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Lalitha Sahasranama chanting as a daily practice gives relief from the perils in life .The unparalleled greatness of this hymn, which is full of the power of mantras, is capable of fulfilling all desires. Among the many hymns, mantras and devotional songs available, this Sahasranama is specially suitable for worship in the morning and produces quick results. While Sahasranamas giving material well-being and salvation are prescribed for all castes and in all stages of life, Lalita Sahasranama is especially suitable for householders.


The aim of the Vedas and other scriptural texts is to inspire the love of God and dispassion in human beings and to raise them step by step to the realisation of the Self. The object of the phalashruti -- the description of the benefits accruing from a certain form of worship -- is to strengthen the sense of devotion in people and to make them qualified for higher forms of sadhana, by pointing out the way to remove the hardships of life and to gain prosperity. The main items in the phalashruti on Lalita Sahasranama given in the Brahmanda Purana are summarised below.



1. This Sahasranama, which is most secret, is most pleasing to Lalitha Parameshvari(Supreme Goddess). There is nothing to equal this in the Vedas or Tantras.

2. The daily chanting of this hymn gives the same merit as that obtained from bathing in holy rivers and giving gifts of wealth, food, land and cows.

3. Barren women get the gift of children by taking ghee that has been made potent by chanting Lalita Sahasranama.

4. By daily chanting of the Sahasranama, the effects of evil spells are removed.

Devotees doing archana in a brahmasthana festival


5. All the faults arising from not completing puja rituals or from not observing various rites on time are removed by the chanting of this hymn. This hymn may be chanted instead of various expiatory rituals.

6. If this hymn is chanted while picturing Lalita Devi as residing in the ocean of nectar, one obtains relief from the effects of poison.


7. Relief from afflictions due to the influence of planets or evil spirits can be removed by chanting the Sahasranama while holding some water and then pouring that water over the head.

8. Chanting this prevents untimely death and grants long life and good health. Relief from fever is obtained if this hymn is chanted with a hand held on the head of the one who is suffering. The person who is suffering can do this himself. Depending on the severity of the disease, it may be necessary to chant the hymn several times. The holy ash used for Sahasranama archana brings immediate relief from all diseases.

9. Devi protects those who chant this hymn daily from dangers and from attacks by enemies. Victory in battle is gained through the chanting.

10. Daily chanting of the Sahasranama augments prosperity, eloquence and fame. Chanting on Fridays is especially good for prosperity.

11. The Sahasranama may be chanted by those who are in any of the four stages of life (brahmacharya, grihastha, vanaprastha and sannyasa). Chanting it while wishing fame brings fame and wishing wealth brings wealth. Chanting this hymn with love and without any desire brings the knowledge of Brahman.

12. One name of Shiva is equal to a thousand names of Vishnu. One name of Devi is equal to a thousand names of Shiva. Of a thousand Sahasranamas dedicated to Devi, Lalita Sahasranama is the most exalted.

13. By holding yagnas of Lalita Sahasranama (worship in large groups), the consolidation of dharma becomes possible in the Kali Yuga. Chanting this hymn is most beneficial for individuals also, for eliminating the ill effects of Kali Yuga. There is no barrier of country, caste or religion in this regard.

14. It is difficult to please Devi without the chanting of Lalita Sahasranama. Through this hymn, the sins accrued in many births are removed.

15. There are many Sahasranamas dedicated to Devi. The following 10 are the chief among these: Gangastava, Bhavanistava, Gayatristava, Kalistava, Lakshmistava, Sarasvatistava, Rajarajeshvaristava, Balastava, Syamalastava and Lalitastava. Of these, the most exalted is the last one, Lalita Sahasranama.

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Jai Ganesh


(Krishna is very clear that we shouldn't worship devatas for material benefits. If at all you want to worship them, you may do so to attain Uttama Bhakti for Krishna.)


Where did you learn this?

on other hand this is what is said in Gita


devan bhavayatanena

te deva bhavayantu vah

parasparam bhavayantah

sreyah param avapsyatha

sreyah--benediction; param--the supreme; avapsyatha--do you achieve.


Nourish the Devas with Yajna, and the Devas will nourish you. Thus nourishing one another you shall attain the Supreme goal. (3.11)


yajante sattvika devan

yaksa-raksamsi rajasah

pretan bhuta-ganams canye

yajante tamasa janah



The Saattvika persons worship Devas, the Raajasika people worship demons, and the Taamasika persons worship ghosts and spirits. (17.04)


Jai Shree Krishna


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Dear Dvaitin,


Only people in bondage knows the value of freedom.

But people who are always independent don't know the pain of bondage.


I prefer to go to hell, that way atleast I'll meet people who are suffering and will try my best to give them hope and will try my best to ease their suffering.


Following are the words of our beloved saivite sage Manikka vaasagar:


I'm not afraid of deadly cobra,

I'm not afraid of half truths uttered by liars,

But I'm frightened of people who divide god and claim superiority of one form over other.


I'm not afraid of death,

I'm not afraid of rebirth,

But I'm frightened of people who have no love in their heart.


This is where the ancient Tamil saivites differed from vaishnavites.


Vaishnavites want to reach god's lotus feet at any cost and they simply don't want rebirth and suffering.


Whereas, our beloved MAnikkavaasagar clearly states that he's not afraid of rebirth as long has he's able to carry forward the message of love and compassion and ease the sufferings of fellow human beings.

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The point I wish to convey is please don't make life a hell for everyone by being dogmatic. I don't know what Krishna preached, but from what you people discuss, I realize one thing clearly, your theories are very narrow, dogmatic and spew hatred over others.


