is adding his own emotions and attachments into the actions he is commiting. Such actions CANNOT be presented to God as devotion, simply because it is like eating the food and then present it to God later.


Another example - doctors nowadays. Many doctors who I have meet have this arrogant feeling to them that it is they who save lives. While their skills do save lives, even a patient who went through successful surgery by hands of skillful doctor could die the next moment for some other cause. In this example, the doctor attach themselves to their intelligence and skills and thinks they are the doers and claims the credit.


This is false notion - you taking credit for something you have done for one second but God can undo it in other second later.


So, what I was speaking of is - Do your duty without putting emotions like "I'm doing this and that", "I will get this", "this people will be upset with me if I do this" and things like that.

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and how a "better human being" should react with the invader islam that has caused a lot of destruction to the vedic land and the vedic people? were they not better human beings than the aggresive brutal invaders?


what should beter hunman being do when a school of terrorism (madressa) open in his neighborhood or country?


have you achieved any success in preachinbg the muslims?

are they better human beings than the vedic people?


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and how a "better human being" should react with the invader islam that has caused a lot of destruction to the vedic land and the vedic people? were they not better human beings than the aggresive brutal invaders?


Agreed ... being better humans doesn't means ignoring adharmic activities and say lovey dovey all the time. I don't think even Sri Krishna will like it if we ignored people who abuse His teachings and we ignore it by saying we love Him. That's not love when you ignore your loved One been abused by irresponsible people.


And Maadhav - the World IS beautiful. It is not beautiful now because it is spoilt by people who do not appreciate it. Don't blame the World for the sins of its habitants. It's like blaming a rape victim for allowing herself to be raped by others.

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Let us not get carried away. Reacting to someting that happened a few hundred years looks a bit silly. What

is done cannot be undone. The rulers of India were a sleep with their concubines when the Moguls invaded India. All the Kastrias were either flying kite or having a nice time with their concubines too. So whose fault was it for allowing the Mulsim invaders to defeat Indian[Hindu] kastrias. Who is to be blamed, the rulers of the province, the soldiers, the peasants or the mixed race of inhabitans of mother India?


It has happened and thats the end of the matter. Now India is a secular country with multi ethenic population which keeps rising every year. The constitution had been drawn and all have equal righs irrespective of race or religion. Asking the Muslim Indians to leave their religion or get out of India is another act of barbarianism.


We all feel it, as a Hindu I feel it. Why should India be secular state instead of a Hindu nation like the Muslims state of Saudi Arabia? But do the whole of the Hindu population in India wish so? Surely not. They want India to be a secular nation because they care for fellow citizens who are not Hindus but have been living with them for generations. It is not only the Muslims but the whites too invaded India in the name of trade. They colonize after the Moguls in the pretex of trading and soon they became the rulers and all these happened because some stupid prince of some states need the British and French protection and soon the Hindus became their slaves. But who suffered the most were the peadsants and untouchables. It was the Hindus that divided them and this was used as a trump card by the colonizers. Why blame the Muslims and Christians now? Our forefathers made the blunder and we are made to pay for their sins.


But you cannot turn back the clock. It is time that will heal the wound. The Hindus have learned to live with the Muslims for centuries and cooking up a plot to drive them out of India will not be viable but to take complete control of India by Hindus is possible if the whole population of Hidus [some 800,000,000] can overthrow the secular government and establish a Hindu state. If that is to be the fate of India so be it.


Good day and be peace with yourself.


Do not display you disgust and hatred for Muslims or Christians. In my life I have seen and mixed with good Muslims and Christians who do not wish to touch on any sensitive issues involving religion. But they are a small bunch and we Hindus who have practiced tolorancy for centuries would not want to create another Isreal demanding the exit of Muslims from India. We are children of the same God and should respect each others life and practice. Do do not play the game of terrorist becuase it would only hurt us much.


What has been said in the Gita was for that particular period of time when the war was waged because there was no understand and give and take policy. Morever it was a moral lesson for the human that gambling of any sort would ruin a nation. But tere are some who in the foum trying to use it as a tool to wage war against Muslims. This is very wrong and for God skae do not misinterprete the Gita for self satisfaction.

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the anti -vedics are very active to wipe out hinduism.

how you like it?


<< Let us not get carried away. Reacting to someting that happened a few hundred years looks a bit silly. >>


what Mohammed preached is still practices as it was inhis time, and we are the victims.


