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Vishnu-The ultimate aim?

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Visnu is the name of the post (not a personality.)



Visnu is name of personality, Vamana avatara in particular as mentioned in Vedas. This is no post like Rudra, BramhmA etc. The meaning is none other than Narayana or Brahman is Visnu. No other lesser being like BrahmA or Rudra can ever become Visnu.



All the avatras are known as Visnu and in all they have hundreds of millions of name. We may only know the famous 10 or 1000 as mentioned in Sahsranama for our planet or this age of Kali.


Therefore surrendering to any form of visnu is always the best.



Visnu Sahasranama means thousand names of Lord Visnu.

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What ever you may get here does not last long so what difference would it makes who give it to us. However the

Love of Krsna (GOD) can be practiced under the guidance by bonafide spiritual mastere would help us in getting out of this material world which has but the repeated birth and death cycle.


As many are the waves in the sea so many are the incarnations of the GOD.... not only the famous 10 that we may know but even 1000 as mentioned in Visnu sahasarnama.


GOD is unlimited and so are His energies. It may require many many many life time to know little about HIM. However there are concession for this age.... simply chating the Maha Mantra we may achieve the perfection of this human form.


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Just to inject some more information.


Krsna is source and cause of all causes. ( Lord Brahma the first born of this material world has confirmed.)


When Krsna wants to show his oppulance then HE is known and refered as Lord Narayana.


While Krsna has to perform any activities He takes an incaration.(some with full potencies or some with less potencies) Everyone of them has a name. However in general terms they are all refered as Visnu or Visnu avatar.


Krsna very categorically has confirmed this in Bhagavat Gita (Which is the essence of all Vedas) that He is the only worshipable object.


Now when HE says "He alone" then all the visnus are included because HE is non different from them.






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Surprised because u believe that it migth take many many many births to know less about him,then y bother at all,if he is so kind y did he make us so small that it takes many many many

births to just know a little about him.

In this rate when and how r we gonna reach him?

How comea guru who is also born like u and me help us know god better when we cant do it ourselves

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*Surprised because u believe that it migth take many many *many births to know less about him,then y bother at all,if *he is so kind y did he make us so small that it takes many *many many births to just know a little about him.


The reason HE is unlimited and we are limnited therefore it requires many many Janmas. But then thers is concession in this age simplying chanting Hare Krsna Mahamantra we can know enough about Him to reestablish our relationship and go back home back to GODHEAD.


*In this rate when and how r we gonna reach him?

There are two ways one is sadhana and other is Krapa.

Sadhana means our own accord by following and practicing the religious principals under a bonafide sipritual master.

The second oen is Krapa.... means you can be picked by Lord Krsna through his representive to send back home.


*How comea guru who is also born like u and me help us know *god better when we cant do it ourselves


This material world is like a jail..... in jail there are two kinds of inhabitants.....(1) Criminal & (2) Guards (both live in the jail) in that sense we are like criminal and Gurus are like Guards. The Guards (GURU) can set criminal(us ) free if they want.


Not a good example but only for understanding.

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*Surprised because u believe that it migth take many many many births to know less about him,then y bother at all,if he is so kind y did he make us so small that it takes many many many births to just know a little about him.


The reason HE is unlimited and we are limited therefore it requires many many Janmas. But then there is concession in this age (kali yoga) simply chanting Hare Krsna Mahamantra we can know enough about Him to reestablish our relationship with Krsna and go back home back to GODHEAD.


*In this rate when and how r we gonna reach him?

There are two ways one is sadhana and other is Krapa.

Sadhana means our own accord by following and practicing the religious principals under a bonafide sipritual master.

The second one is Krapa.... means you can be picked by Lord Krsna through his representive to send back home.


*How comea guru who is also born like u and me help us know god better when we cant do it ourselves


This material world is like a jail..... in jail there are two kinds of inhabitants.....(1) Criminal & (2) Guards (both live in the jail) in that sense we are like criminals and Gurus are like Guards. The Guards (GURU) can set criminal(us ) free if they want.


Not a good example but only for understanding.

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"...If Lalitha Sahasarnama would grant anywish of a devotee then i dont see y Vishnu should be the only aim.after all being happy and substancial is the ultimate goal for anyone..if we get it by whatever gods blessing its ok,this whole talk of just vishnu being superior doesnt make sense.

It just degrades all other gods.GOD IS SUPREME,there cant be lesser or bigger.Either we should understand that or else keep fighting till eternity...."



Lalitha Sahasranama can give us all desires and finally mukti.

It is guaranteed by Lord Hayagreeva that people can obtain the four Purusharthas Dharma,Artha,Kama and Moksham by the grace of the Divine Mother.

