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Is love different from God?

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One day the Naik king Chokkanatha offered the great Saivite saint ThAyumAnavar, his former minister, a rich shawl. At that moment, a poor old lady passed by shivering in cold. Thayumanavar gave the shawl to the lady, saying " Mother, you need this more than I". The king felt insulted and demanded an explanation.



King: Swami, I gave a fine shawl for your use

and you have presented it to the old hag of low caste. Why so ?

Thayumanavar: No caste, no hag !

I gave the shawl to the Universal Mother !

It is She who has received back what belonged to Her.




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While some Vaishnavite vedic worship classifies gods and humans into various varnas and assign grades to each varna and god, God was slowly but steadfastedly giving the true revelations through great men like Thayumanavar and Jesus.

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Dear advaitin,


Previously it used be "my god superior than yours", now it is "I'm more scholarly than you". I accept that you have read many scriptures and are more scholarly than me. I accept defeat if that will what make you happy. But I request you to think thoroughly about this when you have time.

I repeat, don't look for god in piece of paper, look within your heart.

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We are living in turbulant times, we would serve the world better by reading and spreading messages from scriptures that values humanity and kindness instead of those that glorify wars and killings. I know lot of people in this forum will refuse to accept that their scriptures glorify killings, but come out of denial mode and try to think from an objective point of view and we'll all realize the truth.


How is the vedic religion differant from ancient Roman and Greek religions? I don't see any difference between these pagan religions. The only reason why Christianity and Buddism have successfully flourished is because of the true nature of the god these religions potray.


It is high time we start tackling the real problems, else Krishna and Rama will face the same fate as that of Apollo and Jupiter. I feel very sad to say this, but truth is bitter.

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I'm frightened of the revival of new dogmatic Vaishnavite movements, they are beginning to take every word in vedas and BG seriously and are following them exactly as it is.

We are slowly losing the tolerance face of hinduism and I feel this is the cause of the recent events like demolition in Ayodhya and carnage in Gujarat.


What has prompted me to take some kind of action is the spread of this virus to the garden of peace, our sacred Tamil heartland.


I'm not asking you all to stop worshipping your god, I'm just saying that the new path some of the vaishnavites have chosen to reach god is bad, let us continue traverse the old path of tolerance. I know the old path does not conform to vedas and BG 100%, but this path has evolved and matured continuously over span of thousands of years and has stood the onslaught and test of time.


I'll give you an example I know.


Initially Tamils only knew one god and their religion only propogated peach and humanity.

Then the new idea in the form of Vedas made inroads into their heartland and they embraced with great respect.

With the advent of vedas, they had a choice between numerous names to address god and they were split into various factions and castes.

Finally it boiled down the vaishnavites, who purely followed vedas and Saivites, who followed both vedas and Tamil scriptures.


Then the religious movement became fanatic and saivites and vaishnavites starting persecuting each other. This continues for few centuries untill the Tamil saivites realized it was leading them nowhere. At that critical moment we saivites took a bold decision to accept the supremacy of Vishnu and considered Shiva and Vishnu as just names for addressing the universal god.

This decision of ours may not fully conform to vedas and scriptures, but it put an end of unnecessary killings and debates and we were able to lead the peacefull life we once lead before the advent of vedas.

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<< I'm frightened of the revival of new dogmatic Vaishnavite movements, they are beginning to take every word in vedas and BG seriously and are following them exactly as it is. >>


any why are you not firghtened by the folowers of koran, that says tha kafirs (that includes you and us all hindu and non-muslims) must be converted or killed?

why are you not afraid of the invaded islam in Bharat that has caused many Hindu genocide? are they living next to you and you are afraid that they will kill you? or, are you doing business with them and afraid that you will loose business? or are you a congress whi kiss their rear and kick every Hindu interests?

Why .. ?


OM namo SivAya!

Jai Sri Krishna!


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Dear Friend,


I'm ready to take my message to them, but what will they ask if I approach them?The'll ask me to clean my own home before preach them to clean their homes.

Infact, our christian friends have already begun to spread the message of peace to the entire world in this hour of great need.


I've decided to take up the task of cleaning my own house first.


I consider you all my brothers and as a brother, I take liberty to share my message and true revelations of god.



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Again so much hatred spewing from one who proclaims to worship Krishna, beloved of the Gopis.Where did this hatred come from and why is it directed towards sincere pple like Shaivite ?

Besides you are propagiting lies. The koran does not say unbelievers must be killed. Show me the line in Koran which says that. By lying about scripture you are doing disservice to your own religion.

And let me guess your response would be that i am a muslim or some muslim supporter yeah?

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I'm ready to take my message to them, but what will they ask if I approach them?The'll ask me to clean my own home before preach them to clean their homes.


