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Shri Krishna Poorna-Avtar, Shri Rama ?

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was complete and that could be witnessed from his activities-he was a philosopher, politician, diplomat, warrior, yogi, lover, renunciant etc. etc. It is impossible for one person to possess all these and that too in totality. Therefore, Krishna wasn't only the Supreme Person but while descending, he came with all his opulences. Rama didn't because his mission was to establish an ethical govt. and to teach people how to establish Dharma-rajya.


So it's not that Rama was inferior but his purpose was limited to one aspect of life, namely how a king should be a raja-rishi and establish his kingdom based on dharma. Krishna's mission was diverse, it was multi-faceted. He descended to teach practically everything under the sun, from politics and diplomacy to the highest flights of Vedanta and yoga. So people say krishna was purna-avatar not because he was superior to Ram (because they were both one and the same) but because his mission was integral and all-inclusive.

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i absolutely agree..


one aspect is that rama respected social duties


krsna transcendend even them showing that god is above everything


of course ram and krsna are both... krsna..

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