The Vishnu worship is recommended only when people have so much devotion like those characters in mythology---Dhruva, Prahlada etc. In all other cases it fails. Vishnu makes us reborn for infinity if we are not so much devoted to Him.


The first thing Krishna would do to His devotee is to make him a beggar. But this is not the case with Divine Mother.

And Vishnu devotees have not even learnt the manners how to speak about Deities nor they have any respect for other scriptures and sects.

Most of their Gurus are useful only to fill in their own bellies and live in total luxuries.They dont know renunciation like Sree Ramakrishna Paramahamsa.

They translate scriptures accordng to their own agenda.

They found new organisations and disturb harmony.

No one could support such a sect.


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All the avatras are known as Visnu and in all they have hundreds of millions of name. We may only know the famous 10 or 1000 as mentioned in Sahsranama for our planet or this age of Kali.Therefore surrendering to any form of visnu is always the best.


Vishnu names are very simple and does not have any significance like those in the Lalitha Sahasranama.


The best is going far above the ThriMurthis--Brahma,Vishnu, Rudra etc..... till we reach the ultimate Supreme Power Who controls them.


Nothing to surrender---She is our own Mother.

Surrender is something done when one fails in war or so.Or before a more powerful enemy/king etc

Surrender applies to such deities, who treat us like slaves.

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Even though these men dont know anything, they speak like omniscients.

Look at one child's reply:

"...Tamasa Puranas or fake puranas like Devi Bhagvatam.."


But what I quoted was from Markandeya Puranam not Devi Bhagavatam.


"...People believe in crazy things. Vedas say Brahman(Narayana=Visnu) is GunaPurna...."


Vedas are saying that Brahman manifests as forms with attributes.Otherwise Sagunopasana would become futile.


But we cant replace the real Brahman with substitutes like one among the Thrimurthis.See what you have done.Equating Brahman with Vishnu(Material universe).

It is not correct.But correct in the sense Brahman manifested as the universe(Vishnu). This may be said as: Brahman created Universe.But not enough correct.


"..Purnamadah Purnamidam...."


That verse that you used is this:


om purnamadah purnamidam

purnath purnamudachyate

purnasya purnamadaya purnamevavasishyathe

om santhi santhih santihi


It is the shAntipATa (prayer verse) with which IshAvAsyOpaniSad begins.



Purnam is that, Purnam is this

from Purnam , Purnam comes forth.

Purnam from Purnam taken away

Purnam remains there.


(purnam means Complete)

That (Brahman) is fullness. This (apparent creation) is full. From Fullness (Brahman) this full (apparent creation)

comes about. Bringing out this full (apparent creation) from Fullness, Fullness (Brahman) remains.


Where does it say Vishnu? One would require the Smartha principles to prove that IT is Vishnu.

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Vishnu names are very simple and does not have any significance like those in the Lalitha Sahasranama.



and that is why Shankara and other Vedantis wrote commentaries on Visnu Sahasranama ?


Only a fool like you thinks so Bhadramoorthi.

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Even though these men dont know anything, they speak like omniscients.



May be you should ead it again for yourself.



Look at one child's reply:

"...Tamasa Puranas or fake puranas like Devi Bhagvatam.."



As thopugh this guy is moniscient ?



But what I quoted was from Markandeya Puranam not Devi Bhagavatam.



It is of no consequence. I can quote some other Purana which says Visnu is supreme.


If the verses from Puranas must be in accordance with Srutis they are considered not factual.



That verse that you used is this:


om purnamadah purnamidam

purnath purnamudachyate

purnasya purnamadaya purnamevavasishyathe

om santhi santhih santihi


It is the shAntipATa (prayer verse) with which IshAvAsyOpaniSad begins.



Purnam is that, Purnam is this

from Purnam , Purnam comes forth.

Purnam from Purnam taken away

Purnam remains there.


(purnam means Complete)

That (Brahman) is fullness. This (apparent creation) is full. From Fullness (Brahman) this full (apparent creation)

comes about. Bringing out this full (apparent creation) from Fullness, Fullness (Brahman) remains.



If Brahman is attributeless then how can you call it complete or perfect which is also an attribute.



Where does it say Vishnu? One would require the Smartha principles to prove that IT is Vishnu.



Foolish question.


The devata of Isavasya Upanishad is Yajna, an avatara of Narayana, who was born to Svayumbuva Manu. Svayambuva Manu is the Rishi for Isavasya Upanishad.

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(If the verses from Puranas must be in accordance with Srutis they are considered not factual.)



Deluded bend shrutis like rubber -- like below.




(In reply to:


(purnam means Complete)

That (Brahman) is fullness. This (apparent creation) is full. From Fullness (Brahman) this full (apparent creation)

comes about. Bringing out this full (apparent creation) from Fullness, Fullness (Brahman) remains.