<< What is done cannot be undone. >>


it can. it is still not late.

the plain fact is that islam and hinduism are no compatible.

if both live together, then we suffer, not the muslims.

you can see this happening even now.

because islam is invaded here, it need to be given up.


dont you have ways (reasons, arguments) to explain/convince your muslims friends to give up islam if they are in India?


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<the anti -vedics are very active to wipe out hinduism.

how you like it?>


I hope not and will not happen. There are those fanatical Muslims who are active due to misinterpreted doctrine of Islam. The Koran on the whole does not instruct or disrespect other scriptures. It was the people [the caliphs] after the death of Mohammed wrote the hadis[called the interpretation] which Koran strictly forbids using any other form of interpretation other thano the Koran. These self-centred caliphs had a different agenda for the Muslim followers who were displaced after the death of Islam.


I have learned of this through my research of the Koran and from the true followers of the Koran. As far as I know what Mohammad did was assimilated the Tora and Manu smriti inoto the Koran and said it was transmitted to him by Angel Gaberial of which I have doubts. But whatever it is the fanatics are not following the Koran but the hadis. These barbarians would not stop until and unless someone blows up the Kaaba but then what is in the Kaaba is else but SHIVALINGAM [see reference from Chathurvethy in Sword of Truth.


The action of Mohammed is still questionable as nothing of that is mentioned in the Koran. Until and unless the later editions were edited or modified to support their action.


If you give an option to Muslims in India between Pakistan and India most would still chose India as they do not have ristriction like Pakistan. I'm not an India born nor do I reside in India but my opinion is correct I believe.


I have spoken to non Indian Muslims of other race and they agree with me. Religion is personal and none should be compled or ristricted. Hinduism is clear on this. I know even in Hinduism there are fanatics and to add salt to the open wound the HK's are creating a senerio by dividing the Hindus with their misguided Guru.


I pray that peace will prevail among the human race once they realize that God is one and can be approached in any manner according to each individual desire.

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I have learned of this through my research of the Koran and from the true followers of the Koran.


And who are this "true followers" of Koran? What are they called? Where are they? What "Mazhab" do they follow? And more importantly, how do the rest Muslims society feel about them?


As far as I know what Mohammad did was assimilated the Tora and Manu smriti inoto the Koran and said it was transmitted to him by Angel Gaberial of which I have doubts.


I believe you are LYING.


You are lying because according to Muslims, Al Quran is NOT something which appeared before. It is brand new which is NOT given to Man before. ANY statement which stated otherwise is considered an insult to Islam.


I know because I have brought a thread in another forum regarding what Muhammad probably did for 15 years (from point he married Khadijah to the point of receiving Wahyu at Cave of Hira) and most of Muslims kept quiet. I suggested that Islam may get someone of its influence from Buddhism (and Hindusm) since it have been spread as far as Afghan before and they took it badly, stating Al Quran never given to Man before.


Therefore, you are lying and making your own assumption that Hindusm have ANYTHING to do with Islam.


These barbarians would not stop until and unless someone blows up the Kaaba but then what is in the Kaaba is else but SHIVALINGAM [see reference from Chathurvethy in Sword of Truth.


Allow me to inform you about Islamic prophecy of the Doomsday. According to them, Doomsday WILL not occur till Kaabah dissappears of this world - probably blown away or destroyed. As any Muslims and they will keep quiet.


Religion is personal and none should be compled or ristricted.


Could not, should not, won't, wouldn't ... all this make no difference. Fact - the Muallah with some fanatics WILL make it their business and WILL enforce it. It could be tomorrow, next month, next year or even next decade. Sooner or later, India WILL have this problem.

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####And who are this "true followers" of Koran? What are they called? Where are they? What "Mazhab" do they follow? And more importantly, how do the rest Muslims society feel about them? ###############################################


The true followers of Islam are those who only believe in the Koran and not the Hadith.

"Among the people, there are those who uphold baseless HADITH (narrations, sayings, words, speech, opinions, statement, utterance, discourse, account, tale........), and thus divert others from the path of God without knowledge, and take it in vain. These have incurred a shameful retribution." 31:6


"The only Sunna to follow shall be God's Sunna. [17:77, 33:62, 48:23, 6:114]"


" The Quran informs us that some enemies of the Prophet, described as "human and jinn devils," will fabricate lies and attribute them to the Prophet (6:112, 25:31)."