And what if they are the ones who throw garbage inside your homes and demands you to clean it up? You going to spend eternity cleaning up your house while they throw garbage in over and over again? I think you should get your priority straight here.


Infact, our christian friends have already begun to spread the message of peace to the entire world in this hour of great need.


Message of Peace? When was this? /images/graemlins/smirk.gif


When Christians worked together with Greeks to bring down the Temple of Soloman in Jerusalem?


When Christians worked together with Muslims to invade and corrupt India and the Vedas?


When Christians fight the idiotic Crusades and drag everyone in Europe in a Dark Age?


When Christian countries promote militarism and invaded Asia?


When Christians countries in modern times like UK, US and Europe attack other countries for sake of oil and their own idiotic propagandas and cause suffering?



Get your priority straight. Remember, the New Testatement itself stated that Jesus said he came to bring Sword, not peace to the World. Christians NEVER in peace - with themseves or others.


I consider you all my brothers and as a brother, I take liberty to share my message and true revelations of god.


I believe you are a Christian, NOT a Hindu for a Hindu will NOT use such words as "True Revelations".

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While some Vaishnavite vedic worship classifies gods and humans into various varnas and assign grades to each varna and god, God was slowly but steadfastedly giving the true revelations through great men like Thayumanavar and Jesus.



What makes you think that these guys, Thayumanavar and jesus, received revelations from god.


Are you a christian posing as hindu or a Shivite ?

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Previously it used be "my god superior than yours", now it is "I'm more scholarly than you". I accept that you have read many scriptures and are more scholarly than me. I accept defeat if that will what make you happy. But I request you to think thoroughly about this when you have time.

I repeat, don't look for god in piece of paper, look within your heart.



Any man is defective in terms of knowledge. No matter how realized he is, still a man is limited finite being and is subject to all kinds of errors, as he is still under maya. Hence the need of scriptures that have supernatural origin and not the bablings of error prone men.


Vedas are not a piece of paper. Vedas consist of Vac, the breath of supreme being. They describe the Universe objectively.


We can see in this world, that one material does not have the properties of another. Even fundamental material constituents like electrons, protons exhibit different properties.


Similarly each Jiva is unique. So Vedas classify them objectively and on the basis of ontology. Understand them with right attitude and do not think arrogantly that you know more than acharyas like Ramanuja and Madhvacharya. The only basis that one person is sage is Vedas. Others are all fools who think they know more.

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How is the vedic religion differant from ancient Roman and Greek religions? I don't see any difference between these pagan religions. The only reason why Christianity and Buddism have successfully flourished is because of the true nature of the god these religions potray.



This should be proof enough to people like Ganeshprasad, that this guy is a christian or somethingelse posing as a Shivite.


This fool perhaps does not know that Buddhism has no god in its teachings. Infact BUddhists deny any existence of supreme god.

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Initially Tamils only knew one god and their religion only propogated peach and humanity.

Then the new idea in the form of Vedas made inroads into their heartland and they embraced with great respect.

With the advent of vedas, they had a choice between numerous names to address god and they were split into various factions and castes.

Finally it boiled down the vaishnavites, who purely followed vedas and Saivites, who followed both vedas and Tamil scriptures.


Then the religious movement became fanatic and saivites and vaishnavites starting persecuting each other.



Which Tamil work suggest this Shivite ?


Why are you writing lies ? Show me how you came to know this non-existent history with solid proof from Tamil literature.

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Besides you are propagiting lies. The koran does not say unbelievers must be killed. Show me the line in Koran which says that.



EIther you did not read quran or you are a fool ?


First read Quran and then come and argue.

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<< The'll ask me to clean my own home before preach them to clean their homes. >>


Just becaue a family, community, group or country has some internal problem problem some internal conflict, that does not give right to an external party to invade or conert the family or nation. Note that we havenot invaded any country, nor we have forced conversion on others.


<< Infact, our christian friends have already begun to spread the message of peace to the entire world in this hour of great need. >>


xian "friends" and hindus "emenies or nobody" in your eyes?

so then the brits rule and portugese rule in india was good and welcome in your view?


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Dear Ranga,


From the language and thought process, I can easily figure out that you have reappeared as guest with the sole mission of tearing me to pieces. Would have appreciated if you have come with your original identity instead of an anonymous user.


Anyway, you'll deny whatever I'd said above.

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I take back my baseless accusation.

The fact that after Ranga bid farewell, suddenly some guest appeared, reopened all my previous messages and relied to them with vengeance made my unworthy and biased mind conclude he must be Ranga.



My sincere apologies.

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i really wish/pray krishna that no one should be allowed to post here without having a username.


generic "guest" does not help hindus or HKs.

it helps only a resident guest who is an HK, and some anti-vedics.


this suggestion is in like with dwaita vada.

just thing, what a mess it will be if all who come here post as guest and no username.


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