If Brahman is attributeless then how can you call it complete or perfect which is also an attribute.)



Well I could not find any mention of attributes in Shri Bhadra Murthi's post. The way this guest introduces a question on attributes is beyond comprehension. And this is their way -- to be incomprehensible and act superior.




(The devata of Isavasya Upanishad is Yajna, an avatara of Narayana, who was born to Svayumbuva Manu. Svayambuva Manu is the Rishi for Isavasya Upanishad. )




Again is there any mention of Narayana in Isavasya Upanishad?



They connect samhita verses with later day puranas with their own interpretations and then act smug. No one is fooled, except these falsifiers themselves. Most of their citations are stories.

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The best thing ever to do is Smartha philosophy.



One must take the vast forest of Vedic wisdom in toto, in context completely. When this is done it turns out that the Smartha perspective is the correct way to look at the whole forest of Vedic Science... since Smarthism encompasses the whole forest with the faculty of choice.


Sanatan Dharma has again and again declared that all paths lead to Truth. Jnana, Hatha, Raja, Bhakti, Karma - Yogas all lead to Truth. Sanatan Dharma has also gone so far as to say that all religions lead to Truth! This statement of "all paths lead to Truth" is essential because it allows for use of choice. If jnana works and bhakti works, which one would you choose? The one you are more fit for. If Shiva represents Truth in form and Vishnu represents Truth in a different form, which one would you choose? The one that fits you, because each will lead to Truth.


Just as all fruits in the forest lead to nourishment, all paths in the Vedic Religion lead to Truth. and no one can convince someone else that the fruit you eat is better tasting then their fruit. It is all based on preference.




Go Smartha

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Hare Krishna,


"If Shiva represents Truth in form and Vishnu represents Truth in a different form, which one would you choose?"


Worship Vishnu as the Truth, and Lord Shiva as param Vaishnava.


Your aspiring servant,


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"Worship Vishnu as the Truth, and Lord Shiva as param Vaishnava."


That is your vaild Smartha choice. I applaud you. GOOD!


but me... I "Worship Shiva as the Truth, and Lord Visnu as param Shiava."**




each leads to Truth





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What am I?




What is this "I"!?!??




my favoritest question in the world!


I am the Self.

The Absolute Truth...

I am SatChitAnanda..



my ego loves it



Omm Namaah Sivaaya

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Hare Krishna,


"I "Worship Shiva as the Truth, and Lord Visnu as param Shiava."


Indeed it is your choice. However, if one wants to make the highest spiritual progress, one should base everything on the acharya, not on one's own concoction.


Your aspiring servant,


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However, if one wants to make the highest spiritual progress, one should base everything on the acharya, not on one's own concoction.



You Guru and my Guru? But Who is this I?

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Hare Krishna,


Which guru says that Vishnu is param-Saiva? Does he base it on shastra?


Which disciplic succession and sampradaya is that guru in?


Is this disciplic succession delineated in shastra?


So far as I know, there are four Vaishnava sampradayas (one comin from Lord Shiva himself). There is also a sampradaya coming from Shankaracharya. Additionally there are sampradayas coming from the major philosophers in the Vedas, such as Jaimini, Kapila etc.


Your aspiring servant,


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Deluded bend shrutis like rubber -- like below.



One who does not even know the basics of Sruti should not claim others are bending it or not.



Well I could not find any mention of attributes in Shri Bhadra Murthi's post. The way this guest introduces a question on attributes is beyond comprehension. And this is their way -- to be incomprehensible and act superior.



So you do not understand even simple English. So what do you keep blabbering about Sanskrit Shlokas ?


Go and start learning English first.


When one says "Something is Full or perfect", that perfectness is a quality or attribute of that object.



Again is there any mention of Narayana in Isavasya Upanishad?


They connect samhita verses with later day puranas with their own interpretations and then act smug. No one is fooled, except these falsifiers themselves. Most of their citations are stories.





Look at this fool. He does not even know anything about Vedas and where this Upanishad occurs, what other names this Upanishad is called by and yet thinks hew knows more.


Deluded are these advaiti fools.

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"Is this disciplic succession delineated in shastra?"


it is called Smartha. Smartha encompasses all shastra, purana, upanisad, agama, etc etc etc


besides does it matter who i worship? I shall realize The Absolute Self in the end anyways...


jeeez, u Hare Krishnas. u guys dont understand that all paths lead to Truth = The Self.




"one should base everything on the acharya, not on one's own concoction."


The acharya, in this case, said "Give up all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me." (God in form of Krishna in Gita, i forgot what chapter). So why must i follow the varieties of religion (shastras)? I am completely surrendered unto my Ishta Form of God, therefore there is no problem.



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