The Hadith literature - the source of the Sunnah, is imposingly believed to be the words of Prophet Muhammad, passed through his companions. While purportedly made in the name of the Prophet, a number of these sayings can actually be traced to Zoroastrian culture, the Christian Bible and even the laws and rituals of the Byzantine. In a manner of speaking, the limited legislation in the Koran, basically the rules in regard to marriage, divorce, inheritances, orphans, food and a few others occupy very little room in the whole canon of Sharia Laws. A vast bulk of it comes from the Sunnah and significantly from Bukhari, concocted and recorded about 200 years after the death of the Prophet. Evidently, deeply merged in it, are the arbitrary laws, induced by the Muslim emperors and kings of their own as they could not successfully invoke to settle questions arising in such diverse categories as systematic and moral theology, ritual, civil and military laws, etc.


May be you are still green in this field but believe me when I say Koran is the only true book of Islam and not the Hadith. Go to http://www.submission.org/quran/ but please do not always ask me where is the prove. If I hadn't read I would not post. You must be too lazy to do your research.


###I believe you are LYING.


You are lying because according to Muslims, Al Quran is NOT something which appeared before. It is brand new which is NOT given to Man before. ANY statement which stated otherwise is considered an insult to Islam.


I know because I have brought a thread in another forum regarding what Muhammad probably did for 15 years (from point he married Khadijah to the point of receiving Wahyu at Cave of Hira) and most of Muslims kept quiet. I suggested that Islam may get someone of its influence from Buddhism (and Hindusm) since it have been spread as far as Afghan before and they took it badly, stating Al Quran never given to Man before.#################################


Here again you are calling me a liar without any basis. Have you no manners or your parents failed to educate you on mannerism?


This shows you have not read the Koran. The koran is the continuity of the Old Testament and I persume you know what OT means. What is in the OT is in the Koran and so is the NT. That is why the Koran accepts Jesus as a prophet and not son of GOD. Do I need to go further in detail all of this or are you knowledgable enough to comprehend?


###Could not, should not, won't, wouldn't ... all this make no difference. Fact - the Muallah with some fanatics WILL make it their business and WILL enforce it. It could be tomorrow, next month, next year or even next decade. Sooner or later, India WILL have this problem. ###########


Do not be paranoid. The mullas would only convert those willingly wishing to become a Muslim. Not by any force and not even in present day Arabia. Why do you assume all this would happen like the Christian preachers always telling the world is going to end. I know the fanatical Muslim terrorist are causing concern not only in India but in Europe, USA, Indonesia, THailand, Sudan, Syria and many other parts of the world and it is now a global concern. So. you can rest assure all non Muslim countries are aware f their activities and soon all their cells would be cut off.







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The true followers of Islam are those who only believe in the Koran and not the Hadith.


Ask any Uztaz about this and he will inform you tat a true Muslims is someone who MUST follow Koran AND hadith. No choice in this matter.


May be you are still green in this field but believe me when I say Koran is the only true book of Islam and not the Hadith. Go to http://www.submission.org/quran/ but please do not always ask me where is the prove. If I hadn't read I would not post. You must be too lazy to do your research.


He who claims MUST be the one who proves his claims, I won't bother to do your research. Thank You. /images/graemlins/wink.gif


Here again you are calling me a liar without any basis. Have you no manners or your parents failed to educate you on mannerism?


What do you call someone who claims something without proper information? Saint? /images/graemlins/wink.gif


This shows you have not read the Koran. The koran is the continuity of the Old Testament and I persume you know what OT means.


Wrong ... Koran has NOTHING to do with Judaism. Christian Bible comes from Roman beliefs and part of Islam comes from Arabic beliefs and foolishness. It is NOT continuity of Old Testament and no Jews have accepted it or the Bible as authorized text from God.


I know the fanatical Muslim terrorist are causing concern not only in India but in Europe, USA, Indonesia, THailand, Sudan, Syria and many other parts of the world and it is now a global concern.


If you know this, then fine. There is NO distinction between good Muslim and fanatic Muslim except in their actions. A Good Muslim will go this preaching in silent and soft way (like what Muhammad did in Mecca in early part of his life) and fanatics will do what Muhammad did from Madinah in later part of his life. Either way, both are Muslims.

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