I still believe in Anbe sivam, if you don't love others and respect feelings of other people, you'll transform your own surroundings into a hell.


I think that is what great people must mean when they say bad souls live in hell.



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Dear Friend Dvaitin,


The scriptures you read makes you imaging god is some person living in the middle of ocean millions of light years away and since he's not able to handle all tasks himself, he has created several demigods and assigned each of them a task.


This is completely wrong, I'll explain you the meaning of god in the words of our devine saint Manikka vasagar:


He who is smaller that atom and bigger than universe,

He who is everywhere and is still nowhere.


God is everywhere, he is inside you and he is around you.

He resides in every atomic particle of this universe.


Once people realize this ultimate truth, there wouldn't be any petty fight for deciding who is the supreme god or which god is better than whom.


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Jai Ganesh



(says men of petty intelligence worship devatas for material benefits. He also says 'my devotees come to me.' Which would you prefer, Ganesh? )


My preference has nothing to do with what you wrote, nor do I impose my preference on others atleast I try not to.


Let me remind you what you wrote and I quote

“Krishna is very clear that we shouldn't worship devatas for material benefits. If at all you want to worship them, you may do so to attain Uttama Bhakti for Krishna. “ un quote


In contrast here is what Krishna says,




kamais tais tair hrta-jnanah

prapadyante 'nya-devatah

tam tam niyamam asthaya

prakrtya niyatah svaya


They, whose wisdom has been carried away by various desires impelled by their own Sanskaara, resort to other gods (or deities) and practice various religious rites. (7.20)




yo yo yam yam tanum bhaktah

sraddhayarcitum icchati

tasya tasyacalam sraddham

tam eva vidadhamy aham




Whosoever desires to worship whatever deity (using whatever name, form, and method) with faith, I make their faith steady in that very deity. (7.21)





This is complete opposite to what you had written. Do you agree?


Please also note it is not the man of petty inteligence who worship anya devta but rather those with various desires resort to worship of that devta, takes on a complete different meaning.


Here the worship of anya devta is not condemned but actualy the desires of an individual is questioned.



Why would he have said this in chapter three,


devan bhavayatanena

te deva bhavayantu vah

parasparam bhavayantah

sreyah param avapsyatha

sreyah--benediction; param--the supreme; avapsyatha--do you achieve.


Nourish the Devas with Yajna, and the Devas will nourish you. Thus nourishing one another you shall attain the Supreme goal. (3.11)


Those who have agenda to promote Krishna (as if to say he needs promoting) try distort the meaning and thus divide the Vedic people.


Let me ask you sir are you free from desires?


Jai Shree Krishna



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"....Krishna is very clear that we shouldn't worship devatas for material benefits. If at all you want to worship them, you may do so to attain Uttama Bhakti for Krishna..."


could you tell this to people before Krishna?

and if deities could not help us,what is their use!

the purpose that lord Vyasa gave us them is not fulfilled then.

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If you have real player-8 or above you can hear Lalitha Sahasranamam from the following links:








and soundarya lahari from:(you may need realplayer and java-runtime-environment J2SE installed)






SoundaryaLahari was written by "Jagat Guru Adi Sankaracharya"

Sahasranama by Vasini and others.


Soundarya Lahari describes the Mother in such a way that even a cow-lad should know Her greatness after reading it(if he knows Sanskrit).

And it contains other hidden meanings also, which common men cant understand.

Each verse of the SoundaryaLahari has its own Upasana rituals and its corresponding Yantras.......words are not enough....

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  • 2 weeks later...


"Arjuna, even those devotees who, endowed with faith, worship other gods (with some disinterested motive), they too worship Me alone, though not in accordance with rules (without proper knowledge). For I am the enjoyer and also the lord of all sacrifices; but they do not know Me in reality, hence they fall (are subject to death and rebirth). Those who take to the worship of gods go to the gods; those who worship the manes reach the manes; those who adore the spirits reach the spirits and those who worship Me attain Me"


Krishna considers the worship of 'demigods', brahmans, elders, and the wise - austerities of the body. Your full focus should be directed then to the One God. This is where our religion fails, and this is why the missionaries target Hindu's, because our knowledge is poor.


"Could you tell this to people before Krishna?" - Krishna states He imparted this knowledge from the beginning of time. The Vedas are the esoteric texts which are the guidance.


"if deities could not help us,what is their use" - consider them angels. Perhaps even consider them stepping stones to higher knowledge.


"the purpose that lord Vyasa gave us them is not fulfilled then" - dont quite get what you mean. anyway, good luck.

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  • 2 weeks later...


"Arjuna, even those devotees who, endowed with faith, worship other gods (with some disinterested motive), they too worship Me alone, though not in accordance with rules (without proper knowledge). For I am the enjoyer and also the lord of all sacrifices; but they do not know Me in reality, hence they fall (are subject to death and rebirth). Those who take to the worship of gods go to the gods; those who worship the manes reach the manes; those who adore the spirits reach the spirits and those who worship Me attain Me"



Your post, i saw only today.

It seems Mother has replied me for my question.

Actually i needed some explanation for the questions raised by Renga about animal sacrifices.And Mother gave reply through you.

Thank you .


"..Your full focus should be directed then to the One God. .."


Yes, I am.


"..consider them angels..."



Lord Vyasa made so many deities so that we could worship them and attain material benefits. eg: Indra--rain

Agni-- fire

Vayu-- wind

Vishnu-- protector

Rudra-- destructor

Lakshmi-- wealth

Narasimha-- enemy destruction

Dhanwantari-- medicine

Saraswathy-- knowledge

etc